Sunday, August 29, 2010
Shut Up!
I should be sleeping right now! (it's almost 11 and tomorrow's the first day of school) I just wanted to post this before I go to bed, because It's my first song thing...does this qualify as an AMV? I don't know. Anyway, I just thought this song would be perfect for these two because they hate each other and what not. I tried fitting the lines with the what the characters thought about each other. i think it worked out pretty well :)
Song: Shut up
Artist: Simple Plan
Hopefully this doesn't turn out super blurry like the other ones.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
^ w ^
I'm better now, don't worry! No more rants until school starts because then I'm sure I'll have something to complain about. I just thought of something. Every year my homeroom teacher is messed up (as in not the right grade, or something else) This year I actually have a homeroom teacher that actually teaches my grade! It's so exciting, though I had him for a home room teacher last year...
Anyway, here's the list:
7th Grade----> Mr. Chambers (8th Grade teacher)
8th Grade----> Mrs. McGiffin (7th Grade teacher)
9th Grade----> Mr. Witkowski (8th Grade teacher)
10th Grade----> Mr. Warner (11th Grade teacher)
11th Grade----> Mr. Warner (11th Grade teacher)
Weird huh? I've been stuck with most of the guy teachers too and they're always a bit...eccentric (for lack of a better term). It should be interesting (last year certainly was). I'm still glad I'm not doing the trout thing though...I would be bored out of my mind and probably end up killing the fish about a month into the school year. Most of my friends are in the trout class, but that's okay. I use homeroom to doodle in my planner and get done with forgotten homework. I don't have a single study hall this year! At least, not that I know of... I'm so excited, even though I have two math classes this year. Better to just get all the math over with and focus on funner topics senior year. That's the plan at least. I FINALLY got French 1 this year! *does a happy dance* I've only been trying for about 3 years! Let's cheer for the Language of Love~ *cheers* Though I hear Spanish is actually a lot easier to learn if English is your first language...oh well.
I'm happy, can you tell?
Anyway, here's the list:
7th Grade----> Mr. Chambers (8th Grade teacher)
8th Grade----> Mrs. McGiffin (7th Grade teacher)
9th Grade----> Mr. Witkowski (8th Grade teacher)
10th Grade----> Mr. Warner (11th Grade teacher)
11th Grade----> Mr. Warner (11th Grade teacher)
Weird huh? I've been stuck with most of the guy teachers too and they're always a bit...eccentric (for lack of a better term). It should be interesting (last year certainly was). I'm still glad I'm not doing the trout thing though...I would be bored out of my mind and probably end up killing the fish about a month into the school year. Most of my friends are in the trout class, but that's okay. I use homeroom to doodle in my planner and get done with forgotten homework. I don't have a single study hall this year! At least, not that I know of... I'm so excited, even though I have two math classes this year. Better to just get all the math over with and focus on funner topics senior year. That's the plan at least. I FINALLY got French 1 this year! *does a happy dance* I've only been trying for about 3 years! Let's cheer for the Language of Love~ *cheers* Though I hear Spanish is actually a lot easier to learn if English is your first language...oh well.
I'm happy, can you tell?
Thursday, August 26, 2010
I need a hug
This week has just been...arrrgh! so frustrating! The only good thing that happened was me finally getting my schedule figured out for this year.
*huge sigh* (prepare for the rant)
The first thing that has made me hate this week: CONSTRUCTION. All of the roads that i use most have now turned into one laners, and that means it takes about ten minutes to actually get out of the construction zone only to wind up in another. It was particularly frustrating when I had to go back and forth between my house and Clarion yesterday. It didn't help when a huge truck was having trouble going up the hill by my house and they actually had to stop all traffic going by. We were so close to the house I could have walked there and mom was freaking out because we couldn't see the truck over the hill and we had no idea what was going on. People were PISSED and pissed people make annoying drivers.
Second thing: the WEATHER. It was complete and total crap Monday and Tuesday and I had to work in it because I was taking Wednesday off for an appointment. If I'm sick the first week of school I know why. Grandma was annoying me the whole time too. I took arguing with myself to a whole new level on whether or not I should go inside. I said screw it and got sprayed with on and off rain. I am an idiot.
Third thing: I'm a FAILURE. Yesterday was terrible. I found out I'm a B**ch/A**hole/scumbag and I actually cried a little. I don't want to talk about it. It just sucked so much.
Fourth thing: INJURIES. Simon's coming home. Usually that would be a good thing, but it's not. Turns out he got hurt and his shoulder's really bad or something. I think he got a year rehabilitation. It's bad because there's absolutely nothing for him to do here, and he's never really worked for anything before, so I doubt he'll want to go back to the Navy. We'll have to take out loans for a college because I know mom and dad won't let him live here forever. I don't hate my brother, really. He just doesn't care enough to actually try at things. He's probably just going to sit around being useless when he gets back. (I am in a really bad mood, can you tell?)
Fifth thing: DOCTORS. My doctors didn't sign my physical papers and now I have to go all the way to Butler to get a lady who didn't even fill my physical out right to sign the stupid paper so i can get one step closer to actually driving a car. I don't know whose fault it is, the trainee that did it or the actual doctor that did everything twice. Either way I don't like either of them.
Sorry that was a keyboard smash to try and relieve some stress. It didn't help much.
I hope you're having a much better week than I am.
*huge sigh* (prepare for the rant)
The first thing that has made me hate this week: CONSTRUCTION. All of the roads that i use most have now turned into one laners, and that means it takes about ten minutes to actually get out of the construction zone only to wind up in another. It was particularly frustrating when I had to go back and forth between my house and Clarion yesterday. It didn't help when a huge truck was having trouble going up the hill by my house and they actually had to stop all traffic going by. We were so close to the house I could have walked there and mom was freaking out because we couldn't see the truck over the hill and we had no idea what was going on. People were PISSED and pissed people make annoying drivers.
Second thing: the WEATHER. It was complete and total crap Monday and Tuesday and I had to work in it because I was taking Wednesday off for an appointment. If I'm sick the first week of school I know why. Grandma was annoying me the whole time too. I took arguing with myself to a whole new level on whether or not I should go inside. I said screw it and got sprayed with on and off rain. I am an idiot.
Third thing: I'm a FAILURE. Yesterday was terrible. I found out I'm a B**ch/A**hole/scumbag and I actually cried a little. I don't want to talk about it. It just sucked so much.
Fourth thing: INJURIES. Simon's coming home. Usually that would be a good thing, but it's not. Turns out he got hurt and his shoulder's really bad or something. I think he got a year rehabilitation. It's bad because there's absolutely nothing for him to do here, and he's never really worked for anything before, so I doubt he'll want to go back to the Navy. We'll have to take out loans for a college because I know mom and dad won't let him live here forever. I don't hate my brother, really. He just doesn't care enough to actually try at things. He's probably just going to sit around being useless when he gets back. (I am in a really bad mood, can you tell?)
Fifth thing: DOCTORS. My doctors didn't sign my physical papers and now I have to go all the way to Butler to get a lady who didn't even fill my physical out right to sign the stupid paper so i can get one step closer to actually driving a car. I don't know whose fault it is, the trainee that did it or the actual doctor that did everything twice. Either way I don't like either of them.
Sorry that was a keyboard smash to try and relieve some stress. It didn't help much.
I hope you're having a much better week than I am.
Monday, August 23, 2010
A Different Version
Hush little baby don't say a word,
Mama's gonna buy you a mocking bird.
And if that mocking bird don't sing,
Mama's gonna buy you a diamond ring.
And if that diamond ring don't shine,
Mama's gonna buy herself a bottle of wine.
And when that wine does her some good,
Mama's gonna buy you a riding hood.
And if that riding hood won't fit,
Mama's gonna have to re-sew it.
And if that riding hood does tear,
Mama's gonna get you a juicy pear.
And if that juicy pear ain't sweet,
Mama's gonna get you some other treat.
And if by then you still won't sleep,
Mama's gonna get you a bed of sheep.
And if you still won't close you eyes,
Mama won't tell you any lies.
She'll lean in close and whisper to you,
"Mama's gonna love you whatever you do."
...because I honestly don't know the original version past the Diamond Ring turning brass. :D
Mama's gonna buy you a mocking bird.
And if that mocking bird don't sing,
Mama's gonna buy you a diamond ring.
And if that diamond ring don't shine,
Mama's gonna buy herself a bottle of wine.
And when that wine does her some good,
Mama's gonna buy you a riding hood.
And if that riding hood won't fit,
Mama's gonna have to re-sew it.
And if that riding hood does tear,
Mama's gonna get you a juicy pear.
And if that juicy pear ain't sweet,
Mama's gonna get you some other treat.
And if by then you still won't sleep,
Mama's gonna get you a bed of sheep.
And if you still won't close you eyes,
Mama won't tell you any lies.
She'll lean in close and whisper to you,
"Mama's gonna love you whatever you do."
...because I honestly don't know the original version past the Diamond Ring turning brass. :D
Sunday, August 22, 2010
New Design!!!!
Yep, I've finally looked through some of the new design templates and picked the one that I thought was best (I actually only looked at five...tops). Anyway this one was probably the closest to my old one, sooo...yeah. I really have nothing better to do at 11:30 at night. If I could move the text over to the right side of the page I would like it better and if the post titles on the side weren't too cramped. Man, I complain a lot! It looks a lot cleaner now though...I guess that's good.
Yay Josh Peterson for the design. You're cool man. Cool.
Pffft! The time's still not fixed...I'll figure it out one of these days, just you wait and see, Blogger. Just you wait...
Yay Josh Peterson for the design. You're cool man. Cool.
Pffft! The time's still not fixed...I'll figure it out one of these days, just you wait and see, Blogger. Just you wait...
Josh Peterson,
New Design,
New Everything,
New Templates
Being Serious For Once
Jeez I've been such a hermit lately! I barely know what's going on at the moment and I feel bad...I blame the Internet (it's so addicting!) Anyway, can you believe I've only just recently heard about the Mosque issue and the debates for it? I feel like a shut in, seriously...
Anyway, I really think people are over-reacting to this issue. But Sammy! How could you? It's so insensitive to people and blah this and blah that! Let's stop there.
Here's what I think about the situation:
1. According to the First Amendment people have the right to freedom of religion, which means you can practice it whenever and wherever you want. Muslim's want to practice it in that spot? Let them. You can't stop that, people. If you try then you're being unconstitutional.
2. Technically, it's wasn't going to be built on Ground Zero. It was going to be built a few blocks down from Ground Zero, and unless there was some sacred JC Pennies or something down there, then it shouldn't be a problem. Media screws things up as usual.
3. "It's a Victory Mosque!" How much more prejudice could you get? MY GOD people. Not every Muslim is out to destroy the US. Stop judging an entire religion for what a small group did. Some Christians bomb abortion clinics and attack gays, some Jews are committing acts of terrorism to Palestinians trapped on the Gaza Strip, but no one blames the majority of either religions on the acts of a few. Stop generalizing. It's very annoying.
4. People of all religions died in 9-11. It wasn't just Christians or Jews or whoever. Personally, I think it would be wrong to put up any house of worship on Ground Zero. Somebody would get offended somehow or other if something that isn't your religion was put there. It's just how people are.
5. It's a damn Community Center, people! Think of it as the YMCA, only Muslim and without the awesome dance. Seriously. Everyone can use it. Again, the Media screwed up.
6. I understand how people feel about Ground Zero. I knew someone who died in 9-11 and I don't feel comfortable building anything on Ground Zero. I know how it feels, I really do. When I was in New York last Spring and I saw them doing construction or something, I was mad. But now I think we can start to move on, never forget, but still move on. I think we're capable of that much at least. But again, it's not being built on Ground Zero.
Phew! Is that all? I think so. That's all I can think of at the moment, so I guess that's it. This whole ordeal is ridiculous and stupid, in my opinion. People just need to calm down and stop picking and choosing what they want to follow in the Constitution. It's very hypocritical when they defend one Amendment to the death and then completely ignore another *cough*RightWingExtremists*cough*
And if you need an example of when this has happened before, I'll give you one. Right after Columbine, the NRA wanted to have a meeting in the general area of the school. People protested because two kids brought guns to school and killed a lot of people. People were scared. They thought that anyone who owned a gun was going to kill people with it. They were wrong. Looking back on that from today it seems almost silly now. Strange, isn't it?
Anyway, I really think people are over-reacting to this issue. But Sammy! How could you? It's so insensitive to people and blah this and blah that! Let's stop there.
Here's what I think about the situation:
1. According to the First Amendment people have the right to freedom of religion, which means you can practice it whenever and wherever you want. Muslim's want to practice it in that spot? Let them. You can't stop that, people. If you try then you're being unconstitutional.
2. Technically, it's wasn't going to be built on Ground Zero. It was going to be built a few blocks down from Ground Zero, and unless there was some sacred JC Pennies or something down there, then it shouldn't be a problem. Media screws things up as usual.
3. "It's a Victory Mosque!" How much more prejudice could you get? MY GOD people. Not every Muslim is out to destroy the US. Stop judging an entire religion for what a small group did. Some Christians bomb abortion clinics and attack gays, some Jews are committing acts of terrorism to Palestinians trapped on the Gaza Strip, but no one blames the majority of either religions on the acts of a few. Stop generalizing. It's very annoying.
4. People of all religions died in 9-11. It wasn't just Christians or Jews or whoever. Personally, I think it would be wrong to put up any house of worship on Ground Zero. Somebody would get offended somehow or other if something that isn't your religion was put there. It's just how people are.
5. It's a damn Community Center, people! Think of it as the YMCA, only Muslim and without the awesome dance. Seriously. Everyone can use it. Again, the Media screwed up.
6. I understand how people feel about Ground Zero. I knew someone who died in 9-11 and I don't feel comfortable building anything on Ground Zero. I know how it feels, I really do. When I was in New York last Spring and I saw them doing construction or something, I was mad. But now I think we can start to move on, never forget, but still move on. I think we're capable of that much at least. But again, it's not being built on Ground Zero.
Phew! Is that all? I think so. That's all I can think of at the moment, so I guess that's it. This whole ordeal is ridiculous and stupid, in my opinion. People just need to calm down and stop picking and choosing what they want to follow in the Constitution. It's very hypocritical when they defend one Amendment to the death and then completely ignore another *cough*RightWingExtremists*cough*
And if you need an example of when this has happened before, I'll give you one. Right after Columbine, the NRA wanted to have a meeting in the general area of the school. People protested because two kids brought guns to school and killed a lot of people. People were scared. They thought that anyone who owned a gun was going to kill people with it. They were wrong. Looking back on that from today it seems almost silly now. Strange, isn't it?
Friday, August 20, 2010
I'm so cheap...
I finally got Taylor's birthday present!! Yay! As a total, I think it only cost me about $17, the most expensive thing being an iTunes, maybe i should throw some cash in there too? I don't want to feel like a cheap person...but...
Anyway I got her earrings like I always do and some lame card about friends or something. Jeez I suck *cries in a corner shamefully* Her party should be fun though, they usually are (and FREE PIZZA! I'm a horrible person) I think I'll be the youngest one there, unless Emily comes...I don't like being the feels weird being around people who are going to turn eighteen before you even turn Seventeen. Taylor is almost a year older than me...hmm it really doesn't feel like it.
Tootaloo, pretties!
BTW have you ever heard the song I'm Awesome by Spose? I find it hilarious! "I'm awesome!" "No you're not dude, don't lie!"
Anyway I got her earrings like I always do and some lame card about friends or something. Jeez I suck *cries in a corner shamefully* Her party should be fun though, they usually are (and FREE PIZZA! I'm a horrible person) I think I'll be the youngest one there, unless Emily comes...I don't like being the feels weird being around people who are going to turn eighteen before you even turn Seventeen. Taylor is almost a year older than me...hmm it really doesn't feel like it.
Tootaloo, pretties!
BTW have you ever heard the song I'm Awesome by Spose? I find it hilarious! "I'm awesome!" "No you're not dude, don't lie!"
I'm so cheap,
it's not even funny,
Taylor's B-Day
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Aaaaannnnd....WE'RE GOOD!
I think everyone is done with the English assignments now! I'm so proud none of us passed the deadline this time, and I don't blame Sam because she didn't get the books the same time we did and we've all been somewhat busy. Don't you just love Wednesdays? I do! *continues to gush crap about Wednesdays no one wants to hear about* the only thing I hate about Wednesday is how you spell it.
The only reason i started loving Wednesdays is because people feel the random need to update stuff on Wednesdays...I know it's weird, but it's all good!
How many times have i said Wednesday in this post? Well, let's count (cue counting dracula muppet): 1...2...3...4...5...6.
It's official! It's SIX!!! (can you believe I typed all this with a straight face? It's true. I didn't smile once...I am so depressing T_T)
The only reason i started loving Wednesdays is because people feel the random need to update stuff on Wednesdays...I know it's weird, but it's all good!
How many times have i said Wednesday in this post? Well, let's count (cue counting dracula muppet): 1...2...3...4...5...6.
It's official! It's SIX!!! (can you believe I typed all this with a straight face? It's true. I didn't smile once...I am so depressing T_T)
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
I believe in nothing,
Not the end and not the start.
I believe in nothing,
Not the earth and not the stars.
I believe in nothing,
Not the day and not the dark.
I believe in nothing,
But the beating of our hearts.
I believe in nothing,
100 suns until we part.
I believe in nothing,
Not in Satan, not in God.
I believe in nothing,
Not in peace and not in war.
I believe in nothing,
But the truth of who we are...
Song: This is War Artist: 30 Seconds to Mars
This song has so much meaning, it's unbelievable. I love most (since I haven't heard of all them) songs from 30 Seconds to Mars, like Kings and Queens and From Yesterday. I just find so much meaning in their songs...
this is the full version of the song (it's around 6 minutes and 40 seconds)
the sky was so blue was beautiful, but now the clouds are covering it up. If I ever want to get high than all I have to do is look up into the deep blue sky. I'll smile when I see that huge blue ocean floating above me, and I'll think to myself: This is all I need.
:) I wish this blog was blue...
I believe in nothing,
Not the earth and not the stars.
I believe in nothing,
Not the day and not the dark.
I believe in nothing,
But the beating of our hearts.
I believe in nothing,
100 suns until we part.
I believe in nothing,
Not in Satan, not in God.
I believe in nothing,
Not in peace and not in war.
I believe in nothing,
But the truth of who we are...
Song: This is War Artist: 30 Seconds to Mars
This song has so much meaning, it's unbelievable. I love most (since I haven't heard of all them) songs from 30 Seconds to Mars, like Kings and Queens and From Yesterday. I just find so much meaning in their songs...
this is the full version of the song (it's around 6 minutes and 40 seconds)
the sky was so blue was beautiful, but now the clouds are covering it up. If I ever want to get high than all I have to do is look up into the deep blue sky. I'll smile when I see that huge blue ocean floating above me, and I'll think to myself: This is all I need.
:) I wish this blog was blue...
Friday, August 13, 2010
Holy Flying Mint Bunnies!
PFFFFFTT!!! Sorry i couldn't resist. I just love the name for those things...Flying Mint I'm loving the APH dub so far :) It has all kinds of puns and jokes that weren't in the original ("When you two are done releasing sexual tension, we have important things to discuss!"). Heheheh...I sound like a creep or something. To me, everything just seems more perverted and they actually bleeped out a swear word! "Sorry, but that guys a total *bleeeep*"
My favorite part so far I think is Eng-I'm sorry, Britain's thing:
"*Sigh* No surprise, the meeting ended once again without any resolution. Blast all! I really do wish there was someone around here who I didn't always fight with!"
"Hi there~"
"Flying Mint Bunny! Did you come here to cheer me up, huh?"
"I wanted to see you, Britain, so I flew right over~"
"This is great! All my magical friends at the same time! But let's have no murders this go around, okay? I'm serious guys!"
"Hey Britain! Can I talk to you for a second?" *Comes around the corner and witnesses scene*
"Hey, no fair chewing on my sleeve Uni! I'm ticklish so stop the snuggling! You're naughty, Captain Hook, Tinkerbell's not big enough! Take that big goofy kissy-face to your leprechaun friends since he's the only one who cares. Kidding~"
"Seriously, you're all nutburgers! What am I to do with you? Ahahahahahahohohoh!"
Oh Arthur...XD I can't wait till September!!!
"An evil secret~ When I look into all of your stupid faces, I think of how much fun it will be to pound them into dust!"
My favorite part so far I think is Eng-I'm sorry, Britain's thing:
"*Sigh* No surprise, the meeting ended once again without any resolution. Blast all! I really do wish there was someone around here who I didn't always fight with!"
"Hi there~"
"Flying Mint Bunny! Did you come here to cheer me up, huh?"
"I wanted to see you, Britain, so I flew right over~"
"This is great! All my magical friends at the same time! But let's have no murders this go around, okay? I'm serious guys!"
"Hey Britain! Can I talk to you for a second?" *Comes around the corner and witnesses scene*
"Hey, no fair chewing on my sleeve Uni! I'm ticklish so stop the snuggling! You're naughty, Captain Hook, Tinkerbell's not big enough! Take that big goofy kissy-face to your leprechaun friends since he's the only one who cares. Kidding~"
"Seriously, you're all nutburgers! What am I to do with you? Ahahahahahahohohoh!"
Oh Arthur...XD I can't wait till September!!!
"An evil secret~ When I look into all of your stupid faces, I think of how much fun it will be to pound them into dust!"
Beacuse I'm Awesome
I finished commenting on three topics for A Separate Peace! Now all I have to do is wait for two people to post their own topics and then I'll be completely done with my schoolwork for the summer! There's only eight days left before everything is due, so they better hurry up. i wasn't the first one to post this time! Hannah beat me to it right when i was going to post something last night, but then i thought against it since it was midnight and i was running on a caffeine high. Some obvious advice: Don't drink iced coffee at 11 o'clock at night. It does stuff to you brain.
I got my glasses back from the doctor and had to wear them yesterday so i can get used to them while I'm driving. So I'm probably going to be wearing them in school sometimes too. i hate glasses because I can always see them and feel them on my face and it's annoying. But now when i take them off everything feels weird. Damn, I'm getting dependent on my glasses (and after four years of not wearing them, too!)
I got my glasses back from the doctor and had to wear them yesterday so i can get used to them while I'm driving. So I'm probably going to be wearing them in school sometimes too. i hate glasses because I can always see them and feel them on my face and it's annoying. But now when i take them off everything feels weird. Damn, I'm getting dependent on my glasses (and after four years of not wearing them, too!)
Monday, August 9, 2010
Shameless Advertising
Has anyone else ever tried It's this really cool file converter that's super easy to use! I just used it to download something I've wanted for a long time but couldn't find without a huge mess of conversions. All I had to do was link what I wanted and click what i wanted to convert it to, click a button and wait for the link to be e-mailed to me. I was so excited, but I think that's mainly because the Internet amazes me...and i barely ever know what's going on.
This site is very useful if you want to get audio from a YouTube video. Would have helped a lot for CSI...
I hear Band Camp's starting soon! Good luck! *wishes she was cool enough to be a band geek*
This site is very useful if you want to get audio from a YouTube video. Would have helped a lot for CSI...
I hear Band Camp's starting soon! Good luck! *wishes she was cool enough to be a band geek*
Sunday, August 8, 2010
The Peace is Seperate, don'tcha know?
Make that three days in a row I didn't wake up before 10:30. Gah, I have to wake up before 8 tomorrow!
Anyway, I'm finally done with A Separate Peace! I hope we didn't have to read the Connection stuff in the back because I didn't and I don't see how it really relates to the book at all. I know i can answer at least one prompt from the blog, but I'm going to wait and see if any others show up that might be easier...that and I don't want to be the first to post again. Hopefully someone else will do it first, but if not I guess I will.
Dude, Finny died! Jeez, I wasn't really expecting that. Still say Gene is my favorite, but I don't know the exact order of everybody else...I guess it really doesn't matter. I actually like Leper before he went 'phsyco'. Poor Leper :( Again, I'm glad I read The Forgotten Soldier before this book, I think it helped me understand things better. All in all, i liked the book. It wasn't nearly as depressing as I thought it would be, though it wasn't exactly happy either...
Anyway, I'm finally done with A Separate Peace! I hope we didn't have to read the Connection stuff in the back because I didn't and I don't see how it really relates to the book at all. I know i can answer at least one prompt from the blog, but I'm going to wait and see if any others show up that might be easier...that and I don't want to be the first to post again. Hopefully someone else will do it first, but if not I guess I will.
Dude, Finny died! Jeez, I wasn't really expecting that. Still say Gene is my favorite, but I don't know the exact order of everybody else...I guess it really doesn't matter. I actually like Leper before he went 'phsyco'. Poor Leper :( Again, I'm glad I read The Forgotten Soldier before this book, I think it helped me understand things better. All in all, i liked the book. It wasn't nearly as depressing as I thought it would be, though it wasn't exactly happy either...
Saturday, August 7, 2010
I'm so lazy
That's 2 days in a row I didn't get out out of bed before ten-thirty. Of course that doesn't mean I wasn't awake before ten-thirty, no, I woke up about every hour (like usual). Do you want to know how i know? I GOT A NEW CLOCK!!!! that's right, I have a new clock. i LOVE clocks, especially the ones where you can see the hands moving on the face, as in NOT digital. My mom got it for me because I've been asking for one. She went out of her way and bought a $3 clock for me. Awww, thanks mom! It reminds me of the clock that was in the girl's locker room at school, though this one isn't two minutes late...No, i do not have a clock fetish...just in case you were wondering *shifty eyes* My awesome new clock is currently ticking away on my bookshelf and along with all the other crap on that thing it looks at home.
I still haven't finished A Separate Peace and i said i was going to finish it a week ago...I honestly don't know why I'm putting it off. I'm more than halfway done and I think I'm going to have to read it over one more time before I start answering the questions...I don't really remember much of what's happened in the beginning and all the feelings going on. Yeah I suck, I know, you don't have to tell me. I still have until the 18th. I'm dedicating tomorrow to that little book so I can be done with it and read Artemis Fowl.
This post is going to be looooong. Oh well XD. My dad got me a sparkly water/suspension (science term ftw) ball that lights up when you hit it against a hard surface. He got it at a book store...can you believe that? And better yet, he had a coupon so he could get it for free (it was originally $10). When he dropped it into my hands i was like WTF to which he shrugged and said, "It was free, so I figured, why not?" they also got me three bags of chicken nuggets *drools* I'm so spoiled :)
I still haven't finished A Separate Peace and i said i was going to finish it a week ago...I honestly don't know why I'm putting it off. I'm more than halfway done and I think I'm going to have to read it over one more time before I start answering the questions...I don't really remember much of what's happened in the beginning and all the feelings going on. Yeah I suck, I know, you don't have to tell me. I still have until the 18th. I'm dedicating tomorrow to that little book so I can be done with it and read Artemis Fowl.
This post is going to be looooong. Oh well XD. My dad got me a sparkly water/suspension (science term ftw) ball that lights up when you hit it against a hard surface. He got it at a book store...can you believe that? And better yet, he had a coupon so he could get it for free (it was originally $10). When he dropped it into my hands i was like WTF to which he shrugged and said, "It was free, so I figured, why not?" they also got me three bags of chicken nuggets *drools* I'm so spoiled :)
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Most Hated
I really have no excuse for just popped into my head. Okay so this wasn't meant to be offending to anybody really, and I don't hate any of the things listed except terrorists (yeah i hate terrorists). Hopefully this one isn't super blurry like the last one.
Letters to Home
We got a letter from Simon today! It's the first one we have received from him at boot camp. Poor guy...I'll have to write him a letter this time around :) He makes it sound so...I don't know, lonely, even though he's making new friends. He always has been a social person so it's natural for him to make friends so fast. Apparently he cried when he got our letters. The nice guys over there comforted him and I'm happy he's not alone. Apparently he really doesn't like Intensive Training and he just discovered he has low iron that he might have to take medication for. All in all things are good for him, which is more than good...I miss my video game buddy T_T
If you know anybody in the military, send them letters from home! They love to know they haven't been forgotten. luv you Bruder!
If you know anybody in the military, send them letters from home! They love to know they haven't been forgotten. luv you Bruder!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
The Big Three

...Oh my...they seem so arrogant! Especially Theo! I like all of their clothes though I think I like Atil's the best, Theo is a very close second, with Agnus in third. sorry girl, but you can't best the boys! I think I put little, to no animosity between them, darn...that's not right. Drawing Theo's 'children' should be fun, though I probably won't post them.
"...Ah, but I cannot, dear brother. I lost control of them long ago. Now I have only a single thread connecting me to each, and even then, it is they who pull me along like a dog on a leash and force me to watch as they murder eachother in cold blood. You are lucky you do not have children, brother. They would surely destroy you as mine have me."
Sunday on a Tuesday.
Is it just me, or does food always taste better when you eat it while sitting on the roof of a building? My grandma got me a Chocolate Sunday from Reneger's today while I was at work. Carl threatened to eat it when it started melting so i did the mature thing and stuck my tongue out at him...that jerk. He told me he dropped it before he gave it to me and I almost cried. I haven't had ice cream in a long time, you see. It was a good thing he was lying. Anyway, instead of eating with them on the porch, I was anti-social and stayed on the roof (where I had been working) and sat among the paint chips listening to Heat of the Moment by Asia. I didn't care that I got tons of brain was some of the best ice cream I've ever tasted!
Yuuuummmmmm ;P
Yuuuummmmmm ;P
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Good Choices Mrs. C!
I have to say that Mrs. Coursen picked some pretty good books for us to read over the summer. I actually did enjoy Huckleberry Finn even though some of my classmates seriously hated it, and I'm really enjoying A Separate Peace (which i just started today).
I'm only on Chapter 6 but I really like it so far. It's deep and it makes you question people's behavior's and why they do things. Gene is probably my favorite (out of the only two characters I know so far) because I can relate to him more than Finny. At first I thought I wouldn't like this book because it sounded so overly depressing, but now it doesn't really seem that way anymore...though i hope it doesn't get super depressing later (it's American literature after all) I'm glad I read a WWII book before reading this one because I can see the stark differences between a soldier's life and a civilian's life right now, and the differences between two countries in the same war. I think I'll really like this book, or at least, i hope so!
I'm only on Chapter 6 but I really like it so far. It's deep and it makes you question people's behavior's and why they do things. Gene is probably my favorite (out of the only two characters I know so far) because I can relate to him more than Finny. At first I thought I wouldn't like this book because it sounded so overly depressing, but now it doesn't really seem that way anymore...though i hope it doesn't get super depressing later (it's American literature after all) I'm glad I read a WWII book before reading this one because I can see the stark differences between a soldier's life and a civilian's life right now, and the differences between two countries in the same war. I think I'll really like this book, or at least, i hope so!
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