I'll edit this post after I've read them and added new ones :)
So hopefully in the order I will read them in:
Crime and Punishment
War and Peace
The Communist Manifesto
Doctor Faustus
Scarlet Letter
All Quiet on the Western Front
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee
Yay for the classics run! ;)
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
I am so close to being done with The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn homework! Now all I have to do is comment on two other people's posts and I'll be done. The only problem is that no one's posted anything but me, so I'll just have to wait... I have to find separate peace soon so I can start it (it's somewhere in my room, probably under a bunch of clothes).
;D have a good day!
;D have a good day!
Monday, June 28, 2010
Well, that was productive...
heavy use of sarcasm right there. I only worked for one hour today scraping my grandma's house. I didn't wake up till 10 today because I stupidly went to bed at 3 in the morning, for some reason i can't even remember. Anyway, it didn't look like it would do anything more than sprinkle a bit, so I figured I could get a few hours of scraping in. Well, it turned out at around 12:30 mother nature decided that it would be awesome to just start pouring rain down on shippenville. I was kneeling in the grass trying to scrape off this particular area of stubborn paint when it just started soaking everything. *Sigh* It only lasted for five minutes too, but i couldn't do any more work because the house was wet and scraping doesn't work well when the wood is wet. So I only earned $5 today, instead of the usual 15-25. My aunt was dog sitting for a friend and one of the dogs absolutely hates me and I have no idea why...the other one is just fine with me. And of course it's Monday, so I should have expected today to be overly irritating. This is what happens when you stay up all night and wake up late...gosh I am such a morning person...and I hate it ;)
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Puking Rainbows & Crying Icicles
I have officially heard the cutest song ever! It talks about alcohol and the thought of people begging for their lives...but in such a cute voice! I seriously thought I was going to barf up a rainbow or something, that song is so loaded with sugary sweetness! I almost cried from holding in my giggles (that's right, my giggles)! hehehehe it makes me so happy for some reason XD The song is called Pechka~ Light My Heart (a Pechka is basically a fireplace) tee hee!
*Takes a deep breath and tries to be serious*
On the other hand I also discovered an awesomely dramatic and cool(/scary?) song by the same person. This one is just...wow, it's hard to describe really, but the guy's voice gets darker as the song continues. I honestly picture a really bad snowstorm or some kind of battle when I listen to it. This song is called Winter and it's hard to believe the same person sings these two songs...but it's awesome ;D
I thank YouTube for this find! Hoorah for YouTube: my #1 site to just mess around on!
*Takes a deep breath and tries to be serious*
On the other hand I also discovered an awesomely dramatic and cool(/scary?) song by the same person. This one is just...wow, it's hard to describe really, but the guy's voice gets darker as the song continues. I honestly picture a really bad snowstorm or some kind of battle when I listen to it. This song is called Winter and it's hard to believe the same person sings these two songs...but it's awesome ;D
I thank YouTube for this find! Hoorah for YouTube: my #1 site to just mess around on!
Part 1 = Excellent!!!
Part 1 of Little Women was absolutely beautiful and I really do see why it's a classic. I seriously thought Beth was going to die and I was all prepared for it and everything, but in the end I was happy because she didn't. I didn't really get the big deal about Meg marrying Brooke. Just because he's poor doesn't make him awful and as long as she's happy who cares? Their mom said that like five times before and everyone believed her then, but when Meg accepted the proposal, her mom and Jo went a little weird...for lack of a better term. All I know is that the family has one issue: way too protective/clingy (especially Jo). I hope Jo marries Laurie, but I think she'll turn him down, at least that's what I've heard. Poor Laurie, it's obvious he likes Jo, though I don't think anyone really sees it... I'm about 2 chapters into part 2 at the moment and it's a little slow seeing as Alcott has to briefly recap three years, but i think it'll pick up soon. :)
I'm a little more than halfway done with the book now! Yay!
I'm a little more than halfway done with the book now! Yay!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
The Forgotten Soldier: Russia
Operation Barbarossa: Hitler's big mistake.
Young and old, naive and learned,
Set out to conquer East.
They did not know, did not see:
The Third Reich's final feat.
It took me a minute to come up with that one seeing as nothing really rhymes with East, but I think it's fine as it is. I tried to make a longer poem about some of the events that happened during the invasion, like the Battle of Stalingrad, but I was afraid I would mess it up or something, you know, get my facts wrong. Oh my though, I feel sorry for those guys who fought in Russia during the time, but you gotta do what you gotta do for your country, and that's all the motivation most people need.
WWII was one hell of a war, and I really hope we don't have anything like it ever again...wishful thinking at it's best, I know.
Young and old, naive and learned,
Set out to conquer East.
They did not know, did not see:
The Third Reich's final feat.
It took me a minute to come up with that one seeing as nothing really rhymes with East, but I think it's fine as it is. I tried to make a longer poem about some of the events that happened during the invasion, like the Battle of Stalingrad, but I was afraid I would mess it up or something, you know, get my facts wrong. Oh my though, I feel sorry for those guys who fought in Russia during the time, but you gotta do what you gotta do for your country, and that's all the motivation most people need.
WWII was one hell of a war, and I really hope we don't have anything like it ever again...wishful thinking at it's best, I know.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Beside You...
This song is just...awesome. I wish I could find a version to go on my iPod! Sadly, I'm still looking.
Song: Beside You
Artist: Marianas Trench
When your tears are spent
On your last pretense
And your tired eyes
Refuse to close
And sleep in your defence
Song: Beside You
Artist: Marianas Trench
When your tears are spent
On your last pretense
And your tired eyes
Refuse to close
And sleep in your defence
I'm doing my homework!
I've been done with Huckleberry Finn for a while, but I've just now got around to answering some of the prompts (2 to be precise. I need to answer one more and then come up with one or two of my own.) I'm picking the easier ones in my opinion and I've loaded one answer with spoilers. There were tons of funny parts in the book but I couldn't write down them all...:(
In other news I'm reading a total of two books at the moment: Little Women and The Forgotten Soldier. They're both really good and I'm only about 100 pages into each. I couldn't help laughing when they referred to Russia as Ivan a couple times in the Forgotten Soldier. I finally understand how the guy came up with that name now...like with keeping up with the Jones'. TFS is a really serious book though, and I know I'll probably never understand the things the guy went through and i hope I never will. But it is helping me learn some German and weapons that were being used in WWII. I think Beth is going to die in Little Women and I will be so sad...she's so sweet and she and Jo are my favorites (along with the mom of course). T_T *sniffle*
In other news I'm reading a total of two books at the moment: Little Women and The Forgotten Soldier. They're both really good and I'm only about 100 pages into each. I couldn't help laughing when they referred to Russia as Ivan a couple times in the Forgotten Soldier. I finally understand how the guy came up with that name now...like with keeping up with the Jones'. TFS is a really serious book though, and I know I'll probably never understand the things the guy went through and i hope I never will. But it is helping me learn some German and weapons that were being used in WWII. I think Beth is going to die in Little Women and I will be so sad...she's so sweet and she and Jo are my favorites (along with the mom of course). T_T *sniffle*
Sunday, June 20, 2010
I finished The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn today. I'm going to answer one of Coursen's prompt when I get home because then I can just write it in Word and then copy it because spelling counts. I really liked the story, and I"m kind of surprised when so many people have said they hated it, but I think you need to have a certain kind of humor to like the book. At the end it was a little tiresome because they took forever to rescue Jim which was why it was funny, but it got old with how it started to drag on and on. Other than that part it was good, though I didn't really see it as depressing or anything, maybe with Huck's dad or something, but that was about it. A Separate Peace just sounds depressing from the words on the back, but then again it's American literature so...yeah. I started Little Women a while ago and I'm going to start it again soon. It's really good so far and I'm only on chapter five (which is like 50 pages in). It talks a lot about Pilgrim's Progress, but I don't want to read it. I think I know the gist of it by now. All of the girls are realistic and the mom is the sweetest person in the world! Ah...and I thought I wasn't going to be interested in it...
Can't wait to go home! Just one night and twelve hours later and I'll be able to see my darling little fat cats! I'm coming home Pudgy, Thunder, and Nochi (still love you Snickers)!!!! oh and Dad too I guess. Jk see ya soon dad.
P.S. My freckles didn't last long for some reason, which is a relief in itself. Also the game Apples to Apples is awesome! You should play it with a bunch of people (who are not big perverts, but, who for some reason don't see the sexual use in handcuffs...huh I thought for sure Simon would get that one). Phrases on the vacation by the wonderful grandchildren AKA Me, Simon, Derrick, and Alison: Poof and I'm gone! & ...In the face! & HE'S HIGH! HE'S HIGH! HE'S HIGH ON A LITTLE KID SHOW! & NASCAR SUCKS & Betrayal. minus ten points. & Don't let Sam drive, she's terrible.
Can't wait to go home! Just one night and twelve hours later and I'll be able to see my darling little fat cats! I'm coming home Pudgy, Thunder, and Nochi (still love you Snickers)!!!! oh and Dad too I guess. Jk see ya soon dad.
P.S. My freckles didn't last long for some reason, which is a relief in itself. Also the game Apples to Apples is awesome! You should play it with a bunch of people (who are not big perverts, but, who for some reason don't see the sexual use in handcuffs...huh I thought for sure Simon would get that one). Phrases on the vacation by the wonderful grandchildren AKA Me, Simon, Derrick, and Alison: Poof and I'm gone! & ...In the face! & HE'S HIGH! HE'S HIGH! HE'S HIGH ON A LITTLE KID SHOW! & NASCAR SUCKS & Betrayal. minus ten points. & Don't let Sam drive, she's terrible.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
I've come down with something so terrible and incurable, it's scary. My whole vacation has just taken a sickly turn. I've been infected with the sickness of the sun. I didn't even know until my mom told me. Now I shudder when I look in the mirror. That's right...I have...
FRECKLES!!!! Dun dun DUN!!! I went to the beach today and contracted these horrible little spots, along with my cousins. The only one who didn't get them was Simon which is odd because he was out just like the rest of us...huh...weird. I'm going to have a terrible sunburn tomorrow and that's when we're going to camp, so I'll probably be outside all day. Oh well, Lake Michigan water sure is cool this time of year. There were tons of waves today so it was fun even though I got sand everywhere, and I mean everywhere...shudder. It was fun though :)
Have a nice day ;D
FRECKLES!!!! Dun dun DUN!!! I went to the beach today and contracted these horrible little spots, along with my cousins. The only one who didn't get them was Simon which is odd because he was out just like the rest of us...huh...weird. I'm going to have a terrible sunburn tomorrow and that's when we're going to camp, so I'll probably be outside all day. Oh well, Lake Michigan water sure is cool this time of year. There were tons of waves today so it was fun even though I got sand everywhere, and I mean everywhere...shudder. It was fun though :)
Have a nice day ;D
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
If you're a Duke, then I'm the King of France!
I really think I'm starting to love The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. It's like a little collection of different stories all mixed into one big thing. Jim's reasoning for everything is hysterical, like why the French don't speak English and why King Solomon wasn't a genius. I'm trying to read the book ten chapters at a time so I'm on chapter 20 right now. I just got finished with the part where these two guys were running from someone and they were trying to get sympathy from Huck and Jim and one guy told them he was really a the rightful Duke of Bridgewater. The other guy wanted to be treated well too, so he told them he was the rightful King of France (even though the King he was supposed to be was like six hundred years old). At first I actually thought Huck and Jim had fallen for it, but at the end of the chapter Huck said he might as well humor them, so I don't know what Jim thought, though he's pretty gullible.
I went to Green Bay, Wisconsin today with Simon, mom, and Grandma. I only went because I wanted to go to the Barns and Nobel there to get War and Peace and any other things I wanted to read that were on Coursen's list. I love bookstores...it's a shame that all the ones around where I live have closed down. ): Hopefully I can go to the beach tomorrow when the weather turns better. OvO
I went to Green Bay, Wisconsin today with Simon, mom, and Grandma. I only went because I wanted to go to the Barns and Nobel there to get War and Peace and any other things I wanted to read that were on Coursen's list. I love bookstores...it's a shame that all the ones around where I live have closed down. ): Hopefully I can go to the beach tomorrow when the weather turns better. OvO
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,
Monday, June 14, 2010
So yesterday we finally found that movie of me, mom, dad, Simon, grandma, and grandpa going on a tour through Europe. Grandma was trying to convince me that I didn't need to go to Italy and France because I've already been there. Fat chance grandma. Anyway Grandpa is one of the worst tour Filmer, because he never talked during the whole thing. His battery died partway through Venice and London too. We went to Paris exactly 584 days till the new millennium (it was glowing on the Eiffel tower). Me and Simon were the cutest little kids I have ever seen! The whole time we were shown everyone in the room would go "Aw...you were so cute! What happened?" Simon and I (proper grammar now) recognized most of the things in Florence and even in Venice thanks to playing ACII mostly (we kept looking for the hand holds). We went through Italy, France, Germany, Switzerland, England, and Spain. We couldn't go to anywhere else because Mom and Dad had to go back on active duty soon and we would have to stay with grandma and grandpa.
Sigh...I was so damn cute in 1998.
Sigh...I was so damn cute in 1998.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Oh Alice...
I made it to the great mitten to the north safe and sound and more than a little bored. My brother drove my mom's precious car the whole way up here so I got to sleep most of the way because I had only gotten four hours of sleep the night before, maybe even less... 12 hour drive same as before. It's been cloudy and bleak for the two days we've been here, but I don't really mind because my grandparents have a hot tub though I haven't been in it for a while...maybe I'll go tonight. I just really want to go to the beach, though. It's one of my many traditions in this place, like playing Sorry with Alison and Derrik. I'm dreading going to camp though. It's so boring up there and there's nothing to do unless someone brings a video game or something. All the adults do is sit by the fire and drink beer. No one lets me drive their four-wheeler around here, so I just have to sit and watch or hope someone takes me for a ride. Sigh...I hate camp.
In other news I've finally finished Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. I really enjoyed them although some parts you just had to wonder if the guy was high when he wrote it. Speaking of being high, I read Go Ask Alice in about four hours plus distractions yesterday and I was blown away. It was absolutely amazing. Poor girl...it was looking up for you too. If you haven't read Go Ask Alice then you really should, it'll change your outlook on what someone who's taking drugs is going through. I loved it, though it was so sad...
In other news I've finally finished Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. I really enjoyed them although some parts you just had to wonder if the guy was high when he wrote it. Speaking of being high, I read Go Ask Alice in about four hours plus distractions yesterday and I was blown away. It was absolutely amazing. Poor girl...it was looking up for you too. If you haven't read Go Ask Alice then you really should, it'll change your outlook on what someone who's taking drugs is going through. I loved it, though it was so sad...
Thursday, June 10, 2010
By and by...
I got my expander off today and I couldn't be happier, though my mouth was bleeding a lot when they took it off...I had to rise my mouth out twice with freezing cold water before they could do anything else. Now i have my top braces on (but not the bottom because I would bite right through them), and I remembered why I was so happy when i got them off five years ago. I hate braces and now I have to wear them for a second time...gah!
I started The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn today and it's really not as bad as everyone was telling me it would be. I'm on Chapter Ten right now. Huck as said the phrase 'by and by' more times than i care to count and I think that's the only thing that kind of annoys me so far. When i first flipped through the book and saw that there was tons of southern 'talking' in it I groaned, but now that I'm reading it I've found that I sometimes talk like Huck does, not to his southern extent of course, but bits and peaces sound like me. I have to read Jim's words slowly, because it's kind of hard to grasp what he's saying if you rush through it. Huck's dad is an ass. All in all, not bad at all, I might even enjoy this story :)
I started The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn today and it's really not as bad as everyone was telling me it would be. I'm on Chapter Ten right now. Huck as said the phrase 'by and by' more times than i care to count and I think that's the only thing that kind of annoys me so far. When i first flipped through the book and saw that there was tons of southern 'talking' in it I groaned, but now that I'm reading it I've found that I sometimes talk like Huck does, not to his southern extent of course, but bits and peaces sound like me. I have to read Jim's words slowly, because it's kind of hard to grasp what he's saying if you rush through it. Huck's dad is an ass. All in all, not bad at all, I might even enjoy this story :)
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
I wonder...
Can you tell which countries are being described in these quotes? They're from songs...
"There are things nobody will tell you. There are things nobody will give you. You're born and you die here. You're born and you die here. You're born in the country of half-truths."
"Only God could create such beauty...and it's impossible to find two. And everyone knows that's the truth, and they cry when it's time to leave."
"We don't care about bleeding bodies. We will fight and tussle till the ice burns. And we will dance till the sun gets up. Our flag will sway at the top. We are the toughest, the strongest, the most wicked, the most beautiful. We are a gang made of steel. Now we are scoring (goals)"
"I know the people. I know the rats. The stupidity which, screams to the sky. I'm by your side, in light and shade...anytime! No matter what you do, that's where I'm from, that's where i belong, that's where the ice melts off my soul as a glacier in April."
"Livin' in a land down under, where women glow and men plunder. Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder? You better run, you better take cover!"
"The land of ice and snow, where the midnight sun blows. Hundred thousand lakes glow, in the land of ice and snow. Northern lights guide our way, come whatever may. Forest god protects our day in the land of ice and snow. Where Koskenkorva flows, where the freezing wind blows. Summer nights are white and warm in the land of ice and snow."
"We're the friendliest customers in the world. We're modest-we have money. The very best in any sport. The taxes here set a world record."
"'Hi Seoul', chasing after those shining dreams. Tomorrow is shining, just like the sunlight." (there's a huge hint in there...just so you know)
"...Even if the winter thing tend to freeze. We've got the world monopoly on trees and our country's bordered by three different seas. We invented the zipper, we've got expertise. We made insulin to combat disease..."
P.S. I have been to five of these countries :)
BTW if you haven't heard Canadian Please yet, then you're missing out on some laughs. Lauren needs to hear it since she's pretty much Canadian... i think she'll love it.
"There are things nobody will tell you. There are things nobody will give you. You're born and you die here. You're born and you die here. You're born in the country of half-truths."
"Only God could create such beauty...and it's impossible to find two. And everyone knows that's the truth, and they cry when it's time to leave."
"We don't care about bleeding bodies. We will fight and tussle till the ice burns. And we will dance till the sun gets up. Our flag will sway at the top. We are the toughest, the strongest, the most wicked, the most beautiful. We are a gang made of steel. Now we are scoring (goals)"
"I know the people. I know the rats. The stupidity which, screams to the sky. I'm by your side, in light and shade...anytime! No matter what you do, that's where I'm from, that's where i belong, that's where the ice melts off my soul as a glacier in April."
"Livin' in a land down under, where women glow and men plunder. Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder? You better run, you better take cover!"
"The land of ice and snow, where the midnight sun blows. Hundred thousand lakes glow, in the land of ice and snow. Northern lights guide our way, come whatever may. Forest god protects our day in the land of ice and snow. Where Koskenkorva flows, where the freezing wind blows. Summer nights are white and warm in the land of ice and snow."
"We're the friendliest customers in the world. We're modest-we have money. The very best in any sport. The taxes here set a world record."
"'Hi Seoul', chasing after those shining dreams. Tomorrow is shining, just like the sunlight." (there's a huge hint in there...just so you know)
"...Even if the winter thing tend to freeze. We've got the world monopoly on trees and our country's bordered by three different seas. We invented the zipper, we've got expertise. We made insulin to combat disease..."
P.S. I have been to five of these countries :)
BTW if you haven't heard Canadian Please yet, then you're missing out on some laughs. Lauren needs to hear it since she's pretty much Canadian... i think she'll love it.
Monday, June 7, 2010
The hunt for the North American brothers
I just started reading this story and it's freakin' hilarious! It has all kinds of great stuff in it. Too bad it's not done yet...sigh, i can't wait to read the rest! (It's by ninjafox369)
"You. I've been looking for you, git! You'll wear this fuckin' tuxedo to the ball and BLOODY LIKE IT!"
"I don't want to! I don't want to!"
"Come back here you ungrateful prat! I thought I raised you better!"
"Who the fuck is Canada? And what do you mean 'have their land'?"
"Holland, my man!"
"Taiwan, girl, did you hear?"
"Ma, Pa! I have a chance to be a nation!"
"Denmark. We need you…unfortunately."
"Belarus. Get my helicopter ready. America and Canada are going to become one with Russia very soon."
"Jeez Matt, can you stop looking at me like that?"
"What're you going to do, kidnap me? Oh wait, you already did!"
"Al, you're an idiot."
"And you're a pansy, but I don't say anything."
"At least I'm not hated by almost every nation out there."
"At least I'm not invisible."
"I'm not afraid of ghosts."
"I don't talk to polar bears."
"I'm not a whore with fifty kids."
"I'm important."
"I won the gold for the men's hockey during the Olympics so put that in your juice box and SUCK IT!"
"…Don't talk to me."
"You're such a momma's boy Canada!"
"At least momma still loves me."
"Kiss ass."
"Hero wannabe."
"That's it!"
"Show him what Canadians are made of!"
"You're an American, don't let a Canadian beat you!"
"What do we do?"
"One, grab some extra clothes and a weapon. Two, get some money for gas and stuff because we're going to have a long trip ahead of us."
"Where are we going?"
"My twenty-twelve zombie apocalypse shelter in Texas."
"Captain Bonbon? Captain Bonbon? DAMN YOU COMMIES!"
"He's right here Al."
"Oh, heh… Mine."
"Hey, hey, hey! Did your bear just insult me?"
"And you're just going to let him?"
"Yeah, but it's not like you've never been insulted before."
"B-But he's a bear!"
"And you're a fat ass, so shut up and get us out of here."
"Get your own hockey stick, eh."
"Why can't I use that one? What's so special about it?"
"You forget, this is my hockey stick. No one touches my hockey stick!"
"…Feisty. OW!"
"I hope Russia, France and Spain are the ones that invade you! And at the same time too!"
"And I hope Belarus gets you after I tell her you slept with Russia."
"You sick bitch."
"I'm neither sick nor a female dog, so that was the worst insult ever."
"And that's another thing; Spain hates your Dora the Explorer!"
"How can he hate-"
"Everyone hates it. She always asks where something is even when it's right in front of her! What kind of explorer is she? Oh wait, she's an American one, I get it now!"
"Nice try, bro, but it's going to take more than one of your passive-aggressive rants to make me cry!"
"Billy Mayes."
"You're a bastard!"
"Hello~, if the others are trying to kill us, then they have Japan and all those other nerdy Asian countries hack into the airport's computers and track us down!"
"Your being stereotypical Al."
"Hell no, it's the truth!"
"Yeah, and all Russians are communists."
"Uh, Matt?"
"Do you get motion sickness easily?"
"Yeah, originally I, like, heard of this contest thing from Denmark who heard from Iceland who heard from Norway who heard from Tino and Berwald who heard from Sealand who heard from Seychelles who heard from Australia who heard from Hong Kong who heard from Korea who heard from China who heard from Taiwan who heard from Belgium who heard from Holland who heard from Turkey who heard from Egypt who heard from Greece who heard from Japan who heard from Italy who heard from Prussia who heard from France who heard from England who started this whole thing!"
"Chuck Norris!...Dang it, he's not answering! Oh well, we'll just have to meet up with him in Texas! Yippie kai-ay~!"
"I am not old!"
"Yeah, and I'm not awesome."
"I would've bloody cursed you if you weren't my only hope of finding the twins."
"Yeah, yeah, save your bitchin' for your French husband, kesesesese."
"France is not my bloody husband!"
"You're right, he isn't. He's your fuck buddy."
"Don't make me use this!"
"Is that a wand? Jeez, how nerdy can you get eyebrow freak?"
"Avada Kedavra!"
"Wha- why didn't it work? I'm a fully fledged wizard, how could this happen? Don't tell me I have to go see Ollivander again!"
I hope the ghosts get you as you sleep out there!
"Let's have some fun, this beat is sick! I wanna take a ride on your disco stick!Come on Norge, talk to me here! Iceland?"
"I wanna go home."
"H-Hi Natalia! H-How're you?"
"Please, don't hurt us!"
"Of all times to be shy, you pick now?"
"She's fucking insane! I'm not taking chances!"
"Get in the car."
"Please God; don't make her throw a match in there…"
"Brother is getting too obsessed with you both. Once you both are in hiding, he'll soon forget and marry me."
"Uh…yeah. Sure. What if he doesn't-"
"He WILL forget about you two imbeciles! Now go or I'll find a more convenient, more painful way, of getting rid of you."
"Uh, Al?"
"Why are you on first-name basis with Belarus?"
"Uh…if I told you I would have to kill myself."
"Because Natalia sure would if I told you and she found out."
"Fine with me."
"You. I've been looking for you, git! You'll wear this fuckin' tuxedo to the ball and BLOODY LIKE IT!"
"I don't want to! I don't want to!"
"Come back here you ungrateful prat! I thought I raised you better!"
"Who the fuck is Canada? And what do you mean 'have their land'?"
"Holland, my man!"
"Taiwan, girl, did you hear?"
"Ma, Pa! I have a chance to be a nation!"
"Denmark. We need you…unfortunately."
"Belarus. Get my helicopter ready. America and Canada are going to become one with Russia very soon."
"Jeez Matt, can you stop looking at me like that?"
"What're you going to do, kidnap me? Oh wait, you already did!"
"Al, you're an idiot."
"And you're a pansy, but I don't say anything."
"At least I'm not hated by almost every nation out there."
"At least I'm not invisible."
"I'm not afraid of ghosts."
"I don't talk to polar bears."
"I'm not a whore with fifty kids."
"I'm important."
"I won the gold for the men's hockey during the Olympics so put that in your juice box and SUCK IT!"
"…Don't talk to me."
"You're such a momma's boy Canada!"
"At least momma still loves me."
"Kiss ass."
"Hero wannabe."
"That's it!"
"Show him what Canadians are made of!"
"You're an American, don't let a Canadian beat you!"
"What do we do?"
"One, grab some extra clothes and a weapon. Two, get some money for gas and stuff because we're going to have a long trip ahead of us."
"Where are we going?"
"My twenty-twelve zombie apocalypse shelter in Texas."
"Captain Bonbon? Captain Bonbon? DAMN YOU COMMIES!"
"He's right here Al."
"Oh, heh… Mine."
"Hey, hey, hey! Did your bear just insult me?"
"And you're just going to let him?"
"Yeah, but it's not like you've never been insulted before."
"B-But he's a bear!"
"And you're a fat ass, so shut up and get us out of here."
"Get your own hockey stick, eh."
"Why can't I use that one? What's so special about it?"
"You forget, this is my hockey stick. No one touches my hockey stick!"
"…Feisty. OW!"
"I hope Russia, France and Spain are the ones that invade you! And at the same time too!"
"And I hope Belarus gets you after I tell her you slept with Russia."
"You sick bitch."
"I'm neither sick nor a female dog, so that was the worst insult ever."
"And that's another thing; Spain hates your Dora the Explorer!"
"How can he hate-"
"Everyone hates it. She always asks where something is even when it's right in front of her! What kind of explorer is she? Oh wait, she's an American one, I get it now!"
"Nice try, bro, but it's going to take more than one of your passive-aggressive rants to make me cry!"
"Billy Mayes."
"You're a bastard!"
"Hello~, if the others are trying to kill us, then they have Japan and all those other nerdy Asian countries hack into the airport's computers and track us down!"
"Your being stereotypical Al."
"Hell no, it's the truth!"
"Yeah, and all Russians are communists."
"Uh, Matt?"
"Do you get motion sickness easily?"
"Yeah, originally I, like, heard of this contest thing from Denmark who heard from Iceland who heard from Norway who heard from Tino and Berwald who heard from Sealand who heard from Seychelles who heard from Australia who heard from Hong Kong who heard from Korea who heard from China who heard from Taiwan who heard from Belgium who heard from Holland who heard from Turkey who heard from Egypt who heard from Greece who heard from Japan who heard from Italy who heard from Prussia who heard from France who heard from England who started this whole thing!"
"Chuck Norris!...Dang it, he's not answering! Oh well, we'll just have to meet up with him in Texas! Yippie kai-ay~!"
"I am not old!"
"Yeah, and I'm not awesome."
"I would've bloody cursed you if you weren't my only hope of finding the twins."
"Yeah, yeah, save your bitchin' for your French husband, kesesesese."
"France is not my bloody husband!"
"You're right, he isn't. He's your fuck buddy."
"Don't make me use this!"
"Is that a wand? Jeez, how nerdy can you get eyebrow freak?"
"Avada Kedavra!"
"Wha- why didn't it work? I'm a fully fledged wizard, how could this happen? Don't tell me I have to go see Ollivander again!"
I hope the ghosts get you as you sleep out there!
"Let's have some fun, this beat is sick! I wanna take a ride on your disco stick!Come on Norge, talk to me here! Iceland?"
"I wanna go home."
"H-Hi Natalia! H-How're you?"
"Please, don't hurt us!"
"Of all times to be shy, you pick now?"
"She's fucking insane! I'm not taking chances!"
"Get in the car."
"Please God; don't make her throw a match in there…"
"Brother is getting too obsessed with you both. Once you both are in hiding, he'll soon forget and marry me."
"Uh…yeah. Sure. What if he doesn't-"
"He WILL forget about you two imbeciles! Now go or I'll find a more convenient, more painful way, of getting rid of you."
"Uh, Al?"
"Why are you on first-name basis with Belarus?"
"Uh…if I told you I would have to kill myself."
"Because Natalia sure would if I told you and she found out."
"Fine with me."
Some People...
...just don't know how to take a hint.
Okay, today was my first day at my new job, and all in all it wasn't too bad. I made $25 today, after five hours of scraping. Some weird stuff was going on in Shippenville today so i got distracted at times, but I think I did a pretty good job. Adam and Christopher kept riding their lawn mower up and down the street, dragging a three wheeled bike behind them on a chain. They did this about ten times and I just learned to stop looking whenever I heard that super loud engine. There was also some construction going on at the fire hall and people were talking so loud I could hear them from where I was working. Man is my arm tired! It's gonna be sore in the morning, I can just tell. I was doing really good and stuff until my Grandma came home from who knows where, and started talking to me.
This is how it went: "Oh hello!"-"Hi."-"Did Shelly go to the game?"-"Yeah, she left at one."-"Wha?"-"She already left!"-"Oh. I'm sorry, Hello, I'm Shelly's mom, Clara."-"I know. Hello, I'm Samantha, you're Granddaughter."-"You can't be Sam!" (I was beginning to lose patience by this point)-"I am."-"Well! You're not scarping very well."- (by this point my wrist was starting to go numb, so I had been using my other hand to hold down the scarping end)"okay?"-"here, use this one *throws me a terrible scraper that squeaks terribly* That should be better."-"Okay." she then left for a few blissful minutes in which i ignored the new scraper. I groaned when she came back. "Look at these! It's Simon at graduation! *Shoves pictures of Simon in my face*"-"He looks bored out of his mind *tries to ignore her, all the while thinking 'only one more hour!'*"-"I know! Isn't that cute?" I just stare at her, what I want to say is NO! Instead I ignore her again and she goes back inside. If I had wanted to see Simon at graduation, i would have gone to it. She then went out to the store saying she would buy me pop (shudders at PA accent) and ice cream sandwiches and left on her bike. I took this time to call dad to ask him to pick me up around 3:30 which was only about twenty minutes from then. After that i took the ladder away and did some stuff at Aunt Shelly's house, hoping Grandma wouldn't come back before then.
Sadly..she was back, and like any other grandma I have ever met, shoved the food in my hands and wouldn't take no for an answer. She then proceeded to talk about Simon. "Where is Simon?"-"I don't know. At home doing something I guess."-"Do you know when Simon is leaving? because I think he's leaving in 43 days."-"All i know is he's leaving in July." and it continued. Gah! I really don't care about Simon! I had to keep reminding myself that I was getting 25 dollars for this. It's official, I'll only do three or four hours tomorrow. I don't want to talk to her again. It's painful to my mind.
P.S. While i was scraping I saw shapes in the paint. There was Nixon, Asia, Europe, a great dane, and that president who kept getting stuck in the tub, Taft or something like that. I'm losing my mind. No you're not Sammy. If you say so Samantha. That's my girl! *hugs myself tightly* (that seriously happened today...I know.)
Okay, today was my first day at my new job, and all in all it wasn't too bad. I made $25 today, after five hours of scraping. Some weird stuff was going on in Shippenville today so i got distracted at times, but I think I did a pretty good job. Adam and Christopher kept riding their lawn mower up and down the street, dragging a three wheeled bike behind them on a chain. They did this about ten times and I just learned to stop looking whenever I heard that super loud engine. There was also some construction going on at the fire hall and people were talking so loud I could hear them from where I was working. Man is my arm tired! It's gonna be sore in the morning, I can just tell. I was doing really good and stuff until my Grandma came home from who knows where, and started talking to me.
This is how it went: "Oh hello!"-"Hi."-"Did Shelly go to the game?"-"Yeah, she left at one."-"Wha?"-"She already left!"-"Oh. I'm sorry, Hello, I'm Shelly's mom, Clara."-"I know. Hello, I'm Samantha, you're Granddaughter."-"You can't be Sam!" (I was beginning to lose patience by this point)-"I am."-"Well! You're not scarping very well."- (by this point my wrist was starting to go numb, so I had been using my other hand to hold down the scarping end)"okay?"-"here, use this one *throws me a terrible scraper that squeaks terribly* That should be better."-"Okay." she then left for a few blissful minutes in which i ignored the new scraper. I groaned when she came back. "Look at these! It's Simon at graduation! *Shoves pictures of Simon in my face*"-"He looks bored out of his mind *tries to ignore her, all the while thinking 'only one more hour!'*"-"I know! Isn't that cute?" I just stare at her, what I want to say is NO! Instead I ignore her again and she goes back inside. If I had wanted to see Simon at graduation, i would have gone to it. She then went out to the store saying she would buy me pop (shudders at PA accent) and ice cream sandwiches and left on her bike. I took this time to call dad to ask him to pick me up around 3:30 which was only about twenty minutes from then. After that i took the ladder away and did some stuff at Aunt Shelly's house, hoping Grandma wouldn't come back before then.
Sadly..she was back, and like any other grandma I have ever met, shoved the food in my hands and wouldn't take no for an answer. She then proceeded to talk about Simon. "Where is Simon?"-"I don't know. At home doing something I guess."-"Do you know when Simon is leaving? because I think he's leaving in 43 days."-"All i know is he's leaving in July." and it continued. Gah! I really don't care about Simon! I had to keep reminding myself that I was getting 25 dollars for this. It's official, I'll only do three or four hours tomorrow. I don't want to talk to her again. It's painful to my mind.
P.S. While i was scraping I saw shapes in the paint. There was Nixon, Asia, Europe, a great dane, and that president who kept getting stuck in the tub, Taft or something like that. I'm losing my mind. No you're not Sammy. If you say so Samantha. That's my girl! *hugs myself tightly* (that seriously happened today...I know.)
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Things I've never noticed before...
The colors of this blog kinda remind me of pumpkin pie or something along those lines (I just stared at them for five minuets without blinking, and now i'm hungry for pie and I hate pie...)
I have an Alaska magnet sticking to the side of my bed (it's the same colors as this blog and there's a polar bear on it)
The beginning letter in every chapter title in Dead Space spells out N.I.C.O.L.E I.S. D.E.A.D (I am currently on the S)
I still have the blue 'gift package' from health last year in my room.
My internet radio plays all the good songs after 10:23 pm
And i still have tons of WWII books in my room, along with the Civil war collection on my heater...
Hmm...I wonder why...? OvO & OwO, no O^O
I have an Alaska magnet sticking to the side of my bed (it's the same colors as this blog and there's a polar bear on it)
The beginning letter in every chapter title in Dead Space spells out N.I.C.O.L.E I.S. D.E.A.D (I am currently on the S)
I still have the blue 'gift package' from health last year in my room.
My internet radio plays all the good songs after 10:23 pm
And i still have tons of WWII books in my room, along with the Civil war collection on my heater...
Hmm...I wonder why...? OvO & OwO, no O^O
I am no longer unemployed!!!!
I GOT A FRIKIN' JOB!!!! That's right, you heard me. I just have to scrape the old paint off a house and repaint it. It won't be too bad because I get to listen to my iPod the whole time and I get free refreshments and bathroom breaks. All that for five bucks an hour, that's pretty good. I don't have taxes to deal with either because my aunt will just give me the cash up front, by the way she'll drive me home and maybe even pick me up too! This is awesome, though i think I might try for another job too, maybe at Citgo or something... I start early Monday morning and go until One because my aunt has a game she has to go to. So if you're in Shippenville you might see me working on Clara's house (the huge yellow one). Brianna already said she would bug me if she saw me
Friday, June 4, 2010
Wait. What?
I've started reading the Bible again, and this time i am going to finish it (maybe). Last time I didn't even get through all of Genesis before I just put it down and said, Screw it. I finished all 60 pages of Genesis today and I feel like my head is going to explode from all the nonsensical stuff inside that little portion of the Bible. Why the hell am I reading this anyway? Oh that's right, because I'm tired of people saying that i don't understand anything because I haven't read the Bible, and i want to know what it is exactly that Jews and Christians believe in. I don't know if I can take the whole thing if Genesis is only the beginning, halfway through the story i had to stop myself from banging my head off the wall from the lack of sense. I mean, the one part about the Babel story actually made me say WTH out loud. All of man, united for once, lived in one area all speaking one language. They decided to build a great tower so they could reach Heaven and be close to God. One day, God came upon them and was glad that they were all together, "Look at that," he said, "They're doing pretty good, aren't they? Hmm, what to do, what to do... I know! Let's screw everything up for them!" He then proceeded to split Man up and send him in many directions and made them speak many different languages, thus the city was called Babel. Seriously? And don't even get me started on Sodom and Gomorrah or however you spell it. There are so many things that don't make any sense in this, I can't even name them all right off the top of my head.
But I WILL get through this, and hopefully onto a part that makes some sense. And then I'm going to start on the Qur'an.
But I WILL get through this, and hopefully onto a part that makes some sense. And then I'm going to start on the Qur'an.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Welcome to Rapture
I'm getting hooked on Bioshock. I loved the very beginning, though it creeped me out when that Splicer tried to kill you right off the bat (I still haven't killed that freak...i think, idk I hate spider Splicers). The whole idea of Rapture is just awesome though, not the whole everything going to hell part, no, but I don't know how to describe it. If I had a choice I probably would have gone to live in Rapture during the very beginning and then turned up just as screwed up as the rest of them. I've decided to save the Little Sisters instead of Harvesting them, because I don't want to feel like an asshole (I felt terrible when i didn't hug Leonardo in ACII), and then the lady who made them would be mad at me and she's cool, besides I wouldn't be receiving teddy bears with my special drugs (ADAM) and stuff in them if I harvested them, though i would be getting my drugs a different way (hint hint). Dude, if i lived in Rapture I would be a freakin addict, I don't deny it, I mean, change my genetic code with an injection? Sign me the f@#k up! And in a few days or weeks I'd end up like Steinman or something, though i don't think I'd be seeing goddesses who were telling me about the importance of symmetry... I missed Steinman's big speech before i fought him because i triggered a stupid security light and I had to hack some stuff so I wouldn't constantly be shot at. I was really looking foreword to it too! Man...and yes I already know about Atlas being a jerk and betraying me, but he's still cool with his Irish accent, he could have fooled anyone. I don't know why Ryan won't just come and tell me sooner, but I guess he's too busy trying to kill me. "Would you kindly get moving already?" pffft, okay Atlas, I can't believe you're controlling me with that terrible phrase! "Would you kindly?"
BTW i was told this game was freaky and scary and stuff, but i don't really find it scary at all. Hmm, maybe Dead Space is desensitizing me?
P.S. Sorry Mr. Bubbles, but I needed you little sister to satisfy my drug habits, so i had to kill you so i could get them off of her, and she still held out on me, but that's okay because her mom will give me teddy bears filled with the stuff in her awesome German accent. Oh and you need more money so I can steal it off your dead diving suit body...how am I not different than the rest of the citizens in Rapture? Seriously, I'm a freak...but i love it :)
BTW i was told this game was freaky and scary and stuff, but i don't really find it scary at all. Hmm, maybe Dead Space is desensitizing me?
P.S. Sorry Mr. Bubbles, but I needed you little sister to satisfy my drug habits, so i had to kill you so i could get them off of her, and she still held out on me, but that's okay because her mom will give me teddy bears filled with the stuff in her awesome German accent. Oh and you need more money so I can steal it off your dead diving suit body...how am I not different than the rest of the citizens in Rapture? Seriously, I'm a freak...but i love it :)
I am officially done with school this year and i have three months to waste before I have to go back! Yeah, i fell good!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
I only have on more day left of school and I'm done with my stupid senior project for this year! I feel awesome. I also got to sign Chalice's pants today and drew a little French stick figure on her leg. Also this is the first post I have ever written on my iPod! I am so proud of myself. Sam the I am Ion out ;)
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Reading is fun!
I was reading some short stories the other day and they were hilarious!
A text message between two friends:
"wtf does 'Nyet' mean?"
"what the hell do you mean, NO? you're not going to tell me?"
"fine. stupid bastard."
"OH MY GOD. BRAGINSKY IS A RUSSIAN SURNAME YOU IMPOSSIBLE FOOL. Do you know ANYTHING about the man you're working for?"
"...nope :)"
"You'll be the death of me, Alfred."
";D *kiss*"
"Arthur! What is the matter with you?"
"Ahh, nothing, Mother. There was a fly."
"And pray tell why you thought it would be a good idea to kill it WITH YOUR FACE?"
"Stop that! He's not real!"
"Well neither are your fai–"
"Shut up! Every time you say fairies aren't real, one dies! They're mad at me enough and I don't need you screwing up my relations with them because of your nonexistent imagination!"
"Can we all stop being gay here for a moment and go see Toris?"
"I'm not gay!"
"Neither am I, mon cheri! I am merely spreading the love."
"Eh? Doncha' know denial is bad for your health?"
"Why do you keep hugging me anyway?"
"Because it's fun to hug someone!"
"Did you escape from some mental hospital?"
"How did you know?"
"Mental images...Mental images...My mind just exploded."
"Ah? In good way, yes?"
"Of course not! How in hell can a mind explode in a good way?"
He was trapped. Trapped between a rock and a moron.
Hockey + Alcohol = One homicidal Canadian.
I failed that.
You so failed that.
"You git!"
"Mon cheri! Protect me my dear Arthur from this lunatic driver!"
"Aiyah! Get off of me!"
"Let's do it again! Let's do it again!"
"Let's not."
"Why would you need an air horn?"
"Why wouldn't I need an air horn?"
"Fairies aren't real, fairies aren't real, fairies aren't real, fairies aren't–"
"Twat! Shut up!"
"And I'm not afraid of the dark!"
"What do you know?"
"I know everything…"
"That wasn't creepy at all…"
"I swear to drunk I'm not God! ...Wait."
"I'm sorry. My mind seems to have just exploded, care to run that by me once again?"
When he got out of here he was SO going to choke a bitch…
I love these little stories! They're so funny. Anyway, none of these quotes belong to me in any way, shape, or form :)
A text message between two friends:
"wtf does 'Nyet' mean?"
"what the hell do you mean, NO? you're not going to tell me?"
"fine. stupid bastard."
"OH MY GOD. BRAGINSKY IS A RUSSIAN SURNAME YOU IMPOSSIBLE FOOL. Do you know ANYTHING about the man you're working for?"
"...nope :)"
"You'll be the death of me, Alfred."
";D *kiss*"
"Arthur! What is the matter with you?"
"Ahh, nothing, Mother. There was a fly."
"And pray tell why you thought it would be a good idea to kill it WITH YOUR FACE?"
"Stop that! He's not real!"
"Well neither are your fai–"
"Shut up! Every time you say fairies aren't real, one dies! They're mad at me enough and I don't need you screwing up my relations with them because of your nonexistent imagination!"
"Can we all stop being gay here for a moment and go see Toris?"
"I'm not gay!"
"Neither am I, mon cheri! I am merely spreading the love."
"Eh? Doncha' know denial is bad for your health?"
"Why do you keep hugging me anyway?"
"Because it's fun to hug someone!"
"Did you escape from some mental hospital?"
"How did you know?"
"Mental images...Mental images...My mind just exploded."
"Ah? In good way, yes?"
"Of course not! How in hell can a mind explode in a good way?"
He was trapped. Trapped between a rock and a moron.
Hockey + Alcohol = One homicidal Canadian.
I failed that.
You so failed that.
"You git!"
"Mon cheri! Protect me my dear Arthur from this lunatic driver!"
"Aiyah! Get off of me!"
"Let's do it again! Let's do it again!"
"Let's not."
"Why would you need an air horn?"
"Why wouldn't I need an air horn?"
"Fairies aren't real, fairies aren't real, fairies aren't real, fairies aren't–"
"Twat! Shut up!"
"And I'm not afraid of the dark!"
"What do you know?"
"I know everything…"
"That wasn't creepy at all…"
"I swear to drunk I'm not God! ...Wait."
"I'm sorry. My mind seems to have just exploded, care to run that by me once again?"
When he got out of here he was SO going to choke a bitch…
I love these little stories! They're so funny. Anyway, none of these quotes belong to me in any way, shape, or form :)
...days left of school!!! this week is going by soooo slow!
At least i got my schedule problem fixed (hopefully). Thank you Chalice! She is the best cup in the whole world, I swear. Though i don't think she understands that I was promised Katie's first born son (and she's obviously too clumsy to be a respectable parent). I'm starting to think Jordan got it right when she drew that little comic of Chalice and me discussing how we should cut the baby in half and Jolie screaming at us that that isn't how the story goes (ya know, the one in the bible). I would so get the top half... ;)
At least i got my schedule problem fixed (hopefully). Thank you Chalice! She is the best cup in the whole world, I swear. Though i don't think she understands that I was promised Katie's first born son (and she's obviously too clumsy to be a respectable parent). I'm starting to think Jordan got it right when she drew that little comic of Chalice and me discussing how we should cut the baby in half and Jolie screaming at us that that isn't how the story goes (ya know, the one in the bible). I would so get the top half... ;)
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