So I've definitely decided that I'm going to do a sculpture type thing for my visual representation of a book I've read for this quarter. In fact, I have the clay and I've started already. I'm almost a third of the way done with it, but had to stop due to not having tooth picks or other little detail tools. My dad just keifed some from Aunt Shelly, but I'll work on it again later. I've decided that I'll take pitcures each time I stop so Mrs. Coursen won't think I've taken someone else's work (hopefully). It's not perfect, but I'm very proud of myself so far :)
I give you...the Great A'Tuin (without any marks or detail yet)!
I'm going to start working on the four Elephants and the Disk after I get some more clay. The Elephants are going to be blocky, but it'll have to do since I'm not very talented :) The disk should be the easiest part, I just need to figure out if I'm going to have figurative water coming off the edges. I found this really cool picture that I'm trying to reference, but mine will be different in a lot of ways...already is in fact. I don't know about you, but it loks like a giant, glistening brownie to me...though it looks like it would taste terrible...
I can't wait to see the finished project!!! And i'm so kifing that book over the summer