Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Haru Mamburu!

I don't think anyone knows what that means XD All I know is that it's a really catchy song. You might have heard it, since it's about as old as i am. Anyway it doesn't use any real words (that I know of), even though a lot of words sound English. It's from a Russian band (I'm pretty sure). I don't know, but I love this song! I just recently watched a little video of some of my favorite badass villains with it in the background. It fit so well!

P.S. To add to the song shout outs I have going on, let me just say that Party In Your Bedroom is one of my favorite songs on my iPod. I have to listen to it twice every time it comes up in shuffle. And if you haven't heard Kings and Queens by 30 Seconds to Mars then your missing out on an amazing song (it was on some chip commercial actually...idk). Okay bye-bye! OwO

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