I was finally able to give blood, yesterday! *cheers and then grimaces at the red and blue bruise on arm* Of course I had to make the nurse check my veins before I got on the table (she actually remembered me from last time...when she and four others couldn't find my veins). I had some weird bumps on my left arm (I have no idea where they came from, probably just hairs or something) and she was giving me a look that said she thought I did drugs. Luckily I pulled up my right sleeve and she found a vein after poking around a few seconds. I was so happy! When another nurse led me to a table I was so giddy, thinking the blood would just flow right on out once the needle was in.
It took twenty minutes to fill one little bag. Yeah, my blood kept stopping and judging from the blood spots under my skin, the needle had shifted after the nurse had tried to readjust it a couple times. To try and get the blood flowing, I had to do a couple of different things with my hand, not just squeezing a ball. I took so long, someone who got on the table beside me about five minutes after I did was done long before I was. You know that question that they always ask you? Which is worse, the finger prick or the needle insertion? At first I said the needle prick, but after having a needle wiggling around under my skin for twenty minutes...I don't know. My arm was twitching and shaking when it was over. I wasn't alone though! Nope, I had Faith by me (she walked me over to get my food) and even Bryce came over wondering why I was taking so long when we got on the table almost the same time. The jerk even ate food in front of me (I was so hungry). But finally I was done and attacked a bag of Chips a'Hoy like a shark with blood in the water. I was stupid at lunch and got extra pasta and basically ate my lunch in ten minutes...which was not a good idea. I wasn't the only one though, both Bryce and I felt terrible (he ate a lot pretty fast too). I got better after I walked around though. I got home, watched a few recorded shows and collapsed on the couch for three hour nap...it had been a long day seeing as also I had to get up earlier for me new college class, going to the bathroom thanks to all the water I was chugging, and reading the wrong pages for English, and ranting about American authors and their need to talk about themselves. Blagh...but it's alright I guess. I missed Gym and Chemistry...so it's definitely not all bad.
Apparently I had the worst bruise people had seen from that blood drive, though I didn't get to compare with Sheetz. From what I heard she had a wicked shiner, though Jolie said mine was worse.