I'm gonna go to Russia and wear this huge tan scarf and a trench coat all the time, no matter where i go, singing Veniki and occasionally add in a kolkolkolkolkol. That would be so fun. I wonder If I could get anyone to do it with me? hmm...
Veniki Veniki da Veniki pomeliki da po pay chee va lyalisha da spa chee or bor va lyalisha da kum gavrila kum gavrila ya gavrile govorila!!! (wash, rinse, and repeat, by the way everything is not spelled how it's supposed to, that's just how I hear it). Brooms, brooms...kolkolkolkol.
XD this is Sammyi and I think I'm done for today. By the way, if anyone ever asks you what you're on, tell them life support, the reaction was priceless for me.
What are you on!? Life support...
veniki veniki da veniki pomeliki da popechi va lyalisha da spechi oborvali sha... kum gavrila kum gavrila ya gavrile govo rila...
ReplyDeleteAhh veniki.... I do so love you...
I'm in!