Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Okay so it's been forever since the last time I posted something...oops, not that it really matters much to anyone anyway. Well, tons of things have been happening since the last time I made a post. I don't think I could list all of them, seeing as I have a sucky memory for things like that. I guess I'll start with what I can remember happening.

I am now a senior at my high school (yay) which means that I have now been living in PA for about 7 years. My birthday passed and I'm one year older. We never have parties or anything so I just had chocolate and went to the movies. Oh, but I'm getting ahead of myself by a month. I took a trip to Italy, France, and England in the beginning of June with some friends in my French class. I loved it. I think Rome was the best because I'm a history nerd and I was geeking out at all that history bundled in one place. Our guide was amazing and he put up with so much crap from our huge group. We love you Marcello!

For the fourth of July weekend we went down to Philadelphia and went through tons of historical buildings. It was a nice flashback to 7th grade. I wish I could have gone to Poe's house, though...but apparently I can't read a map to save my life. We went to Valley Forge and Independence Hall. We even went to the Hershey factory and took a hilarious trolley tour (oh Wilber...). I drove all the way down there (it took several hours) and had nightmares about driving that night. It was fun and we had a good time.

As for my summer homework, I had to read Frankenstein (I would have done it anyway) and Lord of the Flies (I also would have read it eventually). Frankenstein is over and done with. I enjoyed it though I didn't feel sorry for the monster at all, like you're supposed to. I'm done with everything about Lord of the Flies too. So now I have a homework free summer.

And for the last big thing that's happened so far, well, it just happened a couple hours ago. I now have my license to drive! Yay! I went on facebook for the first time in months and posted something (major shock there) I have been living in a bubble these past months, but boy has it been enjoyable. My sunflowers that I attempted to grow and nurture have started blooming. They look so pretty.

Well, that's all I can think of at the moment and I'll try to post more from now on. See ya :)