Saturday, July 31, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
A Classic Case of Road Rage
I seriously thought my aunt was going to kill me yesterday. That lady has the worst case of road rage I have ever experience while riding in a car. I was actually fearing for my life. Not only does she suck at multitasking, but she gets distracted very easily. I have actually been in a car crash before and I had a very close call with my cousin in May, but I still wasn't as scared as yesterday. Aunt Shelly was driving me to my dentist appointment in Cranberry and I swear she crossed the yellow line about ten times and was tailgating this one guy for miles. The scariest part was when we were at the intersection right in front of the dentist's building. She was getting frustrated at how long the red light was lasting and she kept creeping forward into the middle of the intersection WHILE TRAFFIC WAS COMING FROM BOTH SIDES!!! (CAPS LOCK ABUSE!!) She was complaining about the light the whole time and I was twitching in the seat trying to calm her down and stop her from creeping any further. after what seemed like forever, the light turned green and she moved the rest of the way through the intersection (she didn't have far to go) And she tells me to watch out for bad drivers! Thank you for being a prime example on bad drivers, Aunt Shelly. I know exactly what to avoid now. Can you tell I don't trust her at the wheel? I only trust my mom, dad and (surprisingly enough) my brother when they drive. Oh and Rick my bus driver though he's a bit weird...
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Don't Trust the Green Dot!!!
that thing is the embodiment of pure evil! *Shudder* For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about then you're lucky...and you probably haven't visited an eye doctor recently. Though i guess it doesn't have to be a green Colorado it was an air balloon...Anyway you know that machine that blows air into your eyes? I frickin' hate that thing! It never used to bother me when I was younger (probably because I was staring at a pretty balloon), but this time it was like torture. The eye doctor in Clarion is indifferent to people suffering evidently. In clarion they have this really bright green dot you have to stare at while they puff your eyes. You see I have this thing about my eyes, in which i don't let anything come within a foot of them if I think it'll hurt them or something. So this whole time I'm waiting for the puff to come and the doctor is taking her sweet time. My eyes wouldn't stay open because I knew the puff was coming, I just didn't know when. they doctor had to physically hold my eyelids open just to have me jerk back unexpectedly. She literally said, "It's like torture to you, isn't it?" I just glared at her. That stupid dot didn't hold my attention very well and I was very aware that my eyes were going to be assaulted. When it was finally done they gave me a lecture about not wearing my glasses when I should, though they were surprised I don't get headaches all the time, and apparently my eyesight is pretty good even though I haven't been wearing my glasses. My left eye keeps getting better actually, though my right eye stays the same (I hate my right eye, everything is too bright). In the end they dilated my eyes when it was completely unnecessary (the doctor even said so but my mom told her to do it anyway...grr mom grr). So I ended up stumbling around Wall Mart afterwords, refusing to wear those stupid half shade things that don't even help. I'm going to have to wear my glasses when i finally start driving...though i hope I do better than my aunt. She's a horrible driver, though she blames everyone else when she stops after the stop sign and drift over the yellow line. I get scared sometimes.
eye doctor,
eye exam,
eye puff thing,
The green dot
Monday, July 26, 2010
Fear for the Future
The class of 2012...Oh my, what is wrong with us? These are some excellent quotes from me and my fellow classmates.
"No, Chey. Australia is NOT part of the Untied States!"
"Wait...isn't Germany part of Japan?"
"You spelled war wrong."
"No I didn't."
"What happened to Paddington?"
"Oh someone from a later class kidnapped him and sent me a ransom note. Wanna see the picture?"
"When's your last day?"
"'re Asian..."
"No. I'm American, I was just born in South Korea."
"Jesus was a Jew?"
"I can't remember which book that was from."
"Wasn't it Exodus?"
"Yeah, that's it!"
"OMG did an Atheist just remember something a devout Christian didn't?! Hell must have frozen over!"
"Wait. Was Hitler a good guy or a bad guy?"
"But what if they killed your whole family? If you killed them what would happen?"
"That's technically murder and you'd be tried as such."
"Ha ha~ Pluto isn't a Planet! Take that pro-Pluto!"
"We had to tell our English teacher how to spell Lightning...and that the word acrossed doesn't exist."
"I bet she's not wearing a bra."
"Ha! I was right! Juliet is such a whore!"
"Get my long sword, ho!"
"Shut up, ho!"
"You couldn't fill in a map of the US?"
"I got the west perfectly! There are way too many small states in the east!"
"You're sad, you know that?"
"Maryland's a state?"
"Yeah, it's south of PA."
"Seriously?! I always thought it was part of Maine!"
"Where's Michigan?"
"You don't know where Michigan is?"
"Huh. Well, do you know where Ohio is?"
"OK, you go to Ohio and then just keep heading North."
"Michigan! It's the Mitten of the World!"
"You two sound like nerds! Talking about something no one else understands!"
"Hey, Lauren. You're my cousin."
"What? No I'm not!"
"Yeah you are."
"Nuh uh."
*One year later*
"Hey Sam, did you know we're related?"
"Can't go wrong with a sexy doctor."
"Sam'll end up getting high and then having a sex with Two twins. She'll get pregnant and because she was so out of she won't know who the father was. And then she'll kill the babies one at a time and bury them somewhere no one will ever find them."
"I had a dream that Sam and Sean switched sexes and Ryan was trying to kill himself, but I stopped him by tying him up."
"That's...messed up."
"I'm in a hurry and Don't know why, Oh I, rush and rush until life's no fun!"
"My name is Debra Fischer...and I'm an astronomer."
"I understand you teach a class?"
"Yes. It's very frustrating. they never stop talking and they won't put their cell phones away and they never do what I tell them to!"
"There is a strict process in Alien abduction: Capture, experiment, tour, and return."
"You get a tour? Really?"
"You should be doing your work, unlike those two, who're just fooling around."
*on the other side of the room* "Do your ears hang low?"
"Do they wobble to and fro?"
"Can you tie 'em in a knot?"
"Can you tie 'em in a bow?"
"Do your Ears. Hang. Low?"
"How did you come up with it?"
"Well, i was getting out of the shower when this awesome idea came to me and..."
"Okay then."
"Do we have to say the pledge every day? I mean, can't we just say it once and be done with it?"
"Why do you hate America, Hannah?"
"What?! I don't hate-"
"Well obviously you do. Nobody listen to Hannah. She hates America."
"You still haven't proven you've existed to me."
"You're talking to me right now."
"Am I though? Maybe I'm talking to myself or some imaginary image."
"Prove to me you exist and this will all end."
"I think he has a crush on Hitler...I mean, look at how many videos he's watched about him on YouTube..."
"Dude, not even Dracula would suck that!"
"Well, it has Scarlet in the title, so it must be about some skank of some sort...hmm...I don't know what a Pimpernel is though. maybe it's a type of woman who prays on unsuspecting men and draws them to her bed so she can kill them afterwords."
"A Pimpernel is a flower..."
"It's so fun playing an evil guy, even if he is a complete moron!"
"What are you on?!"
"Life Support."
"I spy something black. But you know, It's red in Baker's room and the Choir room, Silver in Rut's room, and red again in the main hallway."
"Dakota! We're going to kill you if you don't shut up and start working!"
"Vaughn stole my pen, and he cut my folder into shreds!"
"That doesn't matter! Get your ass working or Vaughn will be the least of your problems!"
"So, what are your favorite clothes?"
"Sweatpants...what'd you tell her?"
"Um...I said a thong..."
"...Jolie...I hate you."
"You realize that if I'm Asian, that makes Faith English. She already has the bad teeth for it."
"Damnit Lauren! I already have dibs on the first-born!"
"No way, I have dibs on the first-born!"
"You're both wrong! the first-born is mine! Especially if it's a girl."
"Um...what if I want to keep my first born?"
"You promised it to me!"
"No, you promised it to me!"
"Your girl will be mine!"
"Can I have your youngest?"
"What'd you get?"
"Six of clubs."
"Ha! I got ten of clubs! I beat you!"
"Shut it you two! It doesn't matter what you got! Besides I beat both of you. Ace of Spades, baby! Yeah!"
"So this is what it feels like to be black..."
"This isn't bad you know...doesn't feel much different."
"And now, I'll demonstrate how it was to be black before the civil rights movement in Black and White schools."
"Why did she give us tests?"
"Are we supposed to do these?"
"Wait are those cupcakes?"
"Um, you totally skipped me. Where's my cupcake?"
"You don't get a cupcake. Finish your test."
"It's because I'm black isn't it?!"
"You are so Racist!"
"Black Power! Black Power!"
"Hey, what's that over there?"
"Huh? Where?"
"Nothing, never mind."
"Okay...? ...Oh c'mon guys! I can't believe I fell for that!"
"We can't either!"
"Gimme my stuff back! No, don't waste the lead!! Please! Stop it! Not my precious pencil!"
"Click. Click. Click."
"You're wasting so much leeeeeaaaaaad!!!" *breaks into hysterics* "that's all the lead I have left! Stop being so cruel!"
"No, Chey. Australia is NOT part of the Untied States!"
"Wait...isn't Germany part of Japan?"
"You spelled war wrong."
"No I didn't."
"What happened to Paddington?"
"Oh someone from a later class kidnapped him and sent me a ransom note. Wanna see the picture?"
"When's your last day?"
"'re Asian..."
"No. I'm American, I was just born in South Korea."
"Jesus was a Jew?"
"I can't remember which book that was from."
"Wasn't it Exodus?"
"Yeah, that's it!"
"OMG did an Atheist just remember something a devout Christian didn't?! Hell must have frozen over!"
"Wait. Was Hitler a good guy or a bad guy?"
"But what if they killed your whole family? If you killed them what would happen?"
"That's technically murder and you'd be tried as such."
"Ha ha~ Pluto isn't a Planet! Take that pro-Pluto!"
"We had to tell our English teacher how to spell Lightning...and that the word acrossed doesn't exist."
"I bet she's not wearing a bra."
"Ha! I was right! Juliet is such a whore!"
"Get my long sword, ho!"
"Shut up, ho!"
"You couldn't fill in a map of the US?"
"I got the west perfectly! There are way too many small states in the east!"
"You're sad, you know that?"
"Maryland's a state?"
"Yeah, it's south of PA."
"Seriously?! I always thought it was part of Maine!"
"Where's Michigan?"
"You don't know where Michigan is?"
"Huh. Well, do you know where Ohio is?"
"OK, you go to Ohio and then just keep heading North."
"Michigan! It's the Mitten of the World!"
"You two sound like nerds! Talking about something no one else understands!"
"Hey, Lauren. You're my cousin."
"What? No I'm not!"
"Yeah you are."
"Nuh uh."
*One year later*
"Hey Sam, did you know we're related?"
"Can't go wrong with a sexy doctor."
"Sam'll end up getting high and then having a sex with Two twins. She'll get pregnant and because she was so out of she won't know who the father was. And then she'll kill the babies one at a time and bury them somewhere no one will ever find them."
"I had a dream that Sam and Sean switched sexes and Ryan was trying to kill himself, but I stopped him by tying him up."
"That's...messed up."
"I'm in a hurry and Don't know why, Oh I, rush and rush until life's no fun!"
"My name is Debra Fischer...and I'm an astronomer."
"I understand you teach a class?"
"Yes. It's very frustrating. they never stop talking and they won't put their cell phones away and they never do what I tell them to!"
"There is a strict process in Alien abduction: Capture, experiment, tour, and return."
"You get a tour? Really?"
"You should be doing your work, unlike those two, who're just fooling around."
*on the other side of the room* "Do your ears hang low?"
"Do they wobble to and fro?"
"Can you tie 'em in a knot?"
"Can you tie 'em in a bow?"
"Do your Ears. Hang. Low?"
"How did you come up with it?"
"Well, i was getting out of the shower when this awesome idea came to me and..."
"Okay then."
"Do we have to say the pledge every day? I mean, can't we just say it once and be done with it?"
"Why do you hate America, Hannah?"
"What?! I don't hate-"
"Well obviously you do. Nobody listen to Hannah. She hates America."
"You still haven't proven you've existed to me."
"You're talking to me right now."
"Am I though? Maybe I'm talking to myself or some imaginary image."
"Prove to me you exist and this will all end."
"I think he has a crush on Hitler...I mean, look at how many videos he's watched about him on YouTube..."
"Dude, not even Dracula would suck that!"
"Well, it has Scarlet in the title, so it must be about some skank of some sort...hmm...I don't know what a Pimpernel is though. maybe it's a type of woman who prays on unsuspecting men and draws them to her bed so she can kill them afterwords."
"A Pimpernel is a flower..."
"It's so fun playing an evil guy, even if he is a complete moron!"
"What are you on?!"
"Life Support."
"I spy something black. But you know, It's red in Baker's room and the Choir room, Silver in Rut's room, and red again in the main hallway."
"Dakota! We're going to kill you if you don't shut up and start working!"
"Vaughn stole my pen, and he cut my folder into shreds!"
"That doesn't matter! Get your ass working or Vaughn will be the least of your problems!"
"So, what are your favorite clothes?"
"Sweatpants...what'd you tell her?"
"Um...I said a thong..."
"...Jolie...I hate you."
"You realize that if I'm Asian, that makes Faith English. She already has the bad teeth for it."
"Damnit Lauren! I already have dibs on the first-born!"
"No way, I have dibs on the first-born!"
"You're both wrong! the first-born is mine! Especially if it's a girl."
"Um...what if I want to keep my first born?"
"You promised it to me!"
"No, you promised it to me!"
"Your girl will be mine!"
"Can I have your youngest?"
"What'd you get?"
"Six of clubs."
"Ha! I got ten of clubs! I beat you!"
"Shut it you two! It doesn't matter what you got! Besides I beat both of you. Ace of Spades, baby! Yeah!"
"So this is what it feels like to be black..."
"This isn't bad you know...doesn't feel much different."
"And now, I'll demonstrate how it was to be black before the civil rights movement in Black and White schools."
"Why did she give us tests?"
"Are we supposed to do these?"
"Wait are those cupcakes?"
"Um, you totally skipped me. Where's my cupcake?"
"You don't get a cupcake. Finish your test."
"It's because I'm black isn't it?!"
"You are so Racist!"
"Black Power! Black Power!"
"Hey, what's that over there?"
"Huh? Where?"
"Nothing, never mind."
"Okay...? ...Oh c'mon guys! I can't believe I fell for that!"
"We can't either!"
"Gimme my stuff back! No, don't waste the lead!! Please! Stop it! Not my precious pencil!"
"Click. Click. Click."
"You're wasting so much leeeeeaaaaaad!!!" *breaks into hysterics* "that's all the lead I have left! Stop being so cruel!"
Friday, July 23, 2010
Ooooo la la~
I can't believe how easy it was to find this! And no I didn't go fishing for it! I was reading something and it mentioned the World's Best and Worst Lovers, so i just had to check it out. asked women from 20 countries to rate nations on their ability in bed and give reasons for their answers. So here are the results:
World's Worst Lovers:
1. Germany (too smelly)
2. England (too lazy)
3. Sweden (too quick)
4. Holland (too rough)
5. America (too dominating)
6. Greece (too love-dovey)
7. Wales (too selfish)
8. Scotland (too loud)
9. Turkey (too sweaty)
10. Russia (too hairy)
World's Best Lovers:
1. Spain
2. Brazil
3. Italy
4. France
5. Ireland
6. South Africa
7. Australia
8. New Zealand
9. Denmark
10 Canada
I found this info here ~ Read the article above the's interesting ;)
World's Worst Lovers:
1. Germany (too smelly)
2. England (too lazy)
3. Sweden (too quick)
4. Holland (too rough)
5. America (too dominating)
6. Greece (too love-dovey)
7. Wales (too selfish)
8. Scotland (too loud)
9. Turkey (too sweaty)
10. Russia (too hairy)
World's Best Lovers:
1. Spain
2. Brazil
3. Italy
4. France
5. Ireland
6. South Africa
7. Australia
8. New Zealand
9. Denmark
10 Canada
I found this info here ~ Read the article above the's interesting ;)
Thursday, July 22, 2010
That Poor...Poor Girl
Some poor ten year old had to get an eccccssspander today XD Poor thing was sitting next to me in at the orthodontists office and got instructed on how to crank the stupid thing. I just watched with pity as her mom came and stood beside her. they were putting it in when I was getting my wires readjusted and the poor girl was whimpering while Kenzor was tightening it in her mouth. he kept saying he wasn't hurting her on purpose and it wouldn't hurt after a day or two. I don't blame her...that thing made my mouth bleed really badly when they took it out, not to mention it messed with my eating habits (I still swipe my tongue over the roof of my mouth to see if anything is up there). She'll get her braces on in a few months. At least it's summer and she can get used to it before she goes back to school :)
I'm soooo glad I don't have to hack and spit when i eat now!
P.S. Da Dum Da Da Da Dum Dum, Da Dum Da Da Da Dum Dum... Da Dum Da Da Da Dum Dennnnnmark, Da Dum Da Da Da Dum Dum~ (that song is way too catchy!)
I'm soooo glad I don't have to hack and spit when i eat now!
P.S. Da Dum Da Da Da Dum Dum, Da Dum Da Da Da Dum Dum... Da Dum Da Da Da Dum Dennnnnmark, Da Dum Da Da Da Dum Dum~ (that song is way too catchy!)
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
One in a Million
Did you know, there's actually a fairy tale that doesn't have a happy ending? I was sure surprised when I finished a story called The Godfather Death. Turns out the guy dies in the end, unmarried, and feeling cheated. He really shouldn't have felt cheated though because he DID disobey Death TWICE. I was half expecting him to trick Death and marry the princess like all the other fair tales, but it was not meant to be...and it was awesome! I'm noticing a lot of repeat stories in the book too, like Thumbling and the The Travels of Thumbling,which was basically the same tale (they even had the same name!) My favorite tale so far is the Golden Bird because I actually remembered all of it from when my music teacher told us the story in fourth grade (she was the best story teller ever!) I had actually heard of quite a few of these fairy tales though under different names i.e. The Little Elves and The White Snake. I'm not even halfway through the book yet...oh well this interesting, though they never seem to run out of beautiful princesses, weird kings, ugly step-mothers and their daughters, and a brave nobody who somehow becomes a king in the end. That's fairy tales for you ;)
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Good deed of the day.
Well, we found Luddy's owners! Turns out he belongs to Shane (the former 9th grader) by the church. Mom and I went up and down the block asking people if they'd seen him or if they knew who he belonged to. This time nearly everybody was there. We went to the last house on the road and talked to Shane's grandparents who said there grandchildren were really worried about him. They were ecstatic and even offered to drive us back home! they were really nice people and we left him with them. I knew Luddy was old, but 12!? jeez Ludwig! Actually, his name is J.J. Who names a dog J.J.? Ludwig is a MUCH cooler name. Now i don't have to worry about him anymore (unless he runs away again).
Bye-Bye Luddy! I'll miss you!
Bye-Bye Luddy! I'll miss you!
I was i made this!

Why so nerdy, Richard? Pfft...I suck at hair and glasses (does it show?) And Jared looks like such a jock! Eliza looks alright though so I guess that's good. these three are from a story I'm writing. they were fun to write about because Eliza and Jared hate each other while Richard is always the mediator (due to a small misunderstanding when they first met). Eliza is really possessive and a bit crazy from being drugged up most of her life and Jared just thinks he's the best at every single thing he does. Richard is a sissy who knits for comfort, but he's the smartest of the trio. Eliza is the brawn, Richard is the brains, and Jared is the skill. I might do some Hunters because they should be fun to draw (Oz and Max XD) and I just find them unintentionally funny. I'll probably end up drawing everyone though (along with their little talents, though not these three because that would be hard)...I just realized if I'm going to draw Jack then I have to draw George...XD
Monday, July 19, 2010
H A P P Y * B - D A Y * J O L I E !!!

It's a little late, I know, but you cannot imagine how much fun I had making this! I guess this is what happens when i don't have to work...Oh well i like it though I wish I could give it a background color, but when I tried it just screwed everything up so... Anyway, HAPPY 17TH BIRTHDAY JOLIE!!!!!!!!! XD
I've got a stalker...oh joy.
It's true. they won't leave me alone no matter how many times I tell them too. He's been hanging around my house since he walked through my yard at seven in the morning. Stupid little twerp's still here and it's two in the afternoon! Gah. Baker was right: Dog's are parasites!
This little Pomeranian has been at walking around my house and won't leave me alone. I have no idea who he(she?) belongs to because he doesn't have any tags on his collar. He's gotta belong to somebody around here. I got a really old leash out and took him around the block to ask my neighbors if he looked familiar or if they knew where he was supposed to be. It turns out most of my neighbors work (it's been raining, that's why i wasn't working) a lot of the day and I could only talk to Mr. Masters. He had no idea who the dog belonged to, but he didn't think it belonged to the Lencers or the Zerbes. It's not Jaime's dog or else he probably would have taken it back to his house when he saw it roaming around. I have a feeling it belongs to the Horse people since they have, like, five dogs or something. I've named him Luddy which is short for Ludwig because Pomeranians come from Germany (I'm sure someone will get the reference) It's raining pretty hard out, I hope he's okay. Poor Luddy :(
This little Pomeranian has been at walking around my house and won't leave me alone. I have no idea who he(she?) belongs to because he doesn't have any tags on his collar. He's gotta belong to somebody around here. I got a really old leash out and took him around the block to ask my neighbors if he looked familiar or if they knew where he was supposed to be. It turns out most of my neighbors work (it's been raining, that's why i wasn't working) a lot of the day and I could only talk to Mr. Masters. He had no idea who the dog belonged to, but he didn't think it belonged to the Lencers or the Zerbes. It's not Jaime's dog or else he probably would have taken it back to his house when he saw it roaming around. I have a feeling it belongs to the Horse people since they have, like, five dogs or something. I've named him Luddy which is short for Ludwig because Pomeranians come from Germany (I'm sure someone will get the reference) It's raining pretty hard out, I hope he's okay. Poor Luddy :(
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Did not need to know that...
So mom and I went to the movies like we usually do every weekend as our form of entertainment. On the way there we passed by Trisha's brother's graduation party and mom started reflecting that most of my friends, and quite a few other people in my grade have siblings that graduated this year. I figured maybe '91 was a good baby birthing year. Mom said that she was waiting in the hospital with 5 other mothers when she had Simon. She said she had Simon because of Saudi. To which i replied, "So other countries excite you, huh?" She smacked me in my sore arm. Apparently in 1991 a lot of troops were coming home from Saudi Arabia and reuniting with their families (reunion sex...). Ugh! Didn't need to know that mom!! Jeez! She doesn't know why everyone was having babies in '91 here in PA though...Just one of life's weird and disgusting/embarrassing mysteries. By the way, i was also conceived because of a country...yay for South Korea! *Shudder*
P.S. we saw Inception and I thought it was pretty cool and interesting. I didn't stay to watch for anything after the credits so I still don't know if it was a dream or reality (but then again, what is reality but a dream? Oh gosh don't get me started!) And then i came home and watched Whip It which is a hilarious was alright though I still haven't found my pants in my room and it's basically spotless right now...maybe mom has them? I don't know...
P.S. we saw Inception and I thought it was pretty cool and interesting. I didn't stay to watch for anything after the credits so I still don't know if it was a dream or reality (but then again, what is reality but a dream? Oh gosh don't get me started!) And then i came home and watched Whip It which is a hilarious was alright though I still haven't found my pants in my room and it's basically spotless right now...maybe mom has them? I don't know...
Friday, July 16, 2010
Trip to Butler
I went to Butler today to get my physical for my driving permit. In the end i went through the entire process twice because I was someones training project and I also got two shots: one in each arm. After that i went to the bookstore, but didn't find the one I wanted, so I was disappointed. And then it was off to Red Lobster, where I showed off my new found flag identifying skills and shoved a pound of crab legs in my mouth like I hadn't eaten for days (you know, the usual). We went to the petco to replace Simon with an automatic litter box (it cleans itself! Much better than Simon already!) Mr. Anderson wasn't there, though three new kittens were. My right arm was burning at this point and we made our way to Sam's Club. We looked for Simon's Laptop and my video camera, but again I was disappointed. I fell asleep in the car going home because it was hot and i was bored. When i woke up my stomach hurt and it still does...ugh, I really hope i don't have food poisoning or something. All in all today kind of sucked...
Oh! I started reading Grimm's Fairy tales yesterday and it's kind of weird. It's like every story must have a happy ending. A lot of it seems forced and very very unrealistic (as in no human would ever act that way...) But it's a fairytale, I should expect that I guess.
Oh! I started reading Grimm's Fairy tales yesterday and it's kind of weird. It's like every story must have a happy ending. A lot of it seems forced and very very unrealistic (as in no human would ever act that way...) But it's a fairytale, I should expect that I guess.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Windows Paint...

This is me experimenting with Windows Paint, which I haven't used in years. I'm thinking about uploading some of my little comics and doodles I have lying around everywhere. I'll probably scan them in on paper instead of using paint because it's just so annoying... Anyway, this is the Ion family! (I'm pretty sure that's how the height goes shortest to tallest: me, dad, mom, Simon, though me and dad are pretty close...)
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
The name's Pooh...Winnie-the-Pooh
I just got this free App for my iPod that lets me download books so I can read them wherever I want without having to lug around books. It came with a free book too. Can you guys which one? That's right, it gave me Winnie-the-Pooh as a free first book! XD I don't know about you but I love Winnie-the-Pooh. It was my favorite thing when i was younger, think of it as Mr. Vaughn's Paddington Bear. Don't get me wrong, I like the feel of books in my hands way better than reading them off a screen, but this is awesome! I need to start browsing for more books I can find :)
I love my iPod (and Christopher Robin)!
I love my iPod (and Christopher Robin)!
The Forgotten Soldier: Last Three Parts
I finished The Forgotten Soldier today.
The last three parts consisted of:
The Retreat
To the West
The End
One part that really stood out to me was when Sajer told the reader how to read a war story. You shouldn't be sitting comfortably, sipping coffee and waiting to go to work. No, you should be standing, and reading close to the time you would go to bed, so you would be tired, but not tired enough to actually fall asleep. This is the west war book I've read so far.
The last three parts consisted of:
The Retreat
To the West
The End
One part that really stood out to me was when Sajer told the reader how to read a war story. You shouldn't be sitting comfortably, sipping coffee and waiting to go to work. No, you should be standing, and reading close to the time you would go to bed, so you would be tired, but not tired enough to actually fall asleep. This is the west war book I've read so far.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Haru Mamburu!
I don't think anyone knows what that means XD All I know is that it's a really catchy song. You might have heard it, since it's about as old as i am. Anyway it doesn't use any real words (that I know of), even though a lot of words sound English. It's from a Russian band (I'm pretty sure). I don't know, but I love this song! I just recently watched a little video of some of my favorite badass villains with it in the background. It fit so well!
P.S. To add to the song shout outs I have going on, let me just say that Party In Your Bedroom is one of my favorite songs on my iPod. I have to listen to it twice every time it comes up in shuffle. And if you haven't heard Kings and Queens by 30 Seconds to Mars then your missing out on an amazing song (it was on some chip commercial actually...idk). Okay bye-bye! OwO
P.S. To add to the song shout outs I have going on, let me just say that Party In Your Bedroom is one of my favorite songs on my iPod. I have to listen to it twice every time it comes up in shuffle. And if you haven't heard Kings and Queens by 30 Seconds to Mars then your missing out on an amazing song (it was on some chip commercial actually...idk). Okay bye-bye! OwO
Monday, July 12, 2010
Mr. Rawr
“Hi.” She said cheerfully.
“Hello.” He answered with his usual smile.
“I’m Angela.” She took his huge hand in her tiny one and shook vigorously. Rhor’s answering shake almost dislodged her ribbon. “Hehe! You have a good handshake! Katia says that means you’re a strong person. What’s your name?”
“Like roar? That’s a funny name!”
“No, no.” he said crouching down in front of her. “Rhor.”
He found himself chuckling at her would-be ferocious expression. She giggled in response. “So Mister Roar, what are you gonna eat?”
Sorry, i just found this so cute! Imagine this huge foreign guy talking to a tiny little girl. She never calls him by his real name...ever. She always calls Katia Kitty or Kitty Bird unless she's not around. I think the only name she did get right was Archie...Aww Angela, you're so cute!
“Hello.” He answered with his usual smile.
“I’m Angela.” She took his huge hand in her tiny one and shook vigorously. Rhor’s answering shake almost dislodged her ribbon. “Hehe! You have a good handshake! Katia says that means you’re a strong person. What’s your name?”
“Like roar? That’s a funny name!”
“No, no.” he said crouching down in front of her. “Rhor.”
He found himself chuckling at her would-be ferocious expression. She giggled in response. “So Mister Roar, what are you gonna eat?”
Sorry, i just found this so cute! Imagine this huge foreign guy talking to a tiny little girl. She never calls him by his real name...ever. She always calls Katia Kitty or Kitty Bird unless she's not around. I think the only name she did get right was Archie...Aww Angela, you're so cute!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Spain won the World Cup! Spain vs Netherlands and Spain won 1 to nothing.
So it was:
1st: Spain
2nd: Netherlands
3rd: Germany
I'm just happy the U.S. team made it as far as they did and weren't knocked out the first round. OvO
So it was:
1st: Spain
2nd: Netherlands
3rd: Germany
I'm just happy the U.S. team made it as far as they did and weren't knocked out the first round. OvO
It's Too Clean!
We bought my new bookcase/shelf thing (whatever you want to call it!) yesterday and just put it together this morning. So naturally mom couldn't be satisfied with me moving everything out of the corner of my room, no, she had to bring the vacuum out and spray the walls and everything. It took a while (and several trips to the attic) for us to get my room relatively empty. I just sat by when she got the cleaning supplies out because I frankly hate the vacuum (that thing is older than I am) and I hate it when my mom goes into cleaning mode. She's so naggy and needy and I hate cleaning things. Now the only cluttered spots in my room are my futon, my closet, and my desk. It feels way too empty in here and it's weird...maybe I'll post a picture or something.
I hate it when I can see the carpet under my feet! Grrr...
I hate it when I can see the carpet under my feet! Grrr...
Friday, July 9, 2010
50 Random Questions
1. Where were you 3 hours ago?
Driving home from Clarion
2. Who are you in love with? least I don't think so
3. Have you ever eaten a crayon?
Uh..I don't think so?
4. Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
5. When is the last time you went to the mall?
about 4 hours ago
6. Are you wearing socks right now?
7. Do you have a car worth over $2,000?
I don't own a car myself, but my mom does!
8. When was the last time you drove out of town?
9. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days?
Just went to one 5 hours ago
10. Are you hot?
In what sense? either way, not really
11. What was the last thing you had to drink?
some kind of chocolate drink (got it from mom)
12. What are you wearing right now?
My favorite jeans, a pink shirt, underwear and my favorite bra...
13. Do you wash your car or let the car wash do it?
let the rain take care of it.
14. Last food that you ate?
lukewarm pizza...
15. Where were you last week at this time?
reading outside
16. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?
17. When is the last time you ran?
18. What's the last sporting event you watched?
FIFA world cup
19. What is your favorite animal?
20. Your dream vacation?
Rocky Mountains vacation baby!
21. Last person's house you were in?
Aunt Shelly's house
22. Worst injury you've ever had?
I split my forehead open on the edge of a stone fireplace
23. Have you been in love?
24. Do you miss anyone right now?
Snickers... T_T
25. Last play you saw?
Beauty and the Beast
26. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex?
my charming personality...pfft!
27. What are your plans for tonight?
28. Who is the last person you sent a MySpace message or comment?
don't have MySpace
29. Next trip you are going to take?
Europe Trip (hopefully)
30. Ever go to camp?
yes...but I'm not telling what went down there!
31. Were you an honor roll student in school?
32. What do you want to know about the future?
how we'll remember the past
33. Are you wearing any perfume or cologne?
gosh no!
34. Are you due sometime this year for a doctor's visit?
yeah, I need a physical
35. Where is your best friend?
somewhere. I don't know...
36. How is your best friend?
Haven't heard anything bad so far...
37. Do you have a tan?
I'm a little tanner than my usual pale self at the moment.
38. What are you listening to right now?
Beside you by Marianas Trench
39. Do you collect anything?
40. Who is the biggest gossiper you know?
My mom...but she never gossips about herself. It's always what stupid stuff the rest of us are doing.
41. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over?
42. Have you ever drank your soda from a straw?
unfortunately yes. But usually only if it's through a bendy straw!
43. What does your last text message say?
44. Do you like hot sauce?
45. Last time you took a shower?
this morning
46. Do you need to do laundry?
today is laundry day, so yes.
47. What is your heritage?
Belgium on one side, Scottish on the other...I think.
48. Are you someones best friend?
I hope so...
49. Are you rich?
nope, probably never will be either
50. What were you doing at 12AM last night?
watching Comedy Central shows
Driving home from Clarion
2. Who are you in love with? least I don't think so
3. Have you ever eaten a crayon?
Uh..I don't think so?
4. Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
5. When is the last time you went to the mall?
about 4 hours ago
6. Are you wearing socks right now?
7. Do you have a car worth over $2,000?
I don't own a car myself, but my mom does!
8. When was the last time you drove out of town?
9. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days?
Just went to one 5 hours ago
10. Are you hot?
In what sense? either way, not really
11. What was the last thing you had to drink?
some kind of chocolate drink (got it from mom)
12. What are you wearing right now?
My favorite jeans, a pink shirt, underwear and my favorite bra...
13. Do you wash your car or let the car wash do it?
let the rain take care of it.
14. Last food that you ate?
lukewarm pizza...
15. Where were you last week at this time?
reading outside
16. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?
17. When is the last time you ran?
18. What's the last sporting event you watched?
FIFA world cup
19. What is your favorite animal?
20. Your dream vacation?
Rocky Mountains vacation baby!
21. Last person's house you were in?
Aunt Shelly's house
22. Worst injury you've ever had?
I split my forehead open on the edge of a stone fireplace
23. Have you been in love?
24. Do you miss anyone right now?
Snickers... T_T
25. Last play you saw?
Beauty and the Beast
26. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex?
my charming personality...pfft!
27. What are your plans for tonight?
28. Who is the last person you sent a MySpace message or comment?
don't have MySpace
29. Next trip you are going to take?
Europe Trip (hopefully)
30. Ever go to camp?
yes...but I'm not telling what went down there!
31. Were you an honor roll student in school?
32. What do you want to know about the future?
how we'll remember the past
33. Are you wearing any perfume or cologne?
gosh no!
34. Are you due sometime this year for a doctor's visit?
yeah, I need a physical
35. Where is your best friend?
somewhere. I don't know...
36. How is your best friend?
Haven't heard anything bad so far...
37. Do you have a tan?
I'm a little tanner than my usual pale self at the moment.
38. What are you listening to right now?
Beside you by Marianas Trench
39. Do you collect anything?
40. Who is the biggest gossiper you know?
My mom...but she never gossips about herself. It's always what stupid stuff the rest of us are doing.
41. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over?
42. Have you ever drank your soda from a straw?
unfortunately yes. But usually only if it's through a bendy straw!
43. What does your last text message say?
44. Do you like hot sauce?
45. Last time you took a shower?
this morning
46. Do you need to do laundry?
today is laundry day, so yes.
47. What is your heritage?
Belgium on one side, Scottish on the other...I think.
48. Are you someones best friend?
I hope so...
49. Are you rich?
nope, probably never will be either
50. What were you doing at 12AM last night?
watching Comedy Central shows
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
08-09: Planner quotes
So i was rummaging through my room in search of something (I can't even remember) and I came across my planner from 9th grade! If you don't know me, then you should know that I get bored easily and draw stupid little cartoon/comics in my planners. I like my 9th grade planner better than 10th grade because it wasn't all about stuff that only I could understand.
So here's some awesome stuff from 9th grade:
Twinkle, twinkle, Quasi-star,
Biggest puzzle from afar,
How unlike the other ones,
Bigger than a million suns.
Twinkle, twinkle, Quasi-star,
How i wonder what you are.
There's a mash potato on my phone!
"I just threw away all the things you care about!"
"Along with about 12 trees..."
"Does this make my butt look big?"
"Yes, but it always looks like that."
"Hey mom, where do babies come from?"
"Well, sex honey."
"What's that?"
"I'll tell you when you're older."
"I remember when i played with a twinkie...hmm...twinkie..."
*thinking sick thoughts*
"This goes out to all the hardworking girls out there. Yes, even you prostitutes."
BUTTERFLY (some stuff just doesn't make sense)
"Ohhh, so THAT'S what it means...Ew." (Sometimes you shouldn't know things...delete the dictionary.)
Let's take a look inside Sam's head!
Wait for it...Wait for it...WAIT FOR IT!!!
"Do the right thing!"
"Screw the right thing!"
What am I? (look on page 37)
It's a Floaty Wormy Burger!
(even though it looks nothing like that...)
I'd _ _ _ _ you if _ _ _ _ fell from the sky and _ _ _ _ never existed.
"I'm watching you!"
"Ha Ha, it's watching you!"
Do you know the muffin man? The muffin man? The muffin man?
Yes, I know the muffin man, the muffin man, the muffin man. He just went that way in the back of a cop car.
"Haha sucker!" *signs says: "For people who suck at making muffins.")
Faith's point of view:
"Oh NO!"
"Take me back!"
"Here Froggy Froggy!"
Sam's point of view:
"Not me, NOOOOO!"
"I'm an it now!"
"There's no such thing as anesthetic!"
Tribute to The Birds:
"Oh no! we have to do something!"
*Five minutes later*
"What happened to doing something?"
4 markers: $10
1 gripper: 2 cents
The fun of Rick-O-Shay: Priceless
Chicken by day. Ninja by night.
How to use a gun:
"OK, now you hold it like this..."
"You're not going to shoot me right?"
"Don't worry, it's not loaded. See, I'll show you."
"Oh crap..."
"Guess what?"
"Guess what?"
"Guess what?
*(thinking) she better not say "It's summer!"* "What?"
Spicy Hen + Salty Raccoon = Rabid Chicken!
"What's with all these flags?"
"It's flag day, the day we honor flags and stuff."
"Even that one?" *Points to flag that says F**K YOU*
Pluto Debate Results:
Anti-Pluto = Awesome WIN (hells yeah!)
Pro-Pluto = Epic FAIL (hahaha!)
"Don't be fooled by the collar and dashing good looks."
Buddy = Hamburger
Nations + Nations = United Nations
"...and then you grow old and die!"
*RIP...Well this sucks!*
SAM: 112
Last Day Of This Planner Exclamation Point
We were so stupid, but I still say 9th grade was my favorite year...pffft Chambers getting a nose bleed and taking off his suit was priceless! Everyone just stared why while he was running around his room.
P.S. Pluto is not a planet! thank you for your time...
So here's some awesome stuff from 9th grade:
Twinkle, twinkle, Quasi-star,
Biggest puzzle from afar,
How unlike the other ones,
Bigger than a million suns.
Twinkle, twinkle, Quasi-star,
How i wonder what you are.
There's a mash potato on my phone!
"I just threw away all the things you care about!"
"Along with about 12 trees..."
"Does this make my butt look big?"
"Yes, but it always looks like that."
"Hey mom, where do babies come from?"
"Well, sex honey."
"What's that?"
"I'll tell you when you're older."
"I remember when i played with a twinkie...hmm...twinkie..."
*thinking sick thoughts*
"This goes out to all the hardworking girls out there. Yes, even you prostitutes."
BUTTERFLY (some stuff just doesn't make sense)
"Ohhh, so THAT'S what it means...Ew." (Sometimes you shouldn't know things...delete the dictionary.)
Let's take a look inside Sam's head!
Wait for it...Wait for it...WAIT FOR IT!!!
"Do the right thing!"
"Screw the right thing!"
What am I? (look on page 37)
It's a Floaty Wormy Burger!
(even though it looks nothing like that...)
I'd _ _ _ _ you if _ _ _ _ fell from the sky and _ _ _ _ never existed.
"I'm watching you!"
"Ha Ha, it's watching you!"
Do you know the muffin man? The muffin man? The muffin man?
Yes, I know the muffin man, the muffin man, the muffin man. He just went that way in the back of a cop car.
"Haha sucker!" *signs says: "For people who suck at making muffins.")
Faith's point of view:
"Oh NO!"
"Take me back!"
"Here Froggy Froggy!"
Sam's point of view:
"Not me, NOOOOO!"
"I'm an it now!"
"There's no such thing as anesthetic!"
Tribute to The Birds:
"Oh no! we have to do something!"
*Five minutes later*
"What happened to doing something?"
4 markers: $10
1 gripper: 2 cents
The fun of Rick-O-Shay: Priceless
Chicken by day. Ninja by night.
How to use a gun:
"OK, now you hold it like this..."
"You're not going to shoot me right?"
"Don't worry, it's not loaded. See, I'll show you."
"Oh crap..."
"Guess what?"
"Guess what?"
"Guess what?
*(thinking) she better not say "It's summer!"* "What?"
Spicy Hen + Salty Raccoon = Rabid Chicken!
"What's with all these flags?"
"It's flag day, the day we honor flags and stuff."
"Even that one?" *Points to flag that says F**K YOU*
Pluto Debate Results:
Anti-Pluto = Awesome WIN (hells yeah!)
Pro-Pluto = Epic FAIL (hahaha!)
"Don't be fooled by the collar and dashing good looks."
Buddy = Hamburger
Nations + Nations = United Nations
"...and then you grow old and die!"
*RIP...Well this sucks!*
SAM: 112
Last Day Of This Planner Exclamation Point
We were so stupid, but I still say 9th grade was my favorite year...pffft Chambers getting a nose bleed and taking off his suit was priceless! Everyone just stared why while he was running around his room.
P.S. Pluto is not a planet! thank you for your time...
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
I really thought i was going to pass out today at work or something. It was over 95 degrees today in Shippenville and coupled with all the humidity in the air it was hard for me to breathe, let alone work properly. I barely got anything done because I tried to stay in the dim shadows all day (So I switched between two sides of the house). My aunt said it would be alright if i didn't come in tomorrow if it's going to be like that tomorrow. I was starting to see things in the paint too...mainly the shapes of countries or famous political figures (I saw the Korean peninsula three times and George Washington kept popping up). I swear that stupid ladder tried to buck me off five times, but I was awesome and held on, all the while cursing the thing and threatening it with death...when I wasn't insulting my ladder i was talking to myself in the third person and killing bugs with my deadly scraper like it was some kind of meat cleaver.
When i got home I ran into the shower and started singing Iko Iko again and again, along with The Lion Sleeps Tonight. I then proceeded to browse the net for my stories and laughed my head off. Sorry Mr. Warner but I DO laugh at loud when I'm alone and looking back on's kinda creepy. no lqtm for sirree bob!
Oooh...the Companion updates tomorrow! Yay! Yay for RxA!
When i got home I ran into the shower and started singing Iko Iko again and again, along with The Lion Sleeps Tonight. I then proceeded to browse the net for my stories and laughed my head off. Sorry Mr. Warner but I DO laugh at loud when I'm alone and looking back on's kinda creepy. no lqtm for sirree bob!
Oooh...the Companion updates tomorrow! Yay! Yay for RxA!
Monday, July 5, 2010
The Forgotten Soldier: "The Gross Deutschland"
I don't think i can write a mini poem about this section, so I'm not going to try. This section was just...holy sh*t man. All I can say is this: I can sympathize, but I don't think I'll ever understand. That's how war is, right?
Half of the descriptions in the book just don't seem's terrible and powerful at the same time. It's strange reading a book you already know the end of. It's also strange reading from the losing side's point of view...I've never done that before. It's making me see German soldiers in WWII in a different light. Jeez...
Half of the descriptions in the book just don't seem's terrible and powerful at the same time. It's strange reading a book you already know the end of. It's also strange reading from the losing side's point of view...I've never done that before. It's making me see German soldiers in WWII in a different light. Jeez...
Happy Birthday to Me...
Today's my birthday and I'm officially 16! Yay! I usually never have a big thing for my birthday so it was quiet...what with dad going out somewhere and Simon taking my stuff and going over to a friend's house. But that's usual so i don't really care. I rarely get any presents the day of my birthday (usually days before or after), so I contented myself with sitting outside and reading or playing on the computer. Yes, i did listen to the birthday song by Arrogant Worms...and laughed because it's true. I've gotten $75 so far, which is all going into my savings account and my Europe trip spending money for me. I'm happy i got a $25 itunes card though and jewelry from my aunt! She's awesome, though she still needs to give me my money from work...hmm. Dad's working again so She's going to have to pick me up tomorrow. Oh that reminds me! I have to take my permit test soon so I can legally start driving! :) Cool.
All in all...not my best birthday, but i don't really care :D
P.S. I've beaten my old record of fifteen. Now I've traveled around the sun sixteen times! Ha! Eat that self! *maniacal laughter* Oh and thank you to my friends on facebook who wished me a happy birthday! (I'm still trying to delete my profile, but not because I hate you guys. Facebook is just so damn annoying...)
P.P.S. I've re-discovered one of my favorite 'get stuck in your head' songs! It's Istanbul (not Constantinople). Every time someone mentions Turkey or something related to that i sing that song...I really don't know why...XD
All in all...not my best birthday, but i don't really care :D
P.S. I've beaten my old record of fifteen. Now I've traveled around the sun sixteen times! Ha! Eat that self! *maniacal laughter* Oh and thank you to my friends on facebook who wished me a happy birthday! (I'm still trying to delete my profile, but not because I hate you guys. Facebook is just so damn annoying...)
P.P.S. I've re-discovered one of my favorite 'get stuck in your head' songs! It's Istanbul (not Constantinople). Every time someone mentions Turkey or something related to that i sing that song...I really don't know why...XD
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Happy Independence Day!!!!!!!
Happy Fourth of July everybody! Did you see the Google thing for today? Apparently it's Rube Goldberg's birthday today too! I got another birthday present today: A necklace my aunt got from the middle east when she was stationed there. I also got earring from there, but I can't wear them because my ears aren't pierced and i don't intend to pierce them any time soon. Maybe I can make them into a pin or something? Yeah that should work. Today is my American birthday since I was born on the other side of the Date Line, but here in America it was technically the Fourth. Just like Faith's is the 14th ;)
The weather is beautiful outside and it'll be a perfect night for fireworks. I think I'm going to watch them in shippenville or clarion...but I don't know.
Happy Birthday America!
Have an awesome day everybody!!!
The weather is beautiful outside and it'll be a perfect night for fireworks. I think I'm going to watch them in shippenville or clarion...but I don't know.
Happy Birthday America!
Have an awesome day everybody!!!
fireworks and fun,
Fourth of July,
Independence Day
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Little Women
I just finished it and it was really really good. I'm so glad I picked it out over something else even though i didn't think i was going to like it at all. The ending was so good, i was smiling the whole time. I just wished Beth hadn't died...she was so sweet! I think my favorites were Jo, Meg, Beth, Laurie, Brooke, Mr. Bhaer, and Mrs. March. For some reason I instantly loved Bhaer when he was first introduced, i don't know but i had a feeling he would get together with Jo in the end. Maybe it was his German accent working it up or something...he actually reminded me of a different character that I love.
Anyway i loved the book so much! Now I have to finish The Forgotten Soldier before I start Grimm's Fairy Tales. I think i'm going to try and write a mini poem for each section in TFS like in my other post TFS: Russia. I'm on the part where they're retreating back to Germany. Beginning of the end indeed...
Anyway i loved the book so much! Now I have to finish The Forgotten Soldier before I start Grimm's Fairy Tales. I think i'm going to try and write a mini poem for each section in TFS like in my other post TFS: Russia. I'm on the part where they're retreating back to Germany. Beginning of the end indeed...
The Original Four
So i met up with Jordan, Faith, and Jolie today to see Eclipse at Clarion. We had a good time though I really don't care for the Twilight Saga. I was mainly laughing at Jolie's giggles, Jordan dropping everything in the theater, and Faith's Candy Mountain ring tone going off in a quiet scene when she had turned her phone off earlier. I had fun and I got one of my birthday presents! It was kind of sad that the big ball opened up in Jolie's car and all the confetti blew away in the wind...everything important survived so that's good. :)
It was fun, although meeting Jolie's cousin was a bit awkward since she seemed fascinated with me being an Atheist...she's never met one before and asked me all these questions. She said she was interested in religions, but she actually seemed kind of accusing to me and i hate it when people talk to me like that. But I think I'm learning to ignore people like that ever since Nikki said she felt sorry for me because I didn't believe in God. I seriously hated her for that...but there are people who think like that so I really don't care anymore... (I just said like that more times than I care to think that XD)
It was fun, although meeting Jolie's cousin was a bit awkward since she seemed fascinated with me being an Atheist...she's never met one before and asked me all these questions. She said she was interested in religions, but she actually seemed kind of accusing to me and i hate it when people talk to me like that. But I think I'm learning to ignore people like that ever since Nikki said she felt sorry for me because I didn't believe in God. I seriously hated her for that...but there are people who think like that so I really don't care anymore... (I just said like that more times than I care to think that XD)
Friday, July 2, 2010
"It was in self-defence!"
Oh my goodness...that had to be one of the funniest Colbert Report interviews I have ever seen.
Okay so this guy wrote a book about being your own farmer and everything, which includes growing your own food and raising animals. He tried to buy some fish off somebody, but they thought he was a cop (because it's illegal to sell live fish? i don't know) so they wouldn't give him any to grow in his bathtub... and it continued for a while like that until Colbert said,
"So what's this I hear about you nearly beating a rabbit to death?"
"Well, it attacked me! It was in self-defence!" At this point I'm just losing it.
"I opened it's cage to clean out the crap and it growled and-"
"Rabbits don't growl."
"I know! It leaped at me and clawed up my arm and was trying to bite my ear so I gave it two warning shots before i hit it hard enough to knock it off."
"That's a very violent rabbit..."
" it..." What!?
"You paralyzed a rabbit..."
"It...uh...gets worse."
"I don't know, do I want to hear it? Fine just say it. What's worse than paralyzing a rabbit?"
"She was pregnant...that's why she attacked me."
"You paralyzed a pregnant rabbit..."
"Your farm wasn't very successful..."
"No. It's not very equal to be a farmer, you know...I lost tons of money."
"Do you want to switch to communism now?"
Wow...just wow...XD
Okay so this guy wrote a book about being your own farmer and everything, which includes growing your own food and raising animals. He tried to buy some fish off somebody, but they thought he was a cop (because it's illegal to sell live fish? i don't know) so they wouldn't give him any to grow in his bathtub... and it continued for a while like that until Colbert said,
"So what's this I hear about you nearly beating a rabbit to death?"
"Well, it attacked me! It was in self-defence!" At this point I'm just losing it.
"I opened it's cage to clean out the crap and it growled and-"
"Rabbits don't growl."
"I know! It leaped at me and clawed up my arm and was trying to bite my ear so I gave it two warning shots before i hit it hard enough to knock it off."
"That's a very violent rabbit..."
" it..." What!?
"You paralyzed a rabbit..."
"It...uh...gets worse."
"I don't know, do I want to hear it? Fine just say it. What's worse than paralyzing a rabbit?"
"She was pregnant...that's why she attacked me."
"You paralyzed a pregnant rabbit..."
"Your farm wasn't very successful..."
"No. It's not very equal to be a farmer, you know...I lost tons of money."
"Do you want to switch to communism now?"
Wow...just wow...XD
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Happy Canada Day!!!
I have to listen to Canadian, Please at least once today in honor of our neighbors to the north. That and the song Canada is Really Big! by arrogant worms or someone like that (sorry I forget). Anyway, yay Canada, the land of maple syrup and mounted police! And the best hockey players out there! Woo! I'm really happy for some reason! 8D
(there were 5 exclamation points in this post. 8 if you count the title ;D)
(there were 5 exclamation points in this post. 8 if you count the title ;D)
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