Monday, June 28, 2010

Well, that was productive...

heavy use of sarcasm right there. I only worked for one hour today scraping my grandma's house. I didn't wake up till 10 today because I stupidly went to bed at 3 in the morning, for some reason i can't even remember. Anyway, it didn't look like it would do anything more than sprinkle a bit, so I figured I could get a few hours of scraping in. Well, it turned out at around 12:30 mother nature decided that it would be awesome to just start pouring rain down on shippenville. I was kneeling in the grass trying to scrape off this particular area of stubborn paint when it just started soaking everything. *Sigh* It only lasted for five minutes too, but i couldn't do any more work because the house was wet and scraping doesn't work well when the wood is wet. So I only earned $5 today, instead of the usual 15-25. My aunt was dog sitting for a friend and one of the dogs absolutely hates me and I have no idea why...the other one is just fine with me. And of course it's Monday, so I should have expected today to be overly irritating. This is what happens when you stay up all night and wake up late...gosh I am such a morning person...and I hate it ;)

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to life Sammy. Welcome to life. =/

    Did Jordan tell you yet????? If she didn't either text me or e-mail me and I will!
