I have made contact with the cat currently stalking our house. It is the sweetest thing I have ever seen...and I can already hear my inner Biology student whispering in my ear that it's just trying to use its parasitic ways to worm its way into my home. The cat is much smaller than I thought it would be...and a whole lot cuter! The lack of a tail makes it look a little like a rabbit or bunny and since it's grey and darkish...we named it Dust Bunny. Yeah...I know, but some of the alternatives were so much worse (one of these being Overcast pffft).
Happy New Years Eve! I didn't sleep well last night, so I might not be able to make it to midnight...I'll try though! I need to keep up my record after all :)
Friday, December 31, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Why in the world...
...do animals flock to our house? We have tons of groundhogs, deer, many other woodland creatures, cats, dogs, hell we even had a runaway cow in our yard at some point (granted it wasn't the first time the butcher had a runaway cow). I just don't know.
So yeah, we have a cat living around somewhere by the house, probably under the porch or in the leaves by the trailer. Apparently (because I haven't seen it myself) we have a grey cat hanging around our house...and it's missing its tail. I'm not talking about a natural tailless cat either. It's really friendly towards people and even let my dad pick it up and pet it...it even started to purr, so I don't think it was wild all its life. Probably a domesticated outside cat (if that makes any sense). The things is...we can't let it live inside because we have three territorial cats, two old and one young. It was hard enough getting Pudgy and Thunder to accept Nochi and she was just a kitten, I don't think they would do it again with a fully grown new cat. I feel sorry for the thing because it's cold outside and there's still snow everywhere. We put out some food yesterday and 2/3s of it are gone today, but we don't know if the cat did that or if some other animal came by.
Hmmm...I wonder what I should name it? Something unisex because I don't know if it's a boy or girl...
So yeah, we have a cat living around somewhere by the house, probably under the porch or in the leaves by the trailer. Apparently (because I haven't seen it myself) we have a grey cat hanging around our house...and it's missing its tail. I'm not talking about a natural tailless cat either. It's really friendly towards people and even let my dad pick it up and pet it...it even started to purr, so I don't think it was wild all its life. Probably a domesticated outside cat (if that makes any sense). The things is...we can't let it live inside because we have three territorial cats, two old and one young. It was hard enough getting Pudgy and Thunder to accept Nochi and she was just a kitten, I don't think they would do it again with a fully grown new cat. I feel sorry for the thing because it's cold outside and there's still snow everywhere. We put out some food yesterday and 2/3s of it are gone today, but we don't know if the cat did that or if some other animal came by.
Hmmm...I wonder what I should name it? Something unisex because I don't know if it's a boy or girl...
Monday, December 27, 2010
Tis the Season...
...for betting on drugged up cats. Yeah, bet you weren't expecting that, huh?
Anyway, I hope everyone is having a great holiday season, even if it's already passed or hasn't come around yet. I received a video camera, some iTunes cards, cash, a game, and chocolate out the wazoo (seriously, why so much chocolate)...oh and iced coffee. I love my camera, I'm currently charging up the batteries and taping cats fighting each other over the catnip stash...it's quite hilarious. My voice sounds weird on tape...but in a good way, I guess? *shrugs*
Lauren keeps messing me up without even being around and it's so annoying, but I'm going to prove that it doesn't bother me...even though it's messed me up a bout five times...grr (she labeled my right shoe LEFT and my left shoe RIGHT...and just because I'm about as OCD as she is, I always have to put my right shoe on first and the labels screw me up to no end).
I got done with all of my homework on Christmas Eve because I really had nothing better to do seeing as none of the good Specials were on, well except Santa Clause is coming to town...but we just made stupid innuendos every second so some of the magic was lost. This means I can now read books that aren't classics and read to my leisure. Crime and Punishment was probably my favorite classic book out of the ones I read, although the others were really good too...I'm slowly working my courage to read War and Peace *stares at the monster on bookshelf* that thing is huge with tiny print...but I can do it! Just not right now...
I finally started Child Thief recently and finished quickly. I'm so glad Lauren shoved that book into my hands, even though I thought it was a cross between Michael Jackson and Peter Pan (have you seen the cover? Peter looks a lot like an MJ wanna be). I ended up loving the book to death. My dad heard me talk about it and now he's reading it too, so Lauren might not get it back for a while. The pictures are awesome :)
Currently I'm making my way through Mort (again). I read part of it two years ago, but school took over and I had to drop it. I just recently found it in my room and couldn't remember much of the plot to where I was in the book, so I started over. *sigh* I love the humor...it's amazing and it's like Pratchett wasn't even trying...which he probably wasn't. I need more Diskworld books.
We've been having a night visitor around our house lately, leaving paw prints in the snow. We're thinking it's probably a cat since dad thought he heard something meowing before, but I don't know. Part of me hoped Luddy came back, but he wouldn't have gone off to Jamie's and his fur would have dragged through the snow. I miss Luddy :(
Happy Birthday Simon! Frikin' 19! Enjoy being 3 years older than me for half a year like you always do...I'll catch up in July. Sorry we didn't have a cake for you, I was all for having a giant birthday muffin but everyone else said no. Stop stealing my candy! Love ya Bro ;)
It's been one helluva month, but we're makin' it through...and soon it'll be 2011!
OH, I ALMOST FORGOT!!! I also received a PillowPet...it's a dolphin...and I love it very much...its name is Delphi...and it's not weird at all...DOT DOT DOT!
Peace ;)
Anyway, I hope everyone is having a great holiday season, even if it's already passed or hasn't come around yet. I received a video camera, some iTunes cards, cash, a game, and chocolate out the wazoo (seriously, why so much chocolate)...oh and iced coffee. I love my camera, I'm currently charging up the batteries and taping cats fighting each other over the catnip stash...it's quite hilarious. My voice sounds weird on tape...but in a good way, I guess? *shrugs*
Lauren keeps messing me up without even being around and it's so annoying, but I'm going to prove that it doesn't bother me...even though it's messed me up a bout five times...grr (she labeled my right shoe LEFT and my left shoe RIGHT...and just because I'm about as OCD as she is, I always have to put my right shoe on first and the labels screw me up to no end).
I got done with all of my homework on Christmas Eve because I really had nothing better to do seeing as none of the good Specials were on, well except Santa Clause is coming to town...but we just made stupid innuendos every second so some of the magic was lost. This means I can now read books that aren't classics and read to my leisure. Crime and Punishment was probably my favorite classic book out of the ones I read, although the others were really good too...I'm slowly working my courage to read War and Peace *stares at the monster on bookshelf* that thing is huge with tiny print...but I can do it! Just not right now...
I finally started Child Thief recently and finished quickly. I'm so glad Lauren shoved that book into my hands, even though I thought it was a cross between Michael Jackson and Peter Pan (have you seen the cover? Peter looks a lot like an MJ wanna be). I ended up loving the book to death. My dad heard me talk about it and now he's reading it too, so Lauren might not get it back for a while. The pictures are awesome :)
Currently I'm making my way through Mort (again). I read part of it two years ago, but school took over and I had to drop it. I just recently found it in my room and couldn't remember much of the plot to where I was in the book, so I started over. *sigh* I love the humor...it's amazing and it's like Pratchett wasn't even trying...which he probably wasn't. I need more Diskworld books.
We've been having a night visitor around our house lately, leaving paw prints in the snow. We're thinking it's probably a cat since dad thought he heard something meowing before, but I don't know. Part of me hoped Luddy came back, but he wouldn't have gone off to Jamie's and his fur would have dragged through the snow. I miss Luddy :(
Happy Birthday Simon! Frikin' 19! Enjoy being 3 years older than me for half a year like you always do...I'll catch up in July. Sorry we didn't have a cake for you, I was all for having a giant birthday muffin but everyone else said no. Stop stealing my candy! Love ya Bro ;)
It's been one helluva month, but we're makin' it through...and soon it'll be 2011!
OH, I ALMOST FORGOT!!! I also received a PillowPet...it's a dolphin...and I love it very much...its name is Delphi...and it's not weird at all...DOT DOT DOT!
Peace ;)
Monday, December 20, 2010
Are you...
For some reason, this question keeps coming up.
Are you a Man or a Slave?
Are you a Man or a Louse?
Are you Ordinary or Extraordinary?
Talk about reoccurring themes...and yet each time the question seems that much harder to answer...
Are you a Man or a Slave?
Are you a Man or a Louse?
Are you Ordinary or Extraordinary?
Talk about reoccurring themes...and yet each time the question seems that much harder to answer...
Ordinary vs Extraordinary
I don't know if anyone else has ever read Crime and Punishment, but whoa...mind flip. The thing that worries me most about this book is that I actually understand Raskolnikov. It's weird, but when he tells Sonia why he killed the old woman, I understood exactly what he was saying. Does that mean something's wrong with me? I hope not. Raskolnikov is one of the most human characters I have ever read about. He isn't completely flat or completely predictable like other characters in books I've read. For some reason I connect with Raskolnikov pretty well...is that weird? I still haven't finished the book, but I'm pretty close and because I've read the stupid Intro I know the gist of what happens.
You know, I read somewhere that Dostoyevsky generally gets two responses, either you hate his works or you love them. I think I'm loving them.
By the way, I find Razumikhin hilarious, what with him shouting at someone to go to hell one second and then turning around and saying that your his best friend/great guy/bestest buddy to almost everyone. He's so weird, but in a good way.
P.S. Am I the only one who puts two spaces between the period and the next word when starting a new sentence? 'Cause everyone else I know only puts one space after the period...just wondering if I was taught differently...because it wouldn't be the first time.
You know, I read somewhere that Dostoyevsky generally gets two responses, either you hate his works or you love them. I think I'm loving them.
By the way, I find Razumikhin hilarious, what with him shouting at someone to go to hell one second and then turning around and saying that your his best friend/great guy/bestest buddy to almost everyone. He's so weird, but in a good way.
P.S. Am I the only one who puts two spaces between the period and the next word when starting a new sentence? 'Cause everyone else I know only puts one space after the period...just wondering if I was taught differently...because it wouldn't be the first time.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Oh Goodness...
It didn't snow yesterday! *fistpump* And the roads were semi-clear! *fist pump* and I'm abusing the fist pump! *exclamation point*
So yeah, mom and I went to Butler yesterday. The mall was the most crowded I have ever seen it! All of the holiday shopping stands were up and people were everywhere. And with tons of people you have to have tons of slow people mixed in, so most of the crowd was just shuffling along at a snail's pace. I got a delicious pretzel (those things are frikkin' amazing) and mom got books and stuff since it's the only bookstore near us that still has recent books and hasn't been shut down yet. Santa was there, too along with the mini train ride around his Christmas mountain. There was a huge snow pile in the parking lot that was bigger than Santa's mountain...it looked like it would be so fun to climb...but I held back. Poor Santa had to deal with crying and grumpy children. It was fun to watch. We then went to Sam's Club to mooch off of the Free Sample people. I was this close to grabbing a dolphin PillowPet and running (they're soooo soft!). After that delicious adventure we went to eat some real food at Ol' Country Buffet. I did some completely accurate math on how long it would take to get to the movie theater in the mall (11 minutes) and woudln't you know? In 11 minutes we got there! I also found a penny.
It was really dark by the time we got home, and we were really tired, and I didn't get to see Mr. Anderson, but it was fun and well worth the a**holes who wouldn't turn down their brights. :)
So yeah, mom and I went to Butler yesterday. The mall was the most crowded I have ever seen it! All of the holiday shopping stands were up and people were everywhere. And with tons of people you have to have tons of slow people mixed in, so most of the crowd was just shuffling along at a snail's pace. I got a delicious pretzel (those things are frikkin' amazing) and mom got books and stuff since it's the only bookstore near us that still has recent books and hasn't been shut down yet. Santa was there, too along with the mini train ride around his Christmas mountain. There was a huge snow pile in the parking lot that was bigger than Santa's mountain...it looked like it would be so fun to climb...but I held back. Poor Santa had to deal with crying and grumpy children. It was fun to watch. We then went to Sam's Club to mooch off of the Free Sample people. I was this close to grabbing a dolphin PillowPet and running (they're soooo soft!). After that delicious adventure we went to eat some real food at Ol' Country Buffet. I did some completely accurate math on how long it would take to get to the movie theater in the mall (11 minutes) and woudln't you know? In 11 minutes we got there! I also found a penny.
It was really dark by the time we got home, and we were really tired, and I didn't get to see Mr. Anderson, but it was fun and well worth the a**holes who wouldn't turn down their brights. :)
Saturday, December 4, 2010
The day started out like any other day, I got up, read some stuff, had to run through the snow to catch the bus, normal things. A track away from my normal routine was my Orthodontist appointment near the end of 4th period in which I would have to get on the brace express to drive me to Clarion and then come back to school. When I went to sign out in the office a terrible ringing was sounding, I didn't really know what it was and I was in a hurry so I put it out of my mind and left the school.
I came back about ten minutes before 5th period was going to end, so I was taking my time going to Chem. When I was a couple doors down from the Chem room I see the Chem teacher, Mrs. Albright, rush out of the room crying. I thought maybe somebody in my class did something horrible to her (it's her first year and it's obvious some students don't respect her). So I ran up to her and asked her What's wrong, did someone do something? She just shook her head and pointed to Jordan who was just coming out the room behind her. Jordan was crying too. When i asked her what was wrong she said, "There was an accident. Logan's dead. Logan Daugherty's dead." My first thought was car crash because the weather was bad and snow was everywhere. And then disbelief settled in.
Apparently there was an announcement on the intercom for all teachers to check their e-mail. The students thought that meant we were getting out early so they were happy. And then Mrs. Albright started crying. And then she told them. We went to the library where they had already started counseling. Pretty much all of our grade was down there, more than half of us crying or just looking plain lost. They told us that we could go home if we didn't think we could make it through the rest of the day. They didn't tell us how he died, they said they didn't know yet.
I saw a lot of people cry that day, people I thought I would never see anything other than their usual faces. I'm a sympathetic crier. I cry when I see other people cry. It was a very bad day. We found out later, after tons of rumors floating around about what had happened (maybe he slipped on the ice and cracked his head? Maybe he was sick, I mean he said he wasn't feeling well before? And then the hushed whisper of suicide was floating through the air). Most of us students didn't find out what really happened until Jordan Whitmer and Jake came back from his house. I was with Taylor when we ran into them in the hall. Logan Daugherty had committed suicide with a gun in his basement at midnight. There was a note but it was given to the police. This, of course, made everyone wonder WHY? I won't ever know for sure, maybe he was too stressed. Maybe he was tired. Maybe he was angry. I don't know.
Half of our class didn't show up the next day and nothing was done. Mr. Warner was quiet and at the end of the class he told us that we were like family to him and he loved us as a family. He looked ready to break in SSR the day before. He must have felt guilty because he and Logan always bantered back and forth with a little teasing thrown in here and there. The funeral is on Monday. I'm going to try to go if I can, but I might not. If I can't then I guess I'm going to have to hold down the fort.
Logan, you always made everyone laugh, intentionally or not, and you were the bright light of History class. You were our DJ, our man somehow broke the quiet to make us laugh. You were the King of Dance and the kid who could never quite put what he was thinking into words. You were an awesome friend Logan. I just wish you would have let someone help you. See ya Logan, I'm sure you won't be forgotten, and I'm not too sure I won't look around sometime in school and wonder, "I wonder where Logan is. Is he sick?" And then I'll remember and think about what could have been.
I came back about ten minutes before 5th period was going to end, so I was taking my time going to Chem. When I was a couple doors down from the Chem room I see the Chem teacher, Mrs. Albright, rush out of the room crying. I thought maybe somebody in my class did something horrible to her (it's her first year and it's obvious some students don't respect her). So I ran up to her and asked her What's wrong, did someone do something? She just shook her head and pointed to Jordan who was just coming out the room behind her. Jordan was crying too. When i asked her what was wrong she said, "There was an accident. Logan's dead. Logan Daugherty's dead." My first thought was car crash because the weather was bad and snow was everywhere. And then disbelief settled in.
Apparently there was an announcement on the intercom for all teachers to check their e-mail. The students thought that meant we were getting out early so they were happy. And then Mrs. Albright started crying. And then she told them. We went to the library where they had already started counseling. Pretty much all of our grade was down there, more than half of us crying or just looking plain lost. They told us that we could go home if we didn't think we could make it through the rest of the day. They didn't tell us how he died, they said they didn't know yet.
I saw a lot of people cry that day, people I thought I would never see anything other than their usual faces. I'm a sympathetic crier. I cry when I see other people cry. It was a very bad day. We found out later, after tons of rumors floating around about what had happened (maybe he slipped on the ice and cracked his head? Maybe he was sick, I mean he said he wasn't feeling well before? And then the hushed whisper of suicide was floating through the air). Most of us students didn't find out what really happened until Jordan Whitmer and Jake came back from his house. I was with Taylor when we ran into them in the hall. Logan Daugherty had committed suicide with a gun in his basement at midnight. There was a note but it was given to the police. This, of course, made everyone wonder WHY? I won't ever know for sure, maybe he was too stressed. Maybe he was tired. Maybe he was angry. I don't know.
Half of our class didn't show up the next day and nothing was done. Mr. Warner was quiet and at the end of the class he told us that we were like family to him and he loved us as a family. He looked ready to break in SSR the day before. He must have felt guilty because he and Logan always bantered back and forth with a little teasing thrown in here and there. The funeral is on Monday. I'm going to try to go if I can, but I might not. If I can't then I guess I'm going to have to hold down the fort.
Logan, you always made everyone laugh, intentionally or not, and you were the bright light of History class. You were our DJ, our man somehow broke the quiet to make us laugh. You were the King of Dance and the kid who could never quite put what he was thinking into words. You were an awesome friend Logan. I just wish you would have let someone help you. See ya Logan, I'm sure you won't be forgotten, and I'm not too sure I won't look around sometime in school and wonder, "I wonder where Logan is. Is he sick?" And then I'll remember and think about what could have been.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
I woke up this morning and looked out the window thinking I could go for a walk today or something, so I looked out the window to see what the weather was like and the ground was pretty covered with SNOW. First snowfall that I've seen this season. I'm just glad it decided to snow today instead of when I was actually going somewhere. I doubt it'll last very long. I've heard it'll start to warm up again soon. :)
P.S I'm writing this on my iPod, which I still fond incredibly cool. I think that makes 2 posts done on my iPod. Technology sure is awesome.
P.S I'm writing this on my iPod, which I still fond incredibly cool. I think that makes 2 posts done on my iPod. Technology sure is awesome.
Friday, November 26, 2010
First of all, Happy B-Day mom! You don't look a day over 40! Kind of sucks having your birthday on Black Friday this year huh? I bet last year was so much better because it was on Thanksgiving. We went to the movies today and we got to see TWO movies and go out to eat at Cozumel's...if only I could've eaten the popcorn, then it would have been perfect. I think she had fun and that's what counts :) We saw Tangled and Burlesque.
I've heard some pretty sad things involving the Cranberry Walmart. Apparently some people had to be escorted out of the building because they were fighting over toy hamsters. I mean, it's pretty sad when you have to be escorted out of a Walmart. I also heard somebody got tazed! Oh I wish I had been there to see it! I couldn't stop laughing when mom told me about it. Good news is I have a new camcorder yay! I'm going to be testing it out after Christmas so I might have some random videos popping up on here :)
Did you know wildebeests are nothing like muskoxen? I have no idea why I keep switching the names of those two species *stares thoughtfully at the muskox on my calendar*
I've heard some pretty sad things involving the Cranberry Walmart. Apparently some people had to be escorted out of the building because they were fighting over toy hamsters. I mean, it's pretty sad when you have to be escorted out of a Walmart. I also heard somebody got tazed! Oh I wish I had been there to see it! I couldn't stop laughing when mom told me about it. Good news is I have a new camcorder yay! I'm going to be testing it out after Christmas so I might have some random videos popping up on here :)
Did you know wildebeests are nothing like muskoxen? I have no idea why I keep switching the names of those two species *stares thoughtfully at the muskox on my calendar*
Thursday, November 25, 2010
I really don't know...

...Because in all honesty...I can't sleep...and thus this was born. At least I had fun coloring the girl. I'm tired and it's 12:06 in the morning on Black Friday. I guess some people are already standing out in the cold huh? So glad I'm not doing that this year even if I get to miss out on a nice breakfast at four in the morning. It's supposed to snow today, too. Hmm.
Have a nice Black Friday if you're going out, if you're not then have fun sleeping in, I know I will :)
Pardon the Turkey
Today's Thanksgiving, which means I have today and next couple days off of school, yay! But that means I'll have to spend a few hours with my family + Josephine...oh well a good stuffing will be worth it to hear grandpa Ion complain about everything, maybe I can sell a few wreaths or something too. I think Simon will be there too and he might bring the X-Box so we won't have to listen to boring stuff all the time. If he doesn't bring it then I'll just watch TV or read a book till the Rents are ready to leave...can you tell I'm anti-social?
Have a happy Thanksgiving!
Have a happy Thanksgiving!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
This is a love story.
This is a love story. But it’s not an ordinary love story. There are no power hungry stepmothers out to make their son’s lives miserable by keeping them away from women their entire lives. There are no fairy godmothers swooping in at the last minute to provide the lowly maiden with a new dress and glass slippers for the ball. In fact, there are no grand balls in this love story either. No swooping music at the climax with a kiss on the shore at midnight.
This is a love story. But it’s not about two souls destined to fall in love. It’s not about arranged marriages between royals. It is not about gallant men thrust into danger to save their women. It’s not about happily ever after. In fact, it would be a stretch to consider this a story about everlasting love in the face of all adversity.
This is a love story.
Not mine, I just love this opening! This is from 52 Sunflowers for Ivan Braginsky. It's about a foreign immigrant family trying to get by in the US (Colorado Springs, Colorado) and they own a flower shop. The love part is a gradual thing between the flower shop owner (Ivan) and a cadet (Amelia). I love this story because, for one thing it's set in Colorado Springs, CO, where I used to live a good portion of my life so I can really relate to the setting, and because it's not just about the growing possibility of love between two people...and it was written by someone who used to be a cadet, which helps with the accuracy.
This is a love story. But it’s not about two souls destined to fall in love. It’s not about arranged marriages between royals. It is not about gallant men thrust into danger to save their women. It’s not about happily ever after. In fact, it would be a stretch to consider this a story about everlasting love in the face of all adversity.
This is a love story.
Not mine, I just love this opening! This is from 52 Sunflowers for Ivan Braginsky. It's about a foreign immigrant family trying to get by in the US (Colorado Springs, Colorado) and they own a flower shop. The love part is a gradual thing between the flower shop owner (Ivan) and a cadet (Amelia). I love this story because, for one thing it's set in Colorado Springs, CO, where I used to live a good portion of my life so I can really relate to the setting, and because it's not just about the growing possibility of love between two people...and it was written by someone who used to be a cadet, which helps with the accuracy.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
I feel so accomplished!
Why do you ask? Well, I'll tell you!
I finished Anna Karenina...woot! It only took me forever because I kept getting distracted and what not. I actually enjoyed it, even though I had my doubts at first. I'm actually starting to think I enjoy almost every book I read...except Twilight *shudder*
I don't really know who I sympathized most with in the book, since Tolstoy kind of made me feel bad for all of them. I probably felt the most sympathy for Seryozha (Anna's son) because the poor kid had no idea what was going on and no felt like explaining to him and he was often forgotten...poor kid. I have to say that I didn't expect Anna's death even though she was threatening suicide and everything. I kind of paralleled her threats with a child threatening to run away from their parents just to make them feel bad for them seemingly not caring about you. Anna really did regret throwing herself under the train though, that much I know. It was just like the time she thought about taking the whole bottle of morphine or opium, I can't really remember which. She got really scared of the idea of death, which made me think she wasn't going to kill herself...but I was wrong.
I must say that Levin's whole realization at the end of the book kind of irritated me, whether that was because I was tired when I read it and didn't have much patience, or something else. Being an atheist myself, I can think of plenty of things to live for in life and not flounder at the idea of right and wrong without turning to a god of some sort. But I guess Levin's not like me and since Tolstoy was a christian (or something like a christian, anyway) I figured that Levin would have some kind of conversion. His personal struggle to find something to live for was long, but I did enjoy the end result. Particularly at how Levin didn't feel much different that how he had felt before, it felt to me like Tolstoy was saying religion doesn't change who you are, you have to make an effort to change yourself. And of course, Levin's age old question of whether those who believe in a different religion go to hell, even if they're good people. Levin's internal conflict was like an ever changing picture, morphing into different shapes and colors throughout the book, making me so glad that I didn't read the abridged version (which cut out most of Levin's thoughts and feelings).
Let's see, probably my favorite scene in the book was when Levin was freaking out about Kitty going into labor. He represented the stereotyped nervous first time father absolutely perfectly and it made me laugh. Of course the doctor's and Kitty's complete calmness was funny and contrasted Levin's so greatly it was perfect. I have plenty of favorite scenes but that one was just amazing.
Would I recommend this book? I would say that I wouldn't recommend it to most of the people in my English class, so if you like major action packed, exciting, non-sluggish plot, non-human nature focused/slice of life then this book probably isn't for you. But i guess I could always be wrong. If that's the case, then check Anna Karenina out, just don't be intimidated by the 900+ pages and probably small print.
I finished Anna Karenina...woot! It only took me forever because I kept getting distracted and what not. I actually enjoyed it, even though I had my doubts at first. I'm actually starting to think I enjoy almost every book I read...except Twilight *shudder*
I don't really know who I sympathized most with in the book, since Tolstoy kind of made me feel bad for all of them. I probably felt the most sympathy for Seryozha (Anna's son) because the poor kid had no idea what was going on and no felt like explaining to him and he was often forgotten...poor kid. I have to say that I didn't expect Anna's death even though she was threatening suicide and everything. I kind of paralleled her threats with a child threatening to run away from their parents just to make them feel bad for them seemingly not caring about you. Anna really did regret throwing herself under the train though, that much I know. It was just like the time she thought about taking the whole bottle of morphine or opium, I can't really remember which. She got really scared of the idea of death, which made me think she wasn't going to kill herself...but I was wrong.
I must say that Levin's whole realization at the end of the book kind of irritated me, whether that was because I was tired when I read it and didn't have much patience, or something else. Being an atheist myself, I can think of plenty of things to live for in life and not flounder at the idea of right and wrong without turning to a god of some sort. But I guess Levin's not like me and since Tolstoy was a christian (or something like a christian, anyway) I figured that Levin would have some kind of conversion. His personal struggle to find something to live for was long, but I did enjoy the end result. Particularly at how Levin didn't feel much different that how he had felt before, it felt to me like Tolstoy was saying religion doesn't change who you are, you have to make an effort to change yourself. And of course, Levin's age old question of whether those who believe in a different religion go to hell, even if they're good people. Levin's internal conflict was like an ever changing picture, morphing into different shapes and colors throughout the book, making me so glad that I didn't read the abridged version (which cut out most of Levin's thoughts and feelings).
Let's see, probably my favorite scene in the book was when Levin was freaking out about Kitty going into labor. He represented the stereotyped nervous first time father absolutely perfectly and it made me laugh. Of course the doctor's and Kitty's complete calmness was funny and contrasted Levin's so greatly it was perfect. I have plenty of favorite scenes but that one was just amazing.
Would I recommend this book? I would say that I wouldn't recommend it to most of the people in my English class, so if you like major action packed, exciting, non-sluggish plot, non-human nature focused/slice of life then this book probably isn't for you. But i guess I could always be wrong. If that's the case, then check Anna Karenina out, just don't be intimidated by the 900+ pages and probably small print.
Anna Karenina,
I'm finally done,
Leo Tolstoy,
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Just a little out of it
Oh my gosh, what day is it? I haven't been thinking straight for the past few days and I have no idea why. I've been sleeping in the afternoon almost constantly, eating one huge meal a day and then not touching food for the rest of the day, and I'm forgetting things that I did just two minutes ago. But you wanna know the good part? I feel great! I think I've been nice to everyone the last few days and nothing seems to really bring me down. Although, people haven't been so nice to me...but I guess it's alright since I've been a jerk for a while. Of course, calling me a Nazi in a room filled with WWII vets was kind of low, Jordan. I seriously should have stood up and shouted that you had sex with your boyfriend and you were pregnant. But that's not true so I didn't. Because I'm a nice person. Yeah. Lately Lauren's been showing her Kleptomaniac side more and more, along with Emily. Very troubling when my stuff suddenly goes missing, guys. Very troubling. You should get yourselves checked out.
Best Pretty Pretty Princess moment ever:
"What does the black ring mean again?"
"Uhhhmm...oh yeah! Ahahah, sucks to be you! It means that if you don't get rid of it and still have it at the end of the game you can't win even if you have your full set! In your face! You might as well give up now..."
"I will be the prettiest princess!"
"Quit it you two. Hey, gimme the crown Sam."
"What? No way! No way, you cheated! That's the only way- hey!"
"I'm a Pretty Princess!"
"Oh c'mon! I was so frikin' close!"
"Not so fast. Don't think I'll let you leave here with that title. I will be the prettiest princess or no one else will! Death to the false princess!"
"You're just jealous 'cause you had the black ring!"
*start to wrestle for the crown. Crown falls to the side, where it is snatched up*
"Ah ha! Victory is mine!"
"Oh no you don't!"
*gets tackled*
"Hey think fast!" *throws the crown* "Run, dude, run! Once you hide the crown somewhere you and I could both be pretty princesses and create a pretty princess empire that'll rule the world with an iron fist!"
"The crown is mine!"
*door opens* "What is all this noise abou-" *silence as everyone freezes* "What the- No. I really don't want to know." *closes door*
*Fight continues as though it was never interrupted*
Best Pretty Pretty Princess moment ever:
"What does the black ring mean again?"
"Uhhhmm...oh yeah! Ahahah, sucks to be you! It means that if you don't get rid of it and still have it at the end of the game you can't win even if you have your full set! In your face! You might as well give up now..."
"I will be the prettiest princess!"
"Quit it you two. Hey, gimme the crown Sam."
"What? No way! No way, you cheated! That's the only way- hey!"
"I'm a Pretty Princess!"
"Oh c'mon! I was so frikin' close!"
"Not so fast. Don't think I'll let you leave here with that title. I will be the prettiest princess or no one else will! Death to the false princess!"
"You're just jealous 'cause you had the black ring!"
*start to wrestle for the crown. Crown falls to the side, where it is snatched up*
"Ah ha! Victory is mine!"
"Oh no you don't!"
*gets tackled*
"Hey think fast!" *throws the crown* "Run, dude, run! Once you hide the crown somewhere you and I could both be pretty princesses and create a pretty princess empire that'll rule the world with an iron fist!"
"The crown is mine!"
*door opens* "What is all this noise abou-" *silence as everyone freezes* "What the- No. I really don't want to know." *closes door*
*Fight continues as though it was never interrupted*
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Sing a sad song just to turn it around~
Thursday was just a terrible day ( the reason I'm posting this today is because I have been without the glorious Internet for a while...it just adds to the suckiness that was Thursday). Let me list it for ya:
The day started out with a f**ked up dream about the entire Junior class having to compete in a race and the only one allowed to live was the one who won. The race layout was kind of like the board game Life and some people had cars and motorcycles (Hannah and TayB, for example) while others had bikes or push scooters. Others didn't have anything (me and tons of other people). The other classes in the school were spectators behind this huge rope fence and they all had popcorn. I woke up before the end, so i couldn't see what happened, though I'm curious now. Still not the worst dream I've ever had.
Thursday was the Blood Drive at the school and I was going to be donating for the first time because I finally remembered my permission form. I was so excited and nervous because I didn't think I would have enough iron. Turns out I did have enough iron and i thought everything would go smoothly from there. Of course not. It seems that i have really small veins...small enough that five nurses couldn't really find them in either of my arms. I wasted two periods of school laying on my back with people surrounding me and wiggling a needle around in my arm like a toggle switch. I was laughing because I thought it was just perfect *sarcasm* In the end they didn't want to take any chances with my veins and told me that it might help if I gorge myself on water a week before the Blood Drive. If that doesn't work, then I'm going to ask them to take it out of my hand, because damnit! I want to give blood!
I had a headache the rest of the day and my arm hurt every now and then, and I had a Trig Test later in the day (several people skipped the test to give blood that period but I hate making up tests so I tried to donate in the morning). I only missed two on the test (yay) and then it was off to French and then Choir where I would get dismissed at 2 o'clock for an orthodontist appointment. Nesta was getting irritated at always being interrupted during choir for dismissals and announcements and he was going off on this rant when I was called for dismissal. Poor Nesta, no one thinks his class is important.
At the orthodontist I was poked in the eye and neck by the same wire someone was trying to tie into my teeth. We went to the Book Nook to order Watership Down that my dad forgot to find the author of, and then went to KFC for a fast dinner because it was a bad day for everyone. I was taking a nap on the couch to try and relieve my headache when at 8:30 mom came home with news that she hit a deer and the new car had been dented and the radiator (and something else) was broken. So we've been having to use Simon's car because mom's is still getting fixed and won't be repaired for another two weeks. And then at 11 at night I discovered that the water in the sink wouldn't shut off. Turned out the handle needed to be tightened, but that didn't stop us from being completely frustrated over the whole thing, seeing as our house keeps falling apart, especially when it come to water related items.
Sigh...I also found out I have passive-aggressive tendencies and need another way to release my anger instead of attacking someone verbally, or bottling everything up to never see the light of day. Excellent day, wouldn't you say? It couldn't been worse, I guess.
The day started out with a f**ked up dream about the entire Junior class having to compete in a race and the only one allowed to live was the one who won. The race layout was kind of like the board game Life and some people had cars and motorcycles (Hannah and TayB, for example) while others had bikes or push scooters. Others didn't have anything (me and tons of other people). The other classes in the school were spectators behind this huge rope fence and they all had popcorn. I woke up before the end, so i couldn't see what happened, though I'm curious now. Still not the worst dream I've ever had.
Thursday was the Blood Drive at the school and I was going to be donating for the first time because I finally remembered my permission form. I was so excited and nervous because I didn't think I would have enough iron. Turns out I did have enough iron and i thought everything would go smoothly from there. Of course not. It seems that i have really small veins...small enough that five nurses couldn't really find them in either of my arms. I wasted two periods of school laying on my back with people surrounding me and wiggling a needle around in my arm like a toggle switch. I was laughing because I thought it was just perfect *sarcasm* In the end they didn't want to take any chances with my veins and told me that it might help if I gorge myself on water a week before the Blood Drive. If that doesn't work, then I'm going to ask them to take it out of my hand, because damnit! I want to give blood!
I had a headache the rest of the day and my arm hurt every now and then, and I had a Trig Test later in the day (several people skipped the test to give blood that period but I hate making up tests so I tried to donate in the morning). I only missed two on the test (yay) and then it was off to French and then Choir where I would get dismissed at 2 o'clock for an orthodontist appointment. Nesta was getting irritated at always being interrupted during choir for dismissals and announcements and he was going off on this rant when I was called for dismissal. Poor Nesta, no one thinks his class is important.
At the orthodontist I was poked in the eye and neck by the same wire someone was trying to tie into my teeth. We went to the Book Nook to order Watership Down that my dad forgot to find the author of, and then went to KFC for a fast dinner because it was a bad day for everyone. I was taking a nap on the couch to try and relieve my headache when at 8:30 mom came home with news that she hit a deer and the new car had been dented and the radiator (and something else) was broken. So we've been having to use Simon's car because mom's is still getting fixed and won't be repaired for another two weeks. And then at 11 at night I discovered that the water in the sink wouldn't shut off. Turned out the handle needed to be tightened, but that didn't stop us from being completely frustrated over the whole thing, seeing as our house keeps falling apart, especially when it come to water related items.
Sigh...I also found out I have passive-aggressive tendencies and need another way to release my anger instead of attacking someone verbally, or bottling everything up to never see the light of day. Excellent day, wouldn't you say? It couldn't been worse, I guess.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
The Dream
She breathed hard and fast, running through the endless dark woods closing in on her from every side. Her hands clasped her torn and frayed dress frantically. Her eyes were wide and fearful, sweeping back and forth as she ran, looking around for anything that might be coming after her.
She didn’t seem to know that eyes were watching her from everywhere. From above, from below, from the sides, from inside. Her bare feet made soft patting noises against the light dirt path as she ran for her life. Those white trees passed by in blurs against the black background making up the sky, almost turning her whole world completely white.
She ran and ran and ran, but no matter how fast she ran she didn’t seem to go anywhere. The poor thing seemed to be getting tired. She wished that she could stop, but her legs wouldn’t obey the command. Soft whispers floated to her ears: Stay with me Alice…are we not friends?
Her hands moved to her head as she covered her ears and screamed. “Stay away from me! Leave me alone!” She closed her eyes and willed it all away. “No! No! NO!” she cried, crystal tears streaming down her face, her breath came in choking sobs, and finally her legs had to stop moving. She collapsed mid-stride and fell against a gnarled white tree. Red leaves fell around her from the impact of her body. She looked up as if dazed, her tears almost forgotten. The blood red leaves fell against the black sky as if they were in water. Her mouth opened in wonder and one small sob escaped.
Alice…don’t leave me…
She looked down at her hands, lying flat and splayed out on the silvery-black dirt. Unconsciously, they clenched, making the dirt clump under her fingernails.
Slowly they unclenched, revealing bright red spots. In a second the two spots transformed into bright red roses with bottle green stems and sharp thorns. She stared in wonder at the new plants before she felt something slide down her face. Reaching up with one of her dirty hands, she gently touched the spots under her eyes.
Her hands came back red. She screamed and choked as more red flew from her mouth. Using the trees to pull herself up, she began to run again, holding her hands to her mouth as she cried bloody tears. She did not go far before she was forced to stop again, this time because she was coughing red. Falling to her knees in the middle of the silver and black path, she hugged her middle and wished with all her might that she would wake up and everything would be normal.
She looked up at the sound and saw a familiar bone white figure of a young boy standing in front of her. That same bright red scarf was wrapped around its neck. It had black holes were its eyes would have been and a black crescent-moon smile as a mouth. It stood not far from her, smiling down at her on the ground. She backed away on her hands and knees.
“Get away from me!” she croaked, backing away until her back was against a pale tree. “Leave me alone!” That smile did not falter. It stepped forward slowly with a slight skip in its step. That long white coat ruffled in the non-existent breeze and the moonlight hair flipped back and forth.
The bloody tears had come back in force against her cheeks. “Please,” she whispered to the creature. “Please, I just want to go home.”
The creature halted not one foot away from her, that smile frozen on its face. She thought it felt somehow different, and her heart beat faster than before. So painfully fast. One hand went to her chest again. Her breathing accelerated until her chest was moving three times for every second.
She nodded, finding it difficult with the sudden pains in her chest. Her body was starting to go numb.
Why? Why? Isn’t it fun here? Aren’t we friends? Aren’t we all friends? Aren’t I your friend?
The voice had gotten louder with every question, and by the end it was screaming in her ears. She closed her eyes and huddled into the tree. She began to whimper to the dark air, “Please Mommy…Daddy…please…” Her tears had stopped, but not because she was no longer sad, no, more like she couldn’t produce any more.
The corners of the creature’s smile slowly turned down into a frown. The white fingers clenched into fists. The black holes bored into her, but she could no longer feel them. She could no longer feel anything; she would no longer feel anything.
The white creature turned away as her body paled and began to transform into a small white tree with blood red budding leaves. On this tree a single mirror hung from a branch, and a silky red ribbon was tied around the trunk.
A single black tear dropped from one of the creature’s eyes, as it fingered the scarf around its neck. It turned back to look up at the sky through the other white tree branches. The white crescent moon gleamed clearly through the black sky. The creature’s mouth turned up and imitated the shape.
Still not the worst dream I've ever had...
...Yeah...don't even ask me what this is, because I really can't tell you much. What I can say is that this was supposed to be a Prologue type thing for something much bigger. I might still do that, but I haven't been able to get on my computer very often recently and that's how I usually write things...unless I really have nothing else to do.
I wrote this a while ago and found it while I was cleaning out my computer. I think my writing has gotten better since then, so if it seems mediocre (more than usual, I guess) that's why. I used to have a character sheet for this thing's later chapters but it was in my old notebook from last year, so I'll have to dig that out to refresh my memory if I actually continue this monster. That is if I didn't throw it away by mistake...
She didn’t seem to know that eyes were watching her from everywhere. From above, from below, from the sides, from inside. Her bare feet made soft patting noises against the light dirt path as she ran for her life. Those white trees passed by in blurs against the black background making up the sky, almost turning her whole world completely white.
She ran and ran and ran, but no matter how fast she ran she didn’t seem to go anywhere. The poor thing seemed to be getting tired. She wished that she could stop, but her legs wouldn’t obey the command. Soft whispers floated to her ears: Stay with me Alice…are we not friends?
Her hands moved to her head as she covered her ears and screamed. “Stay away from me! Leave me alone!” She closed her eyes and willed it all away. “No! No! NO!” she cried, crystal tears streaming down her face, her breath came in choking sobs, and finally her legs had to stop moving. She collapsed mid-stride and fell against a gnarled white tree. Red leaves fell around her from the impact of her body. She looked up as if dazed, her tears almost forgotten. The blood red leaves fell against the black sky as if they were in water. Her mouth opened in wonder and one small sob escaped.
Alice…don’t leave me…
She looked down at her hands, lying flat and splayed out on the silvery-black dirt. Unconsciously, they clenched, making the dirt clump under her fingernails.
Slowly they unclenched, revealing bright red spots. In a second the two spots transformed into bright red roses with bottle green stems and sharp thorns. She stared in wonder at the new plants before she felt something slide down her face. Reaching up with one of her dirty hands, she gently touched the spots under her eyes.
Her hands came back red. She screamed and choked as more red flew from her mouth. Using the trees to pull herself up, she began to run again, holding her hands to her mouth as she cried bloody tears. She did not go far before she was forced to stop again, this time because she was coughing red. Falling to her knees in the middle of the silver and black path, she hugged her middle and wished with all her might that she would wake up and everything would be normal.
She looked up at the sound and saw a familiar bone white figure of a young boy standing in front of her. That same bright red scarf was wrapped around its neck. It had black holes were its eyes would have been and a black crescent-moon smile as a mouth. It stood not far from her, smiling down at her on the ground. She backed away on her hands and knees.
“Get away from me!” she croaked, backing away until her back was against a pale tree. “Leave me alone!” That smile did not falter. It stepped forward slowly with a slight skip in its step. That long white coat ruffled in the non-existent breeze and the moonlight hair flipped back and forth.
The bloody tears had come back in force against her cheeks. “Please,” she whispered to the creature. “Please, I just want to go home.”
The creature halted not one foot away from her, that smile frozen on its face. She thought it felt somehow different, and her heart beat faster than before. So painfully fast. One hand went to her chest again. Her breathing accelerated until her chest was moving three times for every second.
She nodded, finding it difficult with the sudden pains in her chest. Her body was starting to go numb.
Why? Why? Isn’t it fun here? Aren’t we friends? Aren’t we all friends? Aren’t I your friend?
The voice had gotten louder with every question, and by the end it was screaming in her ears. She closed her eyes and huddled into the tree. She began to whimper to the dark air, “Please Mommy…Daddy…please…” Her tears had stopped, but not because she was no longer sad, no, more like she couldn’t produce any more.
The corners of the creature’s smile slowly turned down into a frown. The white fingers clenched into fists. The black holes bored into her, but she could no longer feel them. She could no longer feel anything; she would no longer feel anything.
The white creature turned away as her body paled and began to transform into a small white tree with blood red budding leaves. On this tree a single mirror hung from a branch, and a silky red ribbon was tied around the trunk.
A single black tear dropped from one of the creature’s eyes, as it fingered the scarf around its neck. It turned back to look up at the sky through the other white tree branches. The white crescent moon gleamed clearly through the black sky. The creature’s mouth turned up and imitated the shape.
Still not the worst dream I've ever had...
...Yeah...don't even ask me what this is, because I really can't tell you much. What I can say is that this was supposed to be a Prologue type thing for something much bigger. I might still do that, but I haven't been able to get on my computer very often recently and that's how I usually write things...unless I really have nothing else to do.
I wrote this a while ago and found it while I was cleaning out my computer. I think my writing has gotten better since then, so if it seems mediocre (more than usual, I guess) that's why. I used to have a character sheet for this thing's later chapters but it was in my old notebook from last year, so I'll have to dig that out to refresh my memory if I actually continue this monster. That is if I didn't throw it away by mistake...
Saturday was awesome! I went to Washington D.C. for the Rally to Restore Sanity (and/or Fear) and had an absolute blast. Sure waking up at 3 a.m. and then functioning fully for about 24 hours was a bit of a pain, and of course the crowded Metro thanks to all the other Rally goers. Oh, and we didn't have direction to the way back home and didn't actually get home until Sunday morning. I loved it! The signs were amazing and hilarious and the people that we met were nice and funny. I was sad that we couldn't really hear or see much of the rally itself, but we recorded it at home so it was alright. From what I saw there were only two negative groups there: the Japan is a black hole of child abduction and the guy saying we should deport every single illegal immigrant in the U.S. Yeah, those people weren't fun at all, but people were mostly laughing at them anyway (especially when the guy dressed as an alien from outer space walked over to the illegal immigrant deporter and held up a sign saying: "I'm the only alien you should be afraid of!") Twas so fun, I don't even know.
After the Rally we figured the Metro would be packed with people and we would have to wait in line forever, so we went sight-seeing. We saw the Washington Monument, the Reflecting Pool, Lincoln Memorial, the WWII Memorial, and the Vietnam Memorial. I was disappointed that we didn't see more in the area, but our feet were killing us and it was getting late. I took pictures, which I'll probably post later. One actually has me in it, though I really didn't want to be.
Needless to say, I woke late on Sunday and didn't feel like doing anything for the rest of the day. I wish I could've gone to see Rockey Horror Picture Show with some friends, but that's okay. I have Rally experience now! Woot! I can't wait to go back to D.C. next year for Senior trip! I'll actually know some (little parts) of the city and the Metro won't scare me. Awesome :)
After the Rally we figured the Metro would be packed with people and we would have to wait in line forever, so we went sight-seeing. We saw the Washington Monument, the Reflecting Pool, Lincoln Memorial, the WWII Memorial, and the Vietnam Memorial. I was disappointed that we didn't see more in the area, but our feet were killing us and it was getting late. I took pictures, which I'll probably post later. One actually has me in it, though I really didn't want to be.
Needless to say, I woke late on Sunday and didn't feel like doing anything for the rest of the day. I wish I could've gone to see Rockey Horror Picture Show with some friends, but that's okay. I have Rally experience now! Woot! I can't wait to go back to D.C. next year for Senior trip! I'll actually know some (little parts) of the city and the Metro won't scare me. Awesome :)
Sunday, October 24, 2010
"I swear I didn't mean to!"
How many times did I say that last night? Jeez, I never knew I was a sporadic dancer, it didn't help that Niki was being so stiff and letting me drag her hands every which way. Yesterday was the Homecoming Dance and let's just say there was some unintentional inappropriate touching going on. I was probably making Niki so uncomfortable...and she probably thinks I'm gay or something, though maybe bi would be more understandable. What can I say? I was having fun and Niki let me wave her arms everywhere. I'm a spaz when it comes to music with a catchy beat. Put it together and whaddya got? Bibbidy Bobbidy Accidental hip touches, boob brushes, and elbow punching. That's right fairy godmother, no magic involved at all. Oh well, I had fun and my feet hurt afterword so I guess I danced enough for one night. That's all that matters.
By the way, Dad is showing me weird things from his childhood...funny things, but very weird things none the less.
You are a fluke of the universe. You have no right to be here, and whether you can hear it or not, the universe is laughing behind your back. (I love that song...it's so true XD)
By the way, Dad is showing me weird things from his childhood...funny things, but very weird things none the less.
You are a fluke of the universe. You have no right to be here, and whether you can hear it or not, the universe is laughing behind your back. (I love that song...it's so true XD)
Thursday, October 21, 2010
The Man of the Red
In the cold autumnal day
The sun shines bright.
The wind blows softly
Through shedding trees
With not a cloud in the sky.
The rustling of leaves
Across sparsely covered earth
Whispers like a child
To the Man of the Red
As he sits, still waiting,
To hear those words
One longs to hear.
Against a stone upon the hill,
The Red Man sits
With eyes to the sky
And a hand to his chest,
Wishing, waiting,
For his love to return.
Inspiration strikes at shower time! Ugh...I wish I could add more to it, but I need to figure out how I would phrase it and stuff like that so I might rewrite it or something...maybe. I might make little tweaks later with small words if I feel like it.
The sun shines bright.
The wind blows softly
Through shedding trees
With not a cloud in the sky.
The rustling of leaves
Across sparsely covered earth
Whispers like a child
To the Man of the Red
As he sits, still waiting,
To hear those words
One longs to hear.
Against a stone upon the hill,
The Red Man sits
With eyes to the sky
And a hand to his chest,
Wishing, waiting,
For his love to return.
Inspiration strikes at shower time! Ugh...I wish I could add more to it, but I need to figure out how I would phrase it and stuff like that so I might rewrite it or something...maybe. I might make little tweaks later with small words if I feel like it.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
First of all, HAPPY B-DAY DAD! WOOT! 43 years old and still kicking and bitching about the world, but I wouldn't expect anything less from the guy.
Second of all, I haven't been to the movie theater in a few weeks and I just went back today (I'm avoiding the Clarion theater because of Dylan and his antics...shudder). I saw RED today and I didn't really like it all that much...it had so many things that were so fake and unbelievable...and of course it glorified old people (for some reason I don't like old people very much...probably because a lot of the ones I know are so annoying and just plain jerks...Except Josephine, she's so sweet) A major scene that I have a beef with is when they're trying to break into the CIA vault thing and the guy drops his contact with the code for the retina scanner on the floor. The girl is searching for it and everything and the timer runs out and all these police guys show up. The girls says they're looking for his contact to complete the scan. At this point I was thinking this would never work because it's illegal and totally obvious that you're trying to break in when you need a contact lens to pass a retinal scan. But of course, the cops are none the wiser. There are other scenes that don't make any logical sense too, but that one really bugged me. I really don't like the black-haired girl in the movie. She's annoying and pointless unless she's been taken hostage...which is all she's good for. She really didn't even have to be in the movie at all and i doubt she would have been if the lead guy wasn't super paranoid and had to kidnap her when she wouldn't have been looked at twice had he left her alone. SIGH, but that's movie logic for you.
Third of all, I went to a corn maze last night and I had a lot of fun! There was a clue game where the farmer was killed by one of his farm animals that we had to figure out by going through the maze. It turned out to be the pig at the haystack with the pipe wrench. I'm telling you though, the llama looked way more suspicious than the pig. Faith was convinced it was the chickens and Jordan thought it was the goat. Jordan and I went through the haunted maze when it was dark out. We waited about an hour in line and it only took about 12 minutes to get through the maze. The bad part was that the people running the maze wanted to get through as many people as possible before they had to close so they were letting large groups in at a time. It's not as scary when you see people jump out and scare the group in front of you and then try to jump out at you five seconds later. I enjoyed it though. They had a spinning room that was just like the worm hole tunnel at Ripley's in New York. There was also this room that you had to push the walls out because they kept sucking close to your body...that room had some many names (the vagina room, the asshole room,etc...) I really liked it, even though I inhaled a lot of smoke and either my left lung or my left ribs were hurting at the end of the day and this morning...in fact they still kind of hurt.
See ya :)
Second of all, I haven't been to the movie theater in a few weeks and I just went back today (I'm avoiding the Clarion theater because of Dylan and his antics...shudder). I saw RED today and I didn't really like it all that much...it had so many things that were so fake and unbelievable...and of course it glorified old people (for some reason I don't like old people very much...probably because a lot of the ones I know are so annoying and just plain jerks...Except Josephine, she's so sweet) A major scene that I have a beef with is when they're trying to break into the CIA vault thing and the guy drops his contact with the code for the retina scanner on the floor. The girl is searching for it and everything and the timer runs out and all these police guys show up. The girls says they're looking for his contact to complete the scan. At this point I was thinking this would never work because it's illegal and totally obvious that you're trying to break in when you need a contact lens to pass a retinal scan. But of course, the cops are none the wiser. There are other scenes that don't make any logical sense too, but that one really bugged me. I really don't like the black-haired girl in the movie. She's annoying and pointless unless she's been taken hostage...which is all she's good for. She really didn't even have to be in the movie at all and i doubt she would have been if the lead guy wasn't super paranoid and had to kidnap her when she wouldn't have been looked at twice had he left her alone. SIGH, but that's movie logic for you.
Third of all, I went to a corn maze last night and I had a lot of fun! There was a clue game where the farmer was killed by one of his farm animals that we had to figure out by going through the maze. It turned out to be the pig at the haystack with the pipe wrench. I'm telling you though, the llama looked way more suspicious than the pig. Faith was convinced it was the chickens and Jordan thought it was the goat. Jordan and I went through the haunted maze when it was dark out. We waited about an hour in line and it only took about 12 minutes to get through the maze. The bad part was that the people running the maze wanted to get through as many people as possible before they had to close so they were letting large groups in at a time. It's not as scary when you see people jump out and scare the group in front of you and then try to jump out at you five seconds later. I enjoyed it though. They had a spinning room that was just like the worm hole tunnel at Ripley's in New York. There was also this room that you had to push the walls out because they kept sucking close to your body...that room had some many names (the vagina room, the asshole room,etc...) I really liked it, even though I inhaled a lot of smoke and either my left lung or my left ribs were hurting at the end of the day and this morning...in fact they still kind of hurt.
See ya :)
Friday, October 15, 2010
Classic cartoons are awesome, especially 90s cartoons. So much better than the crap we have right now, though there are some good ones around now and then. They don't have the same feel of those old cartoons that just made fun of everything without the fear of getting pulled off the air. They could even be educational too. Take Animaniacs for example. I love that show and I was so sad when the guy who wrote the songs died. That show helped me through my capital test in 5th grade. So many pokes at Disney and the Government floating around...it was awesome, still is. You had to wonder, though, if the makers were on crack when they made the cartoons seeing as how messed up and wacky they are...but that's what made them so fun in the first place :)
Phew! I went through that whole post without mentioning Candlejack! Thank goodness! I wonder if he ever got enough ro
Classic cartoons are awesome, especially 90s cartoons. So much better than the crap we have right now, though there are some good ones around now and then. They don't have the same feel of those old cartoons that just made fun of everything without the fear of getting pulled off the air. They could even be educational too. Take Animaniacs for example. I love that show and I was so sad when the guy who wrote the songs died. That show helped me through my capital test in 5th grade. So many pokes at Disney and the Government floating around...it was awesome, still is. You had to wonder, though, if the makers were on crack when they made the cartoons seeing as how messed up and wacky they are...but that's what made them so fun in the first place :)
Phew! I went through that whole post without mentioning Candlejack! Thank goodness! I wonder if he ever got enough ro
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
I took the PSAT test today and it really wasn't all that bad. I don't think I left a single answer blank even though I guessed on quite a few of them, mainly math beacuse I was either brain farting or I hadn't learned to do the actual problem yet. I found the writing to be pretty easy though, so I guess that's good. My main problem wasn't with the test itself, oh no.
It was the room. That room was absolutely freezing and I'm pretty sure most everyone's hands were numb when they were taking the test. During our bathroom break people just let their hands sit under the warm water because it felt so much better than being frozen. Several of us wanted to stay in the bathroom because it was warmer than the Aux. gym. I know I wanted to. The time limits were annoying, but they weren't too bad. I even got three (maybe) chapters of Anna Karenina done in the inbetween breaks...yeah, they're not long chapters and I'm only about 35 pages into the book. I have to keep reminding myself that it's been translated from Russian, so of course it's not going to be perfect grammar and super long discrptive phrases and words...unlike all of the American classics I've been reading.
That reminds me. I read To Kill a Mockingbird recently and I didn't find the book all that depressing. In fact, I haven't really found American literature all that depressing so far, unlike what everyone has been saying. Also, it seems that when other people hate a book we're reading, I end up liking it, point in case: Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Well, Celest liked To Kill a Mockingbird too, so I know I'm not alone there...
It was the room. That room was absolutely freezing and I'm pretty sure most everyone's hands were numb when they were taking the test. During our bathroom break people just let their hands sit under the warm water because it felt so much better than being frozen. Several of us wanted to stay in the bathroom because it was warmer than the Aux. gym. I know I wanted to. The time limits were annoying, but they weren't too bad. I even got three (maybe) chapters of Anna Karenina done in the inbetween breaks...yeah, they're not long chapters and I'm only about 35 pages into the book. I have to keep reminding myself that it's been translated from Russian, so of course it's not going to be perfect grammar and super long discrptive phrases and words...unlike all of the American classics I've been reading.
That reminds me. I read To Kill a Mockingbird recently and I didn't find the book all that depressing. In fact, I haven't really found American literature all that depressing so far, unlike what everyone has been saying. Also, it seems that when other people hate a book we're reading, I end up liking it, point in case: Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Well, Celest liked To Kill a Mockingbird too, so I know I'm not alone there...
Sunday, October 10, 2010
WARNING: Crappy pictures, one crudely drawn organ (it's only shown for a second at most), some images are grainy, um...the Genetic Opera?
Song: Bravi!
From: Repo! The Genetic Opera
I won nothing except the pictures and characters used, which happen to be Theo, Andrea, Scott, and Antonio
Um...not much to say on this one, just that it's short and I had a blast making it, especially when the boys sing in falsetto and it sounds terrible XD. Yeah, that's my favorite part.
I'm going to start working on the Bad Touch song soon, so that might be up in a while if you want to wait for that.
I finished working on my part of my English Project and now I'm putting off my math project...why do I have so many projects this year!?
Song: Bravi!
From: Repo! The Genetic Opera
I won nothing except the pictures and characters used, which happen to be Theo, Andrea, Scott, and Antonio
Um...not much to say on this one, just that it's short and I had a blast making it, especially when the boys sing in falsetto and it sounds terrible XD. Yeah, that's my favorite part.
I'm going to start working on the Bad Touch song soon, so that might be up in a while if you want to wait for that.
I finished working on my part of my English Project and now I'm putting off my math project...why do I have so many projects this year!?
Poor Stacy...
So we had that little festival at our school yesterday with all the different booths and stuff to raise some money for all the different organizations that make up our student body stuff...clubs basically.
We were really hoping for a huge turnout with the townspeople and lots of students coming in...unfortunately, I think there were more staff members than actual customers. I feel more sorry for Stacy than anyone else, I mean she lost a phone because of this stuff and she was under a lot of stress. The weather was absolutely perfect for all the events too (I even got sunburned). I was with Sheetz in the beanbag toss/washer toss/corn hole tournament with the Student Government. I think about five teams signed up for the tournament when we were really hoping for at least ten. At the beanbag toss we got some little kids to play and even some pity money from people we knew. The whole goal of the thing was to get rid of all the left over Santa's Workshop junk and maybe get some more money in the process. That didn't work out so well... It didn't help that someone was always gone from the stand half the time.
It was alright, though, because we got some money. Even though I had to listen to country twang the whole time I was there (I told Jolie to give them her CD and I didn't care if it swore and this was a children's event, I was getting ready to claw my ears off). I left at Four because we weren't getting any more customers and everybody else had already left.
Oh well. We got some money, that's what matters.
We were really hoping for a huge turnout with the townspeople and lots of students coming in...unfortunately, I think there were more staff members than actual customers. I feel more sorry for Stacy than anyone else, I mean she lost a phone because of this stuff and she was under a lot of stress. The weather was absolutely perfect for all the events too (I even got sunburned). I was with Sheetz in the beanbag toss/washer toss/corn hole tournament with the Student Government. I think about five teams signed up for the tournament when we were really hoping for at least ten. At the beanbag toss we got some little kids to play and even some pity money from people we knew. The whole goal of the thing was to get rid of all the left over Santa's Workshop junk and maybe get some more money in the process. That didn't work out so well... It didn't help that someone was always gone from the stand half the time.
It was alright, though, because we got some money. Even though I had to listen to country twang the whole time I was there (I told Jolie to give them her CD and I didn't care if it swore and this was a children's event, I was getting ready to claw my ears off). I left at Four because we weren't getting any more customers and everybody else had already left.
Oh well. We got some money, that's what matters.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
She's a witch!!!!!
Burn her! Burn her!
I cannot tell you how pathetic the elections are this time around. I'm really starting to believe that it's Fear and Hate that runs this country after all. It's so sad what's going on right now, what with all the nut jobs actually being voted for. Maybe Americans are bored and we want to see some crazy people in the Senate just for the hell of it? That's what it's looking like anyway.
What I don't get is why the Tea Party isn't it's own party like the Republicans and the Democrats. It seems like the Republicans may be starting to regret riding the Tea Party wave seeing as they've gotten out of control and the whole Republican party is being judged because of these idiots who talk too loud for their own good. It's very frustrating to see these people actually leading in their races.
But what I really can't stand is the massive hatred towards Muslims and Homosexuals. This country is supposed to be the Land of the FREE, not the paranoid and cracked. I find it so hypocritical that the U.S., being the Land of the Free and all, is usually one of the last to dispose of prejudices. Look at how long it took us to abolish slavery and that required a war, for goodness sake! And there's still an unhealthy amount of Racism floating around in people's shadows, hidden away.
And if I must say something, I'll say this: OBAMA IS NOT THE WORST PRESIDENT WE'VE EVER HAD. Look in a damn history book and I'm sure you'll find much worse leaders. I think the only reason Obama isn't making any headway with his policies is because he's being fought tooth and nail every step of the way, mainly because people are to afraid to change, even though that's what we wanted when Obama won. This country is filled with Racists and thick-headed people who are driven by their own fears.
Oh and one more thing: Fox News is rarely ever true, do not listen to that biased channel full of idiots.
This country needs a slap in the face to wake up and fix all the crap going on. We need to restore Sanity...hmmm, where have I heard that before?
I cannot tell you how pathetic the elections are this time around. I'm really starting to believe that it's Fear and Hate that runs this country after all. It's so sad what's going on right now, what with all the nut jobs actually being voted for. Maybe Americans are bored and we want to see some crazy people in the Senate just for the hell of it? That's what it's looking like anyway.
What I don't get is why the Tea Party isn't it's own party like the Republicans and the Democrats. It seems like the Republicans may be starting to regret riding the Tea Party wave seeing as they've gotten out of control and the whole Republican party is being judged because of these idiots who talk too loud for their own good. It's very frustrating to see these people actually leading in their races.
But what I really can't stand is the massive hatred towards Muslims and Homosexuals. This country is supposed to be the Land of the FREE, not the paranoid and cracked. I find it so hypocritical that the U.S., being the Land of the Free and all, is usually one of the last to dispose of prejudices. Look at how long it took us to abolish slavery and that required a war, for goodness sake! And there's still an unhealthy amount of Racism floating around in people's shadows, hidden away.
And if I must say something, I'll say this: OBAMA IS NOT THE WORST PRESIDENT WE'VE EVER HAD. Look in a damn history book and I'm sure you'll find much worse leaders. I think the only reason Obama isn't making any headway with his policies is because he's being fought tooth and nail every step of the way, mainly because people are to afraid to change, even though that's what we wanted when Obama won. This country is filled with Racists and thick-headed people who are driven by their own fears.
Oh and one more thing: Fox News is rarely ever true, do not listen to that biased channel full of idiots.
This country needs a slap in the face to wake up and fix all the crap going on. We need to restore Sanity...hmmm, where have I heard that before?
Saturday, October 2, 2010
It's been awhile since I last posted something huh? Sorry...I guess. I've been preoccupied as of late with some issues I may or may not disclose in the future. And by issues, I mean I'm slowly beginning to discover how my mind works...better late than never huh? I'm discovering new things about my family too, particularly about my dad and my brother and the complex relationship they have going on at the moment.
Let's move on shall we? One of my cats bumped into my bookcase and tumbled my clock right from the shelf! That $3 clock broke instantly, glass went everywhere and all the hands popped off. I find my room all too quiet without that constant ticking in the background. I'm even dreaming less, which I find odd. No one or thing was damaged on impact, thankfully, Though i have yet to replace the clock with an even cheaper one...because I'm feeling rather poor at the moment.
Why do some authors feel the need to kill off a bunch of characters before the end of the series!? I could name many series where this has occurred, a prime example being Harry Potter, although I can understand those deaths because it was a battle and everything. I just finished a series where one of my most favorite characters died with a bunch of others whose deaths were wholly unnecessary and felt much too rushed and forced. Of course, I'm talking about Finnick from the Hunger Games. I was pretty satisfied with the way the series ended, but all of those deaths at the end just seemed way too rushed...like the author was trying to get rid of them because they couldn't think of what else to do with them. I must say that I love the execution scene with Snow and Coin. I didn't mind Snow as a villain, in fact I was rather liking him close to the end of the series (I know, somethings wrong with me), but the way he planted the idea of the rebels killing Katniss's sister was awesome. That was his shinning moment in my opinion. She ended up killing Coin while Snow died laughing and choking on his own blood. I loved that part. My favorite characters by far were Haymitch, Finnick, and Peeta. Katniss and Gale are rather low on my list of tolerable characters as I found them complete and total hypocrites in most of the things they did and gale basically becoming what he hated.
Sorry, that was a long rant.
I found I have a weird habit of saying As in names like ahs. Point in case: Anna or Ana. I pronounce them Ahhnna. And for Maria, I say Mahria. I don't know anyone else who does this. I just found out when I told dad I was going to read Anna Karenina and I got a strange look. hmm...weird, I think the other way to pronounce it is too nasaly and I don't like how it sounds. Just like it's an unspoken rule for me to make the 'e' in 'the' long when it comes before a word that starts with a vowel. It irritates me when people don't do that because it makes me think they don't know proper grammar when speaking. I'm weird...unless that actually is how you're supposed to talk...then cool.
I'm getting into Clockwork Angel even though I've heard some discouraging things about it. I think my favorite is Jem so far, though I don't know who Tessa will go with and frankly I don't care though I think Will has more of a shot at where I am in the book. I love Jem and Will's Broship! And I'm glad they're not gay because it would have ruined the brotherly feelings they have for each other, I think it would have made it awkward, not to mention Clare had already used that plot point before and it would have gotten repetitive. Yay for brotherly love! I think Clare captured the time period pretty well with the whole mixed feelings of the roles of Women thing going on. It makes it more real and it doesn't bother me at all the way it seemed to bug Jordan. I might have to re-read the original series to remember all the last names being thrown around. I can't wait to read more and I only have less than 200 pages left to go!
Wow, what a long and pointless post! Hee hee, oh well! :P
Let's move on shall we? One of my cats bumped into my bookcase and tumbled my clock right from the shelf! That $3 clock broke instantly, glass went everywhere and all the hands popped off. I find my room all too quiet without that constant ticking in the background. I'm even dreaming less, which I find odd. No one or thing was damaged on impact, thankfully, Though i have yet to replace the clock with an even cheaper one...because I'm feeling rather poor at the moment.
Why do some authors feel the need to kill off a bunch of characters before the end of the series!? I could name many series where this has occurred, a prime example being Harry Potter, although I can understand those deaths because it was a battle and everything. I just finished a series where one of my most favorite characters died with a bunch of others whose deaths were wholly unnecessary and felt much too rushed and forced. Of course, I'm talking about Finnick from the Hunger Games. I was pretty satisfied with the way the series ended, but all of those deaths at the end just seemed way too rushed...like the author was trying to get rid of them because they couldn't think of what else to do with them. I must say that I love the execution scene with Snow and Coin. I didn't mind Snow as a villain, in fact I was rather liking him close to the end of the series (I know, somethings wrong with me), but the way he planted the idea of the rebels killing Katniss's sister was awesome. That was his shinning moment in my opinion. She ended up killing Coin while Snow died laughing and choking on his own blood. I loved that part. My favorite characters by far were Haymitch, Finnick, and Peeta. Katniss and Gale are rather low on my list of tolerable characters as I found them complete and total hypocrites in most of the things they did and gale basically becoming what he hated.
Sorry, that was a long rant.
I found I have a weird habit of saying As in names like ahs. Point in case: Anna or Ana. I pronounce them Ahhnna. And for Maria, I say Mahria. I don't know anyone else who does this. I just found out when I told dad I was going to read Anna Karenina and I got a strange look. hmm...weird, I think the other way to pronounce it is too nasaly and I don't like how it sounds. Just like it's an unspoken rule for me to make the 'e' in 'the' long when it comes before a word that starts with a vowel. It irritates me when people don't do that because it makes me think they don't know proper grammar when speaking. I'm weird...unless that actually is how you're supposed to talk...then cool.
I'm getting into Clockwork Angel even though I've heard some discouraging things about it. I think my favorite is Jem so far, though I don't know who Tessa will go with and frankly I don't care though I think Will has more of a shot at where I am in the book. I love Jem and Will's Broship! And I'm glad they're not gay because it would have ruined the brotherly feelings they have for each other, I think it would have made it awkward, not to mention Clare had already used that plot point before and it would have gotten repetitive. Yay for brotherly love! I think Clare captured the time period pretty well with the whole mixed feelings of the roles of Women thing going on. It makes it more real and it doesn't bother me at all the way it seemed to bug Jordan. I might have to re-read the original series to remember all the last names being thrown around. I can't wait to read more and I only have less than 200 pages left to go!
Wow, what a long and pointless post! Hee hee, oh well! :P
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Oh Death
WARNING: Religious views, mentions of death...crappy pictures, the works...
Song: Oh Death
Artist: Jen Titus
I own nothing except the pictures and the characters who are as follows: Atil, Agnus, and Theo (the Big Three). There is a story behind this one, but I don't feel so good right now. I might edit it in later if I don't forget.
Here's another short and unactionpacked (is that even a word? Spellcheck says no) video for you. This was also made out of boredom when I really should be studying for three tests tomorrow...or reading a book I want to get finished before Wednesday...or playing Prof. Layton...so many choice and only one of them responsible.
Hmm...anyway I really like this song, it makes me calm for some reason. I guess this could also be a tribute for Supernatural since it's coming on tonight (I think...) Yeah, that's where this song is from, Supernatural, but Jen Titus didn't write the song. It was orignally a bluegrass song or something like that.
Have and awesome filled day and don't cut anybody...it's rude.
Song: Oh Death
Artist: Jen Titus
I own nothing except the pictures and the characters who are as follows: Atil, Agnus, and Theo (the Big Three). There is a story behind this one, but I don't feel so good right now. I might edit it in later if I don't forget.
Here's another short and unactionpacked (is that even a word? Spellcheck says no) video for you. This was also made out of boredom when I really should be studying for three tests tomorrow...or reading a book I want to get finished before Wednesday...or playing Prof. Layton...so many choice and only one of them responsible.
Hmm...anyway I really like this song, it makes me calm for some reason. I guess this could also be a tribute for Supernatural since it's coming on tonight (I think...) Yeah, that's where this song is from, Supernatural, but Jen Titus didn't write the song. It was orignally a bluegrass song or something like that.
Have and awesome filled day and don't cut anybody...it's rude.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Craving for Hands...
Um...WARNINGS? Cannablism (maybe?), murder, Crappy pictures...the usual.
Audio used: Llamas With Hats.
Go check out the original video on YouTube. I own nothing except the pictures used...Mr. Stick, Mr. Figure, and Mr. Stick-Figure come and go as they please.
Wow, this is really short! I made this out of boredom and putting off reading the final chapter of The Scarlet Letter...I only have about five more pages left in that damn book. Maybe I should get on that...later.
I don't really have anything else to say, which is a first. Have a nice day :)
Audio used: Llamas With Hats.
Go check out the original video on YouTube. I own nothing except the pictures used...Mr. Stick, Mr. Figure, and Mr. Stick-Figure come and go as they please.
Wow, this is really short! I made this out of boredom and putting off reading the final chapter of The Scarlet Letter...I only have about five more pages left in that damn book. Maybe I should get on that...later.
I don't really have anything else to say, which is a first. Have a nice day :)
Llamas With Hats,
Mr. Figure,
Mr. Stick,
Mr. Stick-Figure,
Saturday, September 18, 2010
"This reminds me of a puzzle, Luke!"
"Right O, Professah!"
Oh Professor Layton, how I love you so! even when every living thing reminds you of a puzzle ("Oh look professah! Somebody littered!" - "Why, this reminds me of a puzzle Luke!" Oh how I hated that puzzle...it had such a simple answer too.) Mom just got the newest release to America and we've been double-teaming it hardcore...even though she hid it from me for two days...how dare you mom! You're evil! Apparently they go to the future, but I wouldn't know because I didn't get to see the beginning. But I know there's future Luke and he really hasn't changed much (and by much I mean at all. Sure he got taller, but that's about it) Ooooh I can't wait to play it alone and use trusty Trial and Error almost repeatedly before going to someone I know for help and then finally looking it up on the Internet (that goddamn apple puzzle nearly killed me!) Mom's playing it right now...it's a good thing it's a weekend and she doesn't have any homework for her tax class.
In other news, the Scarlet Letter is pissing me off. I can deal with the hypocrisy of Puritans and all of their self hate and sexual tension just fine. It's the needlessly extensive DESCRIPTIONS about pointless things that are driving me up the wall. If Hawthorne were alive today I would write him a very descriptive ten page letter of how I burned his book and how it made me feel completely and utterly satisfied to see all of those repetitive and pointless words go up in flame...and then I would complain about how he made me waste $4 and about 2 weeks of my life reading the damn thing. Don't get me wrong, I understand the book just fine and I supply plenty of conversations and meanings in class. I just hate Hawthorne's writing style. I hated Goodman Brown and The Minister's Black Veil too. I think the character I hate most is Pearl...I know I sound harsh and evil because she's just a kid, but I can't stand her. She acts like such a brat! and her mom just let's her push her around. The fact that she knows she can make her mom do whatever she wants annoys the crap out of me...that and Hester never disciplines her. I think I really started to know this hatred for her when she made Hester put the Scarlet Letter back on. I understand her reasons for it (she was unfamiliar with anything else, but her mom being gloomy), but that still doesn't mean she has to be a freaking brat. Oh, but she's a BEAUTIFUL, INTELLIGENT, child beyond her years...so that makes up for it? I don't think so.
Anyway enough of that rant. (HAWTHORNE!!!!! *shakes fist at sky*) I might be going to D.C. in October! I'm so excited!!! But I might miss Halloween back here...bummer...our plans aren't set yet, so we're not sure. It'll be awesome though! :D
Oh Professor Layton, how I love you so! even when every living thing reminds you of a puzzle ("Oh look professah! Somebody littered!" - "Why, this reminds me of a puzzle Luke!" Oh how I hated that puzzle...it had such a simple answer too.) Mom just got the newest release to America and we've been double-teaming it hardcore...even though she hid it from me for two days...how dare you mom! You're evil! Apparently they go to the future, but I wouldn't know because I didn't get to see the beginning. But I know there's future Luke and he really hasn't changed much (and by much I mean at all. Sure he got taller, but that's about it) Ooooh I can't wait to play it alone and use trusty Trial and Error almost repeatedly before going to someone I know for help and then finally looking it up on the Internet (that goddamn apple puzzle nearly killed me!) Mom's playing it right now...it's a good thing it's a weekend and she doesn't have any homework for her tax class.
In other news, the Scarlet Letter is pissing me off. I can deal with the hypocrisy of Puritans and all of their self hate and sexual tension just fine. It's the needlessly extensive DESCRIPTIONS about pointless things that are driving me up the wall. If Hawthorne were alive today I would write him a very descriptive ten page letter of how I burned his book and how it made me feel completely and utterly satisfied to see all of those repetitive and pointless words go up in flame...and then I would complain about how he made me waste $4 and about 2 weeks of my life reading the damn thing. Don't get me wrong, I understand the book just fine and I supply plenty of conversations and meanings in class. I just hate Hawthorne's writing style. I hated Goodman Brown and The Minister's Black Veil too. I think the character I hate most is Pearl...I know I sound harsh and evil because she's just a kid, but I can't stand her. She acts like such a brat! and her mom just let's her push her around. The fact that she knows she can make her mom do whatever she wants annoys the crap out of me...that and Hester never disciplines her. I think I really started to know this hatred for her when she made Hester put the Scarlet Letter back on. I understand her reasons for it (she was unfamiliar with anything else, but her mom being gloomy), but that still doesn't mean she has to be a freaking brat. Oh, but she's a BEAUTIFUL, INTELLIGENT, child beyond her years...so that makes up for it? I don't think so.
Anyway enough of that rant. (HAWTHORNE!!!!! *shakes fist at sky*) I might be going to D.C. in October! I'm so excited!!! But I might miss Halloween back here...bummer...our plans aren't set yet, so we're not sure. It'll be awesome though! :D
Friday, September 17, 2010
WARNING: greatly implied LUST, Religious views, pedophilia (if you look at it from the actual movie), crappy drawings, MAJOR CREEPERNESS!!!! You have been warned!
Song: Hellfire
From: The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Characters used in this video: Theo, Mr. Stick-Figure, and a statue...they belong to me, although Mr. Stick-Figure comes and goes freely...
Gah! I told myself I wasn't going to make a video with this song because I would ruin it and yet I did it anyway! Ha ha! Take that self! In your face! Wait...damnit... Anyway I love this song to bits and pieces. It's probably my favorite Disney villain song. That's right! This beauty came from DISNEY!!! This was in a kid's movie...but no kid noticed it because of the pretty colors on the screen...at least that's what it was like for me, although I hated this movie when I was younger and now I love it. This song and The Bells of Notre Dame are my favorite.
Okay! On to the video! It's different than what I usually do (Repo!), and this whole thing was basically one big experiment to see what I could do with some symbolism and MovieMaker...crying statues is what popped into my head first...I hope somebody gets the symbolism in that. If not, I failed...oh well this was fun to make, so whatever...interpret it as you will~
I reeeeeaaaalllllyyyy want to do The Plagues from Prince of Egypt sometime because it's one of my favorite songs of all time...but I think I'm going to have the two roles switched so the good guy is the bad guy and vice versa. That should be fun.
P.S. If you want to know who he (Theo) is lusting after that's making him sin and stuff...it's his sister. I know...I'll explain eventually...maybe.
Song: Hellfire
From: The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Characters used in this video: Theo, Mr. Stick-Figure, and a statue...they belong to me, although Mr. Stick-Figure comes and goes freely...
Gah! I told myself I wasn't going to make a video with this song because I would ruin it and yet I did it anyway! Ha ha! Take that self! In your face! Wait...damnit... Anyway I love this song to bits and pieces. It's probably my favorite Disney villain song. That's right! This beauty came from DISNEY!!! This was in a kid's movie...but no kid noticed it because of the pretty colors on the screen...at least that's what it was like for me, although I hated this movie when I was younger and now I love it. This song and The Bells of Notre Dame are my favorite.
Okay! On to the video! It's different than what I usually do (Repo!), and this whole thing was basically one big experiment to see what I could do with some symbolism and MovieMaker...crying statues is what popped into my head first...I hope somebody gets the symbolism in that. If not, I failed...oh well this was fun to make, so whatever...interpret it as you will~
I reeeeeaaaalllllyyyy want to do The Plagues from Prince of Egypt sometime because it's one of my favorite songs of all time...but I think I'm going to have the two roles switched so the good guy is the bad guy and vice versa. That should be fun.
P.S. If you want to know who he (Theo) is lusting after that's making him sin and stuff...it's his sister. I know...I'll explain eventually...maybe.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Zydrate Anatomy
WARNING: Drugs, violence, SURGERY, crappy pictures, all that good stuff...
Song: Zydrate Anatomy
From: Repo! The Genetic Opera
Characters used in this one: Atil, Agniatil, Andrea (hey they all start with A!) and all three belong to me. I only own the pictures...nothing else!
Anybody else notice the chair slowly dissapear? I suck with props...
About this: I've had this song stuck in my head for the past week thanks to Lauren. Gah! Lauren, WHY? This and a couple Disney villian songs have been floating around up there and I needed to get at least one of them out. I also did it because Lauren and I have been confusing several classmates when we suddenly burst into song about Repomen and Zydrate and we have to explain things...we need to find time to watch this movie together...it'd be like a sing-along!
I think I'm going to do Genterns and Bravi! next because they're pretty short (neither are even a minute long and Genterns is hilarious!)
Song: Zydrate Anatomy
From: Repo! The Genetic Opera
Characters used in this one: Atil, Agniatil, Andrea (hey they all start with A!) and all three belong to me. I only own the pictures...nothing else!
Anybody else notice the chair slowly dissapear? I suck with props...
About this: I've had this song stuck in my head for the past week thanks to Lauren. Gah! Lauren, WHY? This and a couple Disney villian songs have been floating around up there and I needed to get at least one of them out. I also did it because Lauren and I have been confusing several classmates when we suddenly burst into song about Repomen and Zydrate and we have to explain things...we need to find time to watch this movie together...it'd be like a sing-along!
I think I'm going to do Genterns and Bravi! next because they're pretty short (neither are even a minute long and Genterns is hilarious!)
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Chapter 2
Proceed Right or Left
There are many types of people in this world. I won’t bother naming all of them. I’m sure you can name quite a few on your own without my help. As it were though, we will be focusing on a particular breed of male for now. Please prepare yourself…he can be a bit, what’s the word I’m looking for? Extreme.
Wilhelm, preferably pronounced Vilhelm, was, I’m sorry, is an unusual man. For one thing, he is an albino, which in itself is largely unseen. For another, he has a strange fascination with death.
Take that bit of information as you will.
Now, this first generation German is our first character in this jumbled mess of a story. Why? Well, as life would have it, Vilhelm had a habit of being first in everything. It is no surprise Violet would pick one of his tales first without even looking. But as he would say: “It was the sheer gravity of my absent presence that drew attention to me, of course!”
As I said: Be prepared.
1930ish America is often depicted as gray or bleak, with the weight of the depression heavy on each inhabitant’s shoulders. Particularly in New York, where the soup lines are long and the sleeping figures lying on the streets are many.
Such was not the case with one Vilhelm Veilderschmit (I’m sorry, but I don’t know how to spell his last name, never having seen him write it or having to write it down myself. Veilderschmit is indeed how you pronounce it, I am certain of that). That man was full of life where all others were dead. But then again, that had always been the case.
Perhaps that was why he had two lovely ladies on each arm.
“…left ‘em at the cleaners!” Vilhelm laughed loudly at the punch line to his own joke as the two ladies threw their heads back and laughed, their short hair bouncing merrily. “And he never lived it down!”
This was a typical sight for those who knew Veilderschmit. Always telling crude jokes and loving up the ladies. Who knew where they even came from? It was quite possible that Vilhelm himself didn’t even remember where he picked them up.
It was too bad he couldn’t afford a car.
“Oh Willy!” One of the girls patted his arm as she laid her head down on his shoulder. “Where do you hear these jokes? They’re so funny I could die!”
He would have had so much fun with a car. He would paint it red, though not with paint. Never with paint. And he would show it off to the others. Show them he wasn’t losing his touch. Wilhelm Veilderschmit never lost his touch.
And odd smile spread across his face at the girl’s words. One could only describe it as a mixture of annoyance, malice, and…something else. His pink eyes glinted slightly in the gorgeous afternoon light. “Oh?” he quirked a pale brow and showed teeth as white as his hair.
In the end, no more was said and nothing was to be done. Vilhelm would not get the red he would need to paint his non-existent car. If he had had his way though, which he was often used to getting, there would have been plenty red to go around and maybe even some pleasure in between. That was how he functioned, how he lived, how he was raised. The man was built and bred for war long before the concept had been fully grasped. He knew no other way to live.
I feel that most, if not all of his war instincts will live with him forever. They were certainly with him then, as his record may have proven to those willing to search for it. I think it was those war instincts that didn’t make him freeze and scream when the explosion rocked the earth and plooms of black smoke and fire rose to mingle with the clouds above.
It must have been those instincts that sent him running, though not in the direction you would expect. While all others had frozen or run in the opposite direction, Vilhelm had run to meet the fire. A second explosion shook the earth when he finally stopped in front of the burning and collapsing building.
He stared into the flames, his eyes dancing at the sight while a huge smile stretched painfully on his lips. He was so captivated at the sight he didn’t seem to notice a young woman rushing from behind the building, her glasses crooked on her nose and thick braided hair singed along the ends. Their shoulders knocked together in her haste to retreat the scene, but neither made any move to acknowledge the other. They were both rather preoccupied at the moment.
Seconds later, Vilhelm had begun laughing as he continued to stare into the chaos and burning wreckage. It was just so incredibly glorious! This was what he lived for. This uncontrollable feeling, like the fire in front of him. This was what he had been born for.
It was not a minute later that he was tackled to the ground and shoved into a pair of handcuffs while someone read out his rights to him in a tight voice.
It seemed Wilhelm Veilderschmit was going to jail for a crime he wished he had committed.
The train station was alive and active with the usual hustle and bustle of people coming and going and merely just standing there. We’re going to focus on a stationary subject for now.
Vladimir Kostov was early, he knew this. In fact he had planned on it. How early was he? Oh, about four hours.
He was standing in the exact middle of the exiting area of the trains, where all the incoming passengers would eventually come through to get to the exit of the station. A large bouquet of sunflowers was held gently in his arms so as not to rumple or crinkle any of the bright petals. Wrapped snugly around his neck was a pale pick scarf that contrasted greatly with his long dark coat. Gloved fingers absentmindedly stroked one of the sunflower petals. It appeared as if he was dressed for a mild winter, but the signs of late spring or early summer were visible through the doors of the station.
Vladimir didn’t mind though. He could barely feel the heat. He had decided long ago that he would make himself numb to all temperatures. Low and behold, he did. It was amazing what one could do when one merely put in the effort to succeed.
The man was smiling slightly, as he often did. It was when that smile suddenly widened or dropped that you need worry. But as of now that smile was at a safe level, matching his soft ice blue eyes which were shifting every ten minutes or so from the large clock on the wall to the large open doors in front of him. He had been like this for quite some time, merely standing and watching with those flowers held as if the bundle was a human child in his arms.
No one paid him any mind save for the staff, who occasionally threw worried or confused looks in his direction. They found it curious that a man could stand so still for so long seemingly without any purpose but to watch a clock and stare at passengers stepping off the latest train. Saying they found it unnerving would be a light way of putting it.
In the end the staff at the reception desk decided who would have to talk to the strange and somewhat intimidating man with the sunflowers. “Obviously, he’s a foreigner,” one man in a crisp uniform stated. “He probably doesn’t understand what any of the signs mean.”
“But why would he stand there for an hour instead of asking someone?” a fifteen year old staff member whispered back, shaking slightly as he stared across the floor at the man. The poor boy was new to the job and was quite shy. He didn’t want to get involved with any strange foreigners, especially large ones like the one in question.
The first man shrugged. “How am I supposed to know what’s going through his head right now?”—he had his suspicions of course, but they were far off the mark. Vladimir was thinking of gift he had recently given to a very dear friend of his—“All I know is, it’s our job to help people who may need help and that guy looks like he might need help.” He gave the fifteen year old a light nudge with his elbow. “Go get ‘em, Richie.”
“W-why me?”
“Because you need more experience in the field.”
“You’re just making me do it because you’re too scared to!”
“Get out there or I’ll tell the manager you’re not doing your job!” he hissed and shoved the young man from behind the desk, forcing him to leave his safe haven. The boy stumbled a bit and one of his hands latched onto the edge of the desk. He looked from Vladimir to his colleague, a pleading look on his face. He received nothing more than a finger jabbed in the direction of his new charge. Richie gulped quietly and dug his fingers into his uniform. He took short, jerky steps to the tall man in the middle of the exit platform.
Vladimir was staring at the clock and counting the seconds until he would switch his gaze to the platform when he heard a small broken voice somewhere near his right elbow. “C-Can I h-h-help you with s-something, s-sir?” He looked down to find a shivering boy a head and a half shorter than himself with dirty blonde hair and huge green eyes. Vladimir wondered idly in the poor boy was cold. His chattering teeth certainly indicated as such. Oh, but the child had asked him a question.
“Ah, yes.” He answered and was disheartened to see the boy’s shivering become worse. Was he sick? Surely if you were sick enough to shake then you shouldn’t come into work! Perhaps he would retire to his home after their talk. Yes, that would be best, Vladimir decided. “Do you perchance know when the train The Mayflower will be arriving? I find most time schedules somewhat tiring and needlessly confusing. What with the delays and rescheduling. I am never up to date on this information.” He asked kindly, hoping that he had been clear enough in his speech. English had never been one of his favorite languages, but recently he had been trying to improve.
The boy’s shaking seemed to improve slightly. Maybe this guy isn’t so scary, he thought to himself. He looked the tall foreigner up and down, taking in the sunflowers, pink scarf, and smile. He looked like a giant teddy bear…and yet there was something about him, Richie just couldn’t explain. That something prevented him from becoming still and being comfortable with the man.
“T-The Mayflower?” Richie wrinkled his brow slightly when the foreigner nodded his head happily. He had to think for a second. Remembering every train that came through here and at what time was a hard job, one that he thought he would never master. The name sparked a memory from that morning in the staff room. Something about a maiden voyage…the train’s first run. That’s right! The Mayflower was a new fancy deluxe train coming in from Chicago being run for the first time. It was supposed to be a new style of train built for luxury and comfort rather than just transport. You had to have some serious cash to be aboard that train and on its maiden voyage no less…
“U-um…” he thought back to the time tables for today and glanced at the clock on the wall. “I-it’s not due f-for at least another t-two hours.”
Two hours? Vladimir thought. That meant he wasn’t nearly as early as he had intended. The train schedule must have changed again. Oh well, now he wouldn’t have to wait as long for The Mayflower to arrive. This was good news! He smile became much more genuine as he looked down at the boy. He would have to give him something for his help. One of his sunflowers perhaps? Hmm…but they were for someone else. One couldn’t hurt though, right?
“Thank you, Comrade, for your help.” He pulled the smallest flower from his bouquet and handed it over to the boy. “You should go home to rest now. That shaking does not look good.”
Richie took the flower in confusion, wondering what the man was talking about. He was about to reply when a loud voice called across the room, effectively silencing any and all conversation taking place.
“All station personnel, report to the break room immediately!” both he and the foreigner turned to face the owner of that voice. Richie gulped when he saw it was the station manager. Something was wrong, he could just feel it. With one last glance at the man beside him, who smiled at him warmly, Richie hurriedly walked to the break room, finding that all of the others were already there looking at each other in confusion, trying to figure out what was going on.
The manager walked in one minute after him and began in a hard voice, “The station has just received a phone call from a conductor aboard The Mayflower. It appears the train has been hijacked. We have confirmed an explosion on board, before the line was cut. One of the engines may have been blown but we are not certain of this.”
“What!? How do you know?” a lone voice called out in the following silence.
The manager stared coolly at his colleagues. “The Senator’s wife and daughter are being held for a ransom of one hundred million dollars. If the perpetrators do not receive this ransom before twelve o’clock tonight, they will kill the other passengers one by one until they receive the money. The Senator has been notified of the situation and is making his decision as we speak.”
Richie stared at the manger in horror, the sunflower held loosely in his hand. He thought back to the foreigner on the platform. He had been waiting for someone on The Mayflower. Those sunflowers must have been for someone special.
“He’s going to pay them right?” he hadn’t realized he was speaking until the words were already out of his mouth. “H-he wouldn’t let them kill everyone else on the train…would he?”
The others in the room looked from Richie to the manager in silence. The manager was the very epitome of grim as he focused his stare at the boy.
“It is very likely,” he said, “that the ransom will not be paid.”
Back on the platform, Vladimir was humming to himself, thinking of sunflowers and presents, while the most wonderful feeling burned in his heart.
What is going on!? Who are these new characters and why do they matter? Will we find out what's happening on the train? Tune in next time for some answers in next week's new episode of...I'm sorry, I've just always wanted to do that XD
*cough* Anyway, I'm not the best at staying focused when I research stuff, so some things are probably wrong, like I wasn't sure about the whole telephone on a train back then thing...so I went with it. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Yes, TIME SKIPS...'cause everybody loves those *so much sarcasm it hurts* It jumps back and forth, but I'll label each one so it hopefully won't get too confusing.
Point out any spelling or grammar mistakes and I'll give you a cookie! :)
There are many types of people in this world. I won’t bother naming all of them. I’m sure you can name quite a few on your own without my help. As it were though, we will be focusing on a particular breed of male for now. Please prepare yourself…he can be a bit, what’s the word I’m looking for? Extreme.
Wilhelm, preferably pronounced Vilhelm, was, I’m sorry, is an unusual man. For one thing, he is an albino, which in itself is largely unseen. For another, he has a strange fascination with death.
Take that bit of information as you will.
Now, this first generation German is our first character in this jumbled mess of a story. Why? Well, as life would have it, Vilhelm had a habit of being first in everything. It is no surprise Violet would pick one of his tales first without even looking. But as he would say: “It was the sheer gravity of my absent presence that drew attention to me, of course!”
As I said: Be prepared.
1930ish America is often depicted as gray or bleak, with the weight of the depression heavy on each inhabitant’s shoulders. Particularly in New York, where the soup lines are long and the sleeping figures lying on the streets are many.
Such was not the case with one Vilhelm Veilderschmit (I’m sorry, but I don’t know how to spell his last name, never having seen him write it or having to write it down myself. Veilderschmit is indeed how you pronounce it, I am certain of that). That man was full of life where all others were dead. But then again, that had always been the case.
Perhaps that was why he had two lovely ladies on each arm.
“…left ‘em at the cleaners!” Vilhelm laughed loudly at the punch line to his own joke as the two ladies threw their heads back and laughed, their short hair bouncing merrily. “And he never lived it down!”
This was a typical sight for those who knew Veilderschmit. Always telling crude jokes and loving up the ladies. Who knew where they even came from? It was quite possible that Vilhelm himself didn’t even remember where he picked them up.
It was too bad he couldn’t afford a car.
“Oh Willy!” One of the girls patted his arm as she laid her head down on his shoulder. “Where do you hear these jokes? They’re so funny I could die!”
He would have had so much fun with a car. He would paint it red, though not with paint. Never with paint. And he would show it off to the others. Show them he wasn’t losing his touch. Wilhelm Veilderschmit never lost his touch.
And odd smile spread across his face at the girl’s words. One could only describe it as a mixture of annoyance, malice, and…something else. His pink eyes glinted slightly in the gorgeous afternoon light. “Oh?” he quirked a pale brow and showed teeth as white as his hair.
In the end, no more was said and nothing was to be done. Vilhelm would not get the red he would need to paint his non-existent car. If he had had his way though, which he was often used to getting, there would have been plenty red to go around and maybe even some pleasure in between. That was how he functioned, how he lived, how he was raised. The man was built and bred for war long before the concept had been fully grasped. He knew no other way to live.
I feel that most, if not all of his war instincts will live with him forever. They were certainly with him then, as his record may have proven to those willing to search for it. I think it was those war instincts that didn’t make him freeze and scream when the explosion rocked the earth and plooms of black smoke and fire rose to mingle with the clouds above.
It must have been those instincts that sent him running, though not in the direction you would expect. While all others had frozen or run in the opposite direction, Vilhelm had run to meet the fire. A second explosion shook the earth when he finally stopped in front of the burning and collapsing building.
He stared into the flames, his eyes dancing at the sight while a huge smile stretched painfully on his lips. He was so captivated at the sight he didn’t seem to notice a young woman rushing from behind the building, her glasses crooked on her nose and thick braided hair singed along the ends. Their shoulders knocked together in her haste to retreat the scene, but neither made any move to acknowledge the other. They were both rather preoccupied at the moment.
Seconds later, Vilhelm had begun laughing as he continued to stare into the chaos and burning wreckage. It was just so incredibly glorious! This was what he lived for. This uncontrollable feeling, like the fire in front of him. This was what he had been born for.
It was not a minute later that he was tackled to the ground and shoved into a pair of handcuffs while someone read out his rights to him in a tight voice.
It seemed Wilhelm Veilderschmit was going to jail for a crime he wished he had committed.
The train station was alive and active with the usual hustle and bustle of people coming and going and merely just standing there. We’re going to focus on a stationary subject for now.
Vladimir Kostov was early, he knew this. In fact he had planned on it. How early was he? Oh, about four hours.
He was standing in the exact middle of the exiting area of the trains, where all the incoming passengers would eventually come through to get to the exit of the station. A large bouquet of sunflowers was held gently in his arms so as not to rumple or crinkle any of the bright petals. Wrapped snugly around his neck was a pale pick scarf that contrasted greatly with his long dark coat. Gloved fingers absentmindedly stroked one of the sunflower petals. It appeared as if he was dressed for a mild winter, but the signs of late spring or early summer were visible through the doors of the station.
Vladimir didn’t mind though. He could barely feel the heat. He had decided long ago that he would make himself numb to all temperatures. Low and behold, he did. It was amazing what one could do when one merely put in the effort to succeed.
The man was smiling slightly, as he often did. It was when that smile suddenly widened or dropped that you need worry. But as of now that smile was at a safe level, matching his soft ice blue eyes which were shifting every ten minutes or so from the large clock on the wall to the large open doors in front of him. He had been like this for quite some time, merely standing and watching with those flowers held as if the bundle was a human child in his arms.
No one paid him any mind save for the staff, who occasionally threw worried or confused looks in his direction. They found it curious that a man could stand so still for so long seemingly without any purpose but to watch a clock and stare at passengers stepping off the latest train. Saying they found it unnerving would be a light way of putting it.
In the end the staff at the reception desk decided who would have to talk to the strange and somewhat intimidating man with the sunflowers. “Obviously, he’s a foreigner,” one man in a crisp uniform stated. “He probably doesn’t understand what any of the signs mean.”
“But why would he stand there for an hour instead of asking someone?” a fifteen year old staff member whispered back, shaking slightly as he stared across the floor at the man. The poor boy was new to the job and was quite shy. He didn’t want to get involved with any strange foreigners, especially large ones like the one in question.
The first man shrugged. “How am I supposed to know what’s going through his head right now?”—he had his suspicions of course, but they were far off the mark. Vladimir was thinking of gift he had recently given to a very dear friend of his—“All I know is, it’s our job to help people who may need help and that guy looks like he might need help.” He gave the fifteen year old a light nudge with his elbow. “Go get ‘em, Richie.”
“W-why me?”
“Because you need more experience in the field.”
“You’re just making me do it because you’re too scared to!”
“Get out there or I’ll tell the manager you’re not doing your job!” he hissed and shoved the young man from behind the desk, forcing him to leave his safe haven. The boy stumbled a bit and one of his hands latched onto the edge of the desk. He looked from Vladimir to his colleague, a pleading look on his face. He received nothing more than a finger jabbed in the direction of his new charge. Richie gulped quietly and dug his fingers into his uniform. He took short, jerky steps to the tall man in the middle of the exit platform.
Vladimir was staring at the clock and counting the seconds until he would switch his gaze to the platform when he heard a small broken voice somewhere near his right elbow. “C-Can I h-h-help you with s-something, s-sir?” He looked down to find a shivering boy a head and a half shorter than himself with dirty blonde hair and huge green eyes. Vladimir wondered idly in the poor boy was cold. His chattering teeth certainly indicated as such. Oh, but the child had asked him a question.
“Ah, yes.” He answered and was disheartened to see the boy’s shivering become worse. Was he sick? Surely if you were sick enough to shake then you shouldn’t come into work! Perhaps he would retire to his home after their talk. Yes, that would be best, Vladimir decided. “Do you perchance know when the train The Mayflower will be arriving? I find most time schedules somewhat tiring and needlessly confusing. What with the delays and rescheduling. I am never up to date on this information.” He asked kindly, hoping that he had been clear enough in his speech. English had never been one of his favorite languages, but recently he had been trying to improve.
The boy’s shaking seemed to improve slightly. Maybe this guy isn’t so scary, he thought to himself. He looked the tall foreigner up and down, taking in the sunflowers, pink scarf, and smile. He looked like a giant teddy bear…and yet there was something about him, Richie just couldn’t explain. That something prevented him from becoming still and being comfortable with the man.
“T-The Mayflower?” Richie wrinkled his brow slightly when the foreigner nodded his head happily. He had to think for a second. Remembering every train that came through here and at what time was a hard job, one that he thought he would never master. The name sparked a memory from that morning in the staff room. Something about a maiden voyage…the train’s first run. That’s right! The Mayflower was a new fancy deluxe train coming in from Chicago being run for the first time. It was supposed to be a new style of train built for luxury and comfort rather than just transport. You had to have some serious cash to be aboard that train and on its maiden voyage no less…
“U-um…” he thought back to the time tables for today and glanced at the clock on the wall. “I-it’s not due f-for at least another t-two hours.”
Two hours? Vladimir thought. That meant he wasn’t nearly as early as he had intended. The train schedule must have changed again. Oh well, now he wouldn’t have to wait as long for The Mayflower to arrive. This was good news! He smile became much more genuine as he looked down at the boy. He would have to give him something for his help. One of his sunflowers perhaps? Hmm…but they were for someone else. One couldn’t hurt though, right?
“Thank you, Comrade, for your help.” He pulled the smallest flower from his bouquet and handed it over to the boy. “You should go home to rest now. That shaking does not look good.”
Richie took the flower in confusion, wondering what the man was talking about. He was about to reply when a loud voice called across the room, effectively silencing any and all conversation taking place.
“All station personnel, report to the break room immediately!” both he and the foreigner turned to face the owner of that voice. Richie gulped when he saw it was the station manager. Something was wrong, he could just feel it. With one last glance at the man beside him, who smiled at him warmly, Richie hurriedly walked to the break room, finding that all of the others were already there looking at each other in confusion, trying to figure out what was going on.
The manager walked in one minute after him and began in a hard voice, “The station has just received a phone call from a conductor aboard The Mayflower. It appears the train has been hijacked. We have confirmed an explosion on board, before the line was cut. One of the engines may have been blown but we are not certain of this.”
“What!? How do you know?” a lone voice called out in the following silence.
The manager stared coolly at his colleagues. “The Senator’s wife and daughter are being held for a ransom of one hundred million dollars. If the perpetrators do not receive this ransom before twelve o’clock tonight, they will kill the other passengers one by one until they receive the money. The Senator has been notified of the situation and is making his decision as we speak.”
Richie stared at the manger in horror, the sunflower held loosely in his hand. He thought back to the foreigner on the platform. He had been waiting for someone on The Mayflower. Those sunflowers must have been for someone special.
“He’s going to pay them right?” he hadn’t realized he was speaking until the words were already out of his mouth. “H-he wouldn’t let them kill everyone else on the train…would he?”
The others in the room looked from Richie to the manager in silence. The manager was the very epitome of grim as he focused his stare at the boy.
“It is very likely,” he said, “that the ransom will not be paid.”
Back on the platform, Vladimir was humming to himself, thinking of sunflowers and presents, while the most wonderful feeling burned in his heart.
What is going on!? Who are these new characters and why do they matter? Will we find out what's happening on the train? Tune in next time for some answers in next week's new episode of...I'm sorry, I've just always wanted to do that XD
*cough* Anyway, I'm not the best at staying focused when I research stuff, so some things are probably wrong, like I wasn't sure about the whole telephone on a train back then thing...so I went with it. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Yes, TIME SKIPS...'cause everybody loves those *so much sarcasm it hurts* It jumps back and forth, but I'll label each one so it hopefully won't get too confusing.
Point out any spelling or grammar mistakes and I'll give you a cookie! :)
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Cell Block Tango
Um, WARNING?: Implied murder, language?, probably inaccurate translations, crappy stick figure drawings, fail acrobatic poses...the works
Oh my! I cannot tell you how much fun I had making this (I'm a freakin' shut in)! It was hard though...I mean, SEVEN MINUTES!? you have got to be kidding me! I pity animators, I really do...but I love them so. Yeah, the girls are bald because I fail at drawing hair. At least their dresses are pretty!
On to other news...WEAR YOUR SEAT BELTS!!! they save lives!...And pinball...lots of pinball (there's something wrong with me)
I need to finish Zyrdate Anatomy so people can listen to the song to crappy pictures moving around in a white background. I love this hobby of mine. It's my friend.
Song: Cell Block Tango
From: Chicago
No Copyright intended...in case anyone wants to sue me or something.
Oh my! I cannot tell you how much fun I had making this (I'm a freakin' shut in)! It was hard though...I mean, SEVEN MINUTES!? you have got to be kidding me! I pity animators, I really do...but I love them so. Yeah, the girls are bald because I fail at drawing hair. At least their dresses are pretty!
On to other news...WEAR YOUR SEAT BELTS!!! they save lives!...And pinball...lots of pinball (there's something wrong with me)
I need to finish Zyrdate Anatomy so people can listen to the song to crappy pictures moving around in a white background. I love this hobby of mine. It's my friend.
Song: Cell Block Tango
From: Chicago
No Copyright intended...in case anyone wants to sue me or something.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Chapter 1
Establish a Beginning
The only sound in the room was the faint shuffling of papers and the slight come and go of breath in the stale and gloomy air. The room itself was dark and gloomy, so it was not a ‘deeper meaning’ descriptive phrase being used in this context. No. All of the lights were off save for a small lamp resting on the other side of the room, away from the only person inhabiting the tight and fairly depressing space. That said person was kneeling on a thick wooden chair leaning against a black table with many scraps of paper and books thrown about the surface.
Not a very good atmosphere for reading if you ask me. But no one did, so I should not have commented.
She was a small girl with rather short hair, only coming down just below her ears, curling slightly along the ends. Her hair was dark, making it impossible to tell the exact color in this light. Her clothes are nothing worth mentioning though I do suppose I am surprised she is not shivering at the moment, seeing as that room has always been quite drafty. The blinds are shut, preventing any light that might have been outside from sneaking in and illuminating the books and papers fully.
The young girl, Violet, as her name was, did not seem to mind the lack of light though it was somewhat bad for her eyes. In fact, she seemed entirely focused on the materials in front of her, squinting at the small black letters jumbled upon each page. Every once in a while she would smile or frown and move the papers around to begin reading a new scrap. To anyone else there might have been no order to how she placed the papers when she was done with them. But there was a reason for that, though I cannot quite tell you, as I do not know why she placed them in that order myself. I do have some idea, but she and I would both be mistaken if that were the case.
Violet was so absorbed in her study of the books and papers that she did not notice she was no longer alone in the room.
There was a sharp smacking sound near the door as tongue met teeth with an audible click. As I’m sure anyone would, Violet jumped and let out a small squeak, falling back into her chair while hitting the back of her head off the wooden spine of the furniture.
She groaned as she rubbed her head and looked around at the man who had disturbed her in her diligent work. Upon seeing and recognizing the figure in the doorway, Violet sat up straight and clasped her hands in her lap, looking much like a child caught stealing cookies from the cookie jar, if you’ll excuse the overused expression.
“Violet,” a dark voice called from the entrance. Not much could be seen of this new figure, but what could might have sent chills down a sinner’s spine. The man was by no means tall, that much the gloom allowed you to see, but it is not height that intimidates so. Oh no, not usually, though it sometimes plays an important factor. This was not the case, as I have mentioned before. He was fairly thin, dressed in a dark dress suit paired with a tall cane that reached past his hips. White gloves glowed in the darkness. The look of a pure English gentleman would have been complete if he was only wearing a monocle in this left eye and a top hat upon his head. As it was, the man did have a barely concealed English accent. Oh, but I said this man was frightening. It was not the clothes or the voice or figure that might have sent a guilty tremor down your spine.
It was the atmosphere he gave out. When he entered the room a sense of inferiority was draped across your shoulders, weighing you down. It was the feel of never being equal to this man, of never rising in status in his eyes. This man was better than you and he knew it. And he used it. It was a factor that often sparked violence and hatred around him and unconscious despair and depression to spread through the room.
Violet kept her head bowed and a light blush spread across her full cheeks. She could not keep her eyes from darting up and away for the slightest of seconds before dropping back down.
It was silent after the man had spoken her name. Silently and purposefully, yes this man always walked with purpose, he walked to the table scanning the contents with a neutral expression gracing his features. He neither smiled nor frowned, though his right eye twitched almost imperceptibly as his gaze slid over each new book or paper.
Violet had given up on merely stealing glances at the man and was now staring at him fully, nibbling on her lower lip and clasping her hands together in her lap. Her wide eyes shinned, anxiety clear in those bright brown orbs.
The man placed one hand on an old newspaper and began sliding the edges over one another, folding it into a tight, crisp square. Never once did his expression change. It was several moments before he spoke again.
“Violet,” he said, light and casual. “Can you tell me what you are doing with these articles and books?” It wasn’t a question. Not really. This man rarely ever asked questions.
Violet smiled suddenly and resumed her old position on her chair, bringing her knees up and placing her elbows on the table. She either did not see or ignored the man’s right eye twitching at the sight. “I was trying to make sense of it all, Mr. Co-President.” She said in the way only a child could: innocent and naïve. Only a brave or stupid child would not be afraid in this man’s presence.
The man, this Co-President, was obviously used to her behavior or else he might not have acted in the way he did. He began folding another newspaper, hands steady and face smooth.
“Oh? And what has driven you to this?”
Violet’s eyebrows furrowed and her eyes scrunched creating a rather unattractive sight. The Co-President wasn’t looking at her, so he didn’t notice. If he had he surely would have begun twitching again.
“It just doesn’t make any sense. I thought that if I could put the articles and reports in order it would start to become clearer.” The girl stated, looking down at her work. The man had started folding another paper. He didn’t look up from his task when he spoke again.
“And has that been working for you?”
Again, there was that scrunched up face. This time the man twitched.
“No…everything is still all jumbled up.” At this the girl lifted herself onto the table and began crawling around over the papers and books, ignoring the frown and annoyance radiating from the Co-President. “I even started at the beginning!” she said as she stopped near the head of the table where the man had paused in his paper folding. “I just don’t get it.” She mumbled at last, sitting down on the table with a huff and a pout.
The man leaned over the paper she was pointing at and read the large title: “Attack on the Rails! Massacre on the Mayflower!”
“You believe this is the beginning?” the man scoffed as he straightened out and resumed his folding. He was creating a small pile on the corner of the table at this point.
Violet’s pout intensified. “Yeah! There isn’t anything from an earlier date. This has to be it! It’s either that or the attack in the senator’s house…” she said, suddenly sounding unsure. She chewed her bottom lip once again as she looked down at the papers. “But nobody knows what happened in either attacks, so I had to pick the one that was more connected with the other events.”
“You will never become a proper journalist with that mentality, Violet.” He said, meeting her eyes. “Assuming leads to more problems than solutions.”
“Do you know when it started then?” she challenged, crossing her arms in front of her chest.
“There is no such thing as a beginning, Violet, just as there are no endings. The story goes on and on until all those who care are gone. And even then it does not end. You must free your mind of the concept of beginning and end to see the greater picture. You will never understand unless you do so.” He was smiling slightly now.
Violet was silent for a moment as she stared down at the papers. She slowly uncrossed her arms and narrowed her eyes. A thoughtful look now crossed her face. Neither said anything until the Co-President sighed quietly.
“Do remember what I told you before on the train? About interpretations?”
“You mean about black and white?”
“Yes. Do you remember what I told you? Some think of black as evil, for example you could think of black magic or the devil. And yet in other places black is the color of fertile ground, a blessing and a grace. In the case of white, we have the same differences. White for surrender and nothingness. White for ancestors and spirits. It all depends on which point of view you wish to look from.”
Violet seemed confused for a moment before brightening suddenly. “You mean I should look at the characters!” she said excitedly before crawling over to the middle of the table and pulling out several old photographs from a rather large pile. She made her way back to the Co-President and spread them all out in a line. “Now,” she said and one would immediately feel the need to rub their hands together in anticipation. “Which one looks like a main character? Oooh! How about him?” she pointed to a picture on the edge of the group.
The Co-President once again leaned over the table to asses her choice. She was pointing at a black and white picture of a man smirking at the camera, throwing a victory sign up with his right hand. He had incredibly light hair and dark eyes, though the exact color couldn’t be determined from the photograph. The man seemed brimming with confidence and maybe even smugness. The Co-President was smiling as he leaned away from the picture. “Perhaps he could be.” He said lightly.
“Perhaps? No way! Look at that confidence! Only a main character could be that confident.” She was pouting again.
The Co-President raised an eyebrow at her reasoning and pointed to another photograph, this time of a meek woman with thick light hair done up in braids. Her face was dominated by thick and blocky glasses resting low on her nose. “Perhaps she is the main character.” He moved his hand to the next one. “Or perhaps him. Or her. Perhaps they all are main characters.”
“You can only have one main character! They can’t all be at the center.” She said indignantly.
“Perhaps none of them are ‘at the center’ as you put it.”
“B-but you have to have a main character!”
“You are not looking at the big picture, Violet. Free your mind of these trivial concepts and look beyond the common outline. You will find an interconnected web with no center. An edged circle forever rotating. Forever changing.”
Violet was frowning now. “So, this story doesn’t have a beginning, an end, or any main characters? How does it work, though?”
“Just as every story does. You start around the middle and eventually get where you want to be. It is as simple as picking a date on a timeline and proceeding right or left. Eventually, you will find what you are looking for.”
“So where should we start?” she asked, looking around herself at her makeshift timeline.
The Co-President smoothed the folded paper down beneath his hands and said, without taking his eyes from his work, “Wherever you like, just know that it may not be clear from the start. You may have to jump around a bit. Be prepared for stepping out of the normal boundaries.”
“Of course, Mr. Co-President, sir!” she puffed up her chest and crawled back to her original seat, taking in her timeline. After a second or two of doing nothing, she grabbed all of the papers and books and shuffled them about randomly before letting them fall back onto the table. She then closed her eyes and tapped around the table until her hand was met with a newspaper. She opened her eyes and grinned.
She had just found her beginning.
Oh my! A chapter story!?...Perhaps...maybe. I don't know. I think I like this writing style. It's different from my usual stuff.
Feed back would be lovely! And if you point out any grammar mistakes or misspellings I'll love you forever! Wow! This is Long!
The only sound in the room was the faint shuffling of papers and the slight come and go of breath in the stale and gloomy air. The room itself was dark and gloomy, so it was not a ‘deeper meaning’ descriptive phrase being used in this context. No. All of the lights were off save for a small lamp resting on the other side of the room, away from the only person inhabiting the tight and fairly depressing space. That said person was kneeling on a thick wooden chair leaning against a black table with many scraps of paper and books thrown about the surface.
Not a very good atmosphere for reading if you ask me. But no one did, so I should not have commented.
She was a small girl with rather short hair, only coming down just below her ears, curling slightly along the ends. Her hair was dark, making it impossible to tell the exact color in this light. Her clothes are nothing worth mentioning though I do suppose I am surprised she is not shivering at the moment, seeing as that room has always been quite drafty. The blinds are shut, preventing any light that might have been outside from sneaking in and illuminating the books and papers fully.
The young girl, Violet, as her name was, did not seem to mind the lack of light though it was somewhat bad for her eyes. In fact, she seemed entirely focused on the materials in front of her, squinting at the small black letters jumbled upon each page. Every once in a while she would smile or frown and move the papers around to begin reading a new scrap. To anyone else there might have been no order to how she placed the papers when she was done with them. But there was a reason for that, though I cannot quite tell you, as I do not know why she placed them in that order myself. I do have some idea, but she and I would both be mistaken if that were the case.
Violet was so absorbed in her study of the books and papers that she did not notice she was no longer alone in the room.
There was a sharp smacking sound near the door as tongue met teeth with an audible click. As I’m sure anyone would, Violet jumped and let out a small squeak, falling back into her chair while hitting the back of her head off the wooden spine of the furniture.
She groaned as she rubbed her head and looked around at the man who had disturbed her in her diligent work. Upon seeing and recognizing the figure in the doorway, Violet sat up straight and clasped her hands in her lap, looking much like a child caught stealing cookies from the cookie jar, if you’ll excuse the overused expression.
“Violet,” a dark voice called from the entrance. Not much could be seen of this new figure, but what could might have sent chills down a sinner’s spine. The man was by no means tall, that much the gloom allowed you to see, but it is not height that intimidates so. Oh no, not usually, though it sometimes plays an important factor. This was not the case, as I have mentioned before. He was fairly thin, dressed in a dark dress suit paired with a tall cane that reached past his hips. White gloves glowed in the darkness. The look of a pure English gentleman would have been complete if he was only wearing a monocle in this left eye and a top hat upon his head. As it was, the man did have a barely concealed English accent. Oh, but I said this man was frightening. It was not the clothes or the voice or figure that might have sent a guilty tremor down your spine.
It was the atmosphere he gave out. When he entered the room a sense of inferiority was draped across your shoulders, weighing you down. It was the feel of never being equal to this man, of never rising in status in his eyes. This man was better than you and he knew it. And he used it. It was a factor that often sparked violence and hatred around him and unconscious despair and depression to spread through the room.
Violet kept her head bowed and a light blush spread across her full cheeks. She could not keep her eyes from darting up and away for the slightest of seconds before dropping back down.
It was silent after the man had spoken her name. Silently and purposefully, yes this man always walked with purpose, he walked to the table scanning the contents with a neutral expression gracing his features. He neither smiled nor frowned, though his right eye twitched almost imperceptibly as his gaze slid over each new book or paper.
Violet had given up on merely stealing glances at the man and was now staring at him fully, nibbling on her lower lip and clasping her hands together in her lap. Her wide eyes shinned, anxiety clear in those bright brown orbs.
The man placed one hand on an old newspaper and began sliding the edges over one another, folding it into a tight, crisp square. Never once did his expression change. It was several moments before he spoke again.
“Violet,” he said, light and casual. “Can you tell me what you are doing with these articles and books?” It wasn’t a question. Not really. This man rarely ever asked questions.
Violet smiled suddenly and resumed her old position on her chair, bringing her knees up and placing her elbows on the table. She either did not see or ignored the man’s right eye twitching at the sight. “I was trying to make sense of it all, Mr. Co-President.” She said in the way only a child could: innocent and naïve. Only a brave or stupid child would not be afraid in this man’s presence.
The man, this Co-President, was obviously used to her behavior or else he might not have acted in the way he did. He began folding another newspaper, hands steady and face smooth.
“Oh? And what has driven you to this?”
Violet’s eyebrows furrowed and her eyes scrunched creating a rather unattractive sight. The Co-President wasn’t looking at her, so he didn’t notice. If he had he surely would have begun twitching again.
“It just doesn’t make any sense. I thought that if I could put the articles and reports in order it would start to become clearer.” The girl stated, looking down at her work. The man had started folding another paper. He didn’t look up from his task when he spoke again.
“And has that been working for you?”
Again, there was that scrunched up face. This time the man twitched.
“No…everything is still all jumbled up.” At this the girl lifted herself onto the table and began crawling around over the papers and books, ignoring the frown and annoyance radiating from the Co-President. “I even started at the beginning!” she said as she stopped near the head of the table where the man had paused in his paper folding. “I just don’t get it.” She mumbled at last, sitting down on the table with a huff and a pout.
The man leaned over the paper she was pointing at and read the large title: “Attack on the Rails! Massacre on the Mayflower!”
“You believe this is the beginning?” the man scoffed as he straightened out and resumed his folding. He was creating a small pile on the corner of the table at this point.
Violet’s pout intensified. “Yeah! There isn’t anything from an earlier date. This has to be it! It’s either that or the attack in the senator’s house…” she said, suddenly sounding unsure. She chewed her bottom lip once again as she looked down at the papers. “But nobody knows what happened in either attacks, so I had to pick the one that was more connected with the other events.”
“You will never become a proper journalist with that mentality, Violet.” He said, meeting her eyes. “Assuming leads to more problems than solutions.”
“Do you know when it started then?” she challenged, crossing her arms in front of her chest.
“There is no such thing as a beginning, Violet, just as there are no endings. The story goes on and on until all those who care are gone. And even then it does not end. You must free your mind of the concept of beginning and end to see the greater picture. You will never understand unless you do so.” He was smiling slightly now.
Violet was silent for a moment as she stared down at the papers. She slowly uncrossed her arms and narrowed her eyes. A thoughtful look now crossed her face. Neither said anything until the Co-President sighed quietly.
“Do remember what I told you before on the train? About interpretations?”
“You mean about black and white?”
“Yes. Do you remember what I told you? Some think of black as evil, for example you could think of black magic or the devil. And yet in other places black is the color of fertile ground, a blessing and a grace. In the case of white, we have the same differences. White for surrender and nothingness. White for ancestors and spirits. It all depends on which point of view you wish to look from.”
Violet seemed confused for a moment before brightening suddenly. “You mean I should look at the characters!” she said excitedly before crawling over to the middle of the table and pulling out several old photographs from a rather large pile. She made her way back to the Co-President and spread them all out in a line. “Now,” she said and one would immediately feel the need to rub their hands together in anticipation. “Which one looks like a main character? Oooh! How about him?” she pointed to a picture on the edge of the group.
The Co-President once again leaned over the table to asses her choice. She was pointing at a black and white picture of a man smirking at the camera, throwing a victory sign up with his right hand. He had incredibly light hair and dark eyes, though the exact color couldn’t be determined from the photograph. The man seemed brimming with confidence and maybe even smugness. The Co-President was smiling as he leaned away from the picture. “Perhaps he could be.” He said lightly.
“Perhaps? No way! Look at that confidence! Only a main character could be that confident.” She was pouting again.
The Co-President raised an eyebrow at her reasoning and pointed to another photograph, this time of a meek woman with thick light hair done up in braids. Her face was dominated by thick and blocky glasses resting low on her nose. “Perhaps she is the main character.” He moved his hand to the next one. “Or perhaps him. Or her. Perhaps they all are main characters.”
“You can only have one main character! They can’t all be at the center.” She said indignantly.
“Perhaps none of them are ‘at the center’ as you put it.”
“B-but you have to have a main character!”
“You are not looking at the big picture, Violet. Free your mind of these trivial concepts and look beyond the common outline. You will find an interconnected web with no center. An edged circle forever rotating. Forever changing.”
Violet was frowning now. “So, this story doesn’t have a beginning, an end, or any main characters? How does it work, though?”
“Just as every story does. You start around the middle and eventually get where you want to be. It is as simple as picking a date on a timeline and proceeding right or left. Eventually, you will find what you are looking for.”
“So where should we start?” she asked, looking around herself at her makeshift timeline.
The Co-President smoothed the folded paper down beneath his hands and said, without taking his eyes from his work, “Wherever you like, just know that it may not be clear from the start. You may have to jump around a bit. Be prepared for stepping out of the normal boundaries.”
“Of course, Mr. Co-President, sir!” she puffed up her chest and crawled back to her original seat, taking in her timeline. After a second or two of doing nothing, she grabbed all of the papers and books and shuffled them about randomly before letting them fall back onto the table. She then closed her eyes and tapped around the table until her hand was met with a newspaper. She opened her eyes and grinned.
She had just found her beginning.
Oh my! A chapter story!?...Perhaps...maybe. I don't know. I think I like this writing style. It's different from my usual stuff.
Feed back would be lovely! And if you point out any grammar mistakes or misspellings I'll love you forever! Wow! This is Long!
Sunday, September 5, 2010
"These brakes SUCK!!!"
I finally drove yesterday! In our new car to be exact. I was so scared I would wreck it and then we would have to get another car. It was soooooo FUN though! I was freaking out when cars were behind me though and I kept muttering to myself, wishing they would just pass me since I was only going 40 in a 55 mph zone. I drove all the way to the Eden building in Knox(ish) where mom made me do a donut so I could get used to slow turning, because I frankly suck at that.
Those brakes are so touchy! You barely have to use any pressure and you slam into a stop. I kept using a lot of pressure because it didn't feel like I was pushing on the brakes hard enough, so there were some jerky stops. Mom drove to Cranberry and we saw a movie starring 50 year olds waaaay past their prime (The Expendables...I found it hilarious...Stallone running...PFFFT!). After the movie I got to drive around the back parking lot and practice my turns and blinker usage and staying on my side of the road (it must be easier in Europe, because I don't like the right side of the road, I don't know why). I'll tell you one thing though: I'm a damn good parker. One time I parked in the very center of a space! Never once was I crooked. I felt so proud of myself. So far, i think I've only made mom fear for her life twice and that involved a fast turn and a hard stop. I'm doin' pretty good! I can't wait to drive the van (I've driven it once and I think i might have liked it better than the car)
Driving is scary as hell, but so addicting and fun it's crazy!
Those brakes are so touchy! You barely have to use any pressure and you slam into a stop. I kept using a lot of pressure because it didn't feel like I was pushing on the brakes hard enough, so there were some jerky stops. Mom drove to Cranberry and we saw a movie starring 50 year olds waaaay past their prime (The Expendables...I found it hilarious...Stallone running...PFFFT!). After the movie I got to drive around the back parking lot and practice my turns and blinker usage and staying on my side of the road (it must be easier in Europe, because I don't like the right side of the road, I don't know why). I'll tell you one thing though: I'm a damn good parker. One time I parked in the very center of a space! Never once was I crooked. I felt so proud of myself. So far, i think I've only made mom fear for her life twice and that involved a fast turn and a hard stop. I'm doin' pretty good! I can't wait to drive the van (I've driven it once and I think i might have liked it better than the car)
Driving is scary as hell, but so addicting and fun it's crazy!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Mark It Up
WARNING: Strong Language (f**k, s**t, and so on), crappy pictures, crudely drawn organs (brain & hearts, that look nothing like the actual organs), and unimaginative scenes. I think that's it. Enjoy!
I was running on a night high when I made this so that's why it's pretty crappy...or I'm just crappy in general...that's probably it. Anyway, this video features three of Theo's 'children': Andrea, Scott, and Antonio. Theo is hiding from Andrea because she's a psycho...yeah. Scott and Antonio hate each other and secretly wish Theo would die so they could take over in his place.
I'll post the full story one of these days so someone other than me knows the characters and the story...maybe then it'll make more sense. This is one of my favorite songs from the Genetic Opera, this and Zydrate Anatomy. I think I'm going to do a video of Zydrate Anatomy featuring Atil and Agniatil...and Andrea. Pfft! That should be fun, though I think I might try a background with that one. I'm still experimenting with Paint and MovieMaker, you see.
If you didn't see in the video:
Song: Mark it up
From: Repo! The Genetic Opera
I was running on a night high when I made this so that's why it's pretty crappy...or I'm just crappy in general...that's probably it. Anyway, this video features three of Theo's 'children': Andrea, Scott, and Antonio. Theo is hiding from Andrea because she's a psycho...yeah. Scott and Antonio hate each other and secretly wish Theo would die so they could take over in his place.
I'll post the full story one of these days so someone other than me knows the characters and the story...maybe then it'll make more sense. This is one of my favorite songs from the Genetic Opera, this and Zydrate Anatomy. I think I'm going to do a video of Zydrate Anatomy featuring Atil and Agniatil...and Andrea. Pfft! That should be fun, though I think I might try a background with that one. I'm still experimenting with Paint and MovieMaker, you see.
If you didn't see in the video:
Song: Mark it up
From: Repo! The Genetic Opera
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Yay! Today was actually alright! But it's a Wednesday, what should I expect? Anyway, pretty eventful day we have here...Jordan's birthday (really 17? you don't look a day over 16!), third day of school (probably the best so far), and I got my driving permit (I can legally drive now!).
Sorry Jordan, I wish I had something for you, but I've been busy the last few days and I haven't had many creativity flashes lately :( I'll draw that comic of Glenn Beck and his chalkboard for you in your planner or something. Just expect it to come out sarcastic and stupid, because I hate Glenn Beck and Fox News. You can look forward to that I guess. I have some money lying around, maybe I could give you some of that...which reminds me, I'm going to have to talk to my aunt about a work schedule...hmm. Maybe I'll pump something out for you soon, just don't get your hopes up.
I love French. Sharing class with a bunch of 9th Graders who think they own the world is annoying, but I have Taylor and Lauren with me so we'll work through it. Today we started trying to talk in conversations, which was basically a recap from the very first French class we took 3 years ago. It's sad to say we know more Spanish than French and keep getting the languages confused: "Como esta?" "No, Lauren, that's Spanish." So many flashbacks to 8th grade! And we had a discussion at our table about how Canadian French isn't any more French than Mexican Spanish is Spanish...or American English is English (we didn't butcher the language...we improved it). We also learned about the differences between the feminine and masculine stresses or pronunciations...also Patrick was the only American in the book and he was from Boston, but Stephenie wasn't from Paris, she was from Fort de France. Also, it's very easy to sound seductive in French...I didn't mean it Taylor! I promise! I only said Hello! Oh, and I taught Lauren how to say a casual hello in Russian. So many languages in French class! Frankie can speak about five languages...it's so cool.
Sorry Jordan, I wish I had something for you, but I've been busy the last few days and I haven't had many creativity flashes lately :( I'll draw that comic of Glenn Beck and his chalkboard for you in your planner or something. Just expect it to come out sarcastic and stupid, because I hate Glenn Beck and Fox News. You can look forward to that I guess. I have some money lying around, maybe I could give you some of that...which reminds me, I'm going to have to talk to my aunt about a work schedule...hmm. Maybe I'll pump something out for you soon, just don't get your hopes up.
I love French. Sharing class with a bunch of 9th Graders who think they own the world is annoying, but I have Taylor and Lauren with me so we'll work through it. Today we started trying to talk in conversations, which was basically a recap from the very first French class we took 3 years ago. It's sad to say we know more Spanish than French and keep getting the languages confused: "Como esta?" "No, Lauren, that's Spanish." So many flashbacks to 8th grade! And we had a discussion at our table about how Canadian French isn't any more French than Mexican Spanish is Spanish...or American English is English (we didn't butcher the language...we improved it). We also learned about the differences between the feminine and masculine stresses or pronunciations...also Patrick was the only American in the book and he was from Boston, but Stephenie wasn't from Paris, she was from Fort de France. Also, it's very easy to sound seductive in French...I didn't mean it Taylor! I promise! I only said Hello! Oh, and I taught Lauren how to say a casual hello in Russian. So many languages in French class! Frankie can speak about five languages...it's so cool.
French Class,
Happy Birthday,
Learning French
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Shut Up!
I should be sleeping right now! (it's almost 11 and tomorrow's the first day of school) I just wanted to post this before I go to bed, because It's my first song thing...does this qualify as an AMV? I don't know. Anyway, I just thought this song would be perfect for these two because they hate each other and what not. I tried fitting the lines with the what the characters thought about each other. i think it worked out pretty well :)
Song: Shut up
Artist: Simple Plan
Hopefully this doesn't turn out super blurry like the other ones.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
^ w ^
I'm better now, don't worry! No more rants until school starts because then I'm sure I'll have something to complain about. I just thought of something. Every year my homeroom teacher is messed up (as in not the right grade, or something else) This year I actually have a homeroom teacher that actually teaches my grade! It's so exciting, though I had him for a home room teacher last year...
Anyway, here's the list:
7th Grade----> Mr. Chambers (8th Grade teacher)
8th Grade----> Mrs. McGiffin (7th Grade teacher)
9th Grade----> Mr. Witkowski (8th Grade teacher)
10th Grade----> Mr. Warner (11th Grade teacher)
11th Grade----> Mr. Warner (11th Grade teacher)
Weird huh? I've been stuck with most of the guy teachers too and they're always a bit...eccentric (for lack of a better term). It should be interesting (last year certainly was). I'm still glad I'm not doing the trout thing though...I would be bored out of my mind and probably end up killing the fish about a month into the school year. Most of my friends are in the trout class, but that's okay. I use homeroom to doodle in my planner and get done with forgotten homework. I don't have a single study hall this year! At least, not that I know of... I'm so excited, even though I have two math classes this year. Better to just get all the math over with and focus on funner topics senior year. That's the plan at least. I FINALLY got French 1 this year! *does a happy dance* I've only been trying for about 3 years! Let's cheer for the Language of Love~ *cheers* Though I hear Spanish is actually a lot easier to learn if English is your first language...oh well.
I'm happy, can you tell?
Anyway, here's the list:
7th Grade----> Mr. Chambers (8th Grade teacher)
8th Grade----> Mrs. McGiffin (7th Grade teacher)
9th Grade----> Mr. Witkowski (8th Grade teacher)
10th Grade----> Mr. Warner (11th Grade teacher)
11th Grade----> Mr. Warner (11th Grade teacher)
Weird huh? I've been stuck with most of the guy teachers too and they're always a bit...eccentric (for lack of a better term). It should be interesting (last year certainly was). I'm still glad I'm not doing the trout thing though...I would be bored out of my mind and probably end up killing the fish about a month into the school year. Most of my friends are in the trout class, but that's okay. I use homeroom to doodle in my planner and get done with forgotten homework. I don't have a single study hall this year! At least, not that I know of... I'm so excited, even though I have two math classes this year. Better to just get all the math over with and focus on funner topics senior year. That's the plan at least. I FINALLY got French 1 this year! *does a happy dance* I've only been trying for about 3 years! Let's cheer for the Language of Love~ *cheers* Though I hear Spanish is actually a lot easier to learn if English is your first language...oh well.
I'm happy, can you tell?
Thursday, August 26, 2010
I need a hug
This week has just been...arrrgh! so frustrating! The only good thing that happened was me finally getting my schedule figured out for this year.
*huge sigh* (prepare for the rant)
The first thing that has made me hate this week: CONSTRUCTION. All of the roads that i use most have now turned into one laners, and that means it takes about ten minutes to actually get out of the construction zone only to wind up in another. It was particularly frustrating when I had to go back and forth between my house and Clarion yesterday. It didn't help when a huge truck was having trouble going up the hill by my house and they actually had to stop all traffic going by. We were so close to the house I could have walked there and mom was freaking out because we couldn't see the truck over the hill and we had no idea what was going on. People were PISSED and pissed people make annoying drivers.
Second thing: the WEATHER. It was complete and total crap Monday and Tuesday and I had to work in it because I was taking Wednesday off for an appointment. If I'm sick the first week of school I know why. Grandma was annoying me the whole time too. I took arguing with myself to a whole new level on whether or not I should go inside. I said screw it and got sprayed with on and off rain. I am an idiot.
Third thing: I'm a FAILURE. Yesterday was terrible. I found out I'm a B**ch/A**hole/scumbag and I actually cried a little. I don't want to talk about it. It just sucked so much.
Fourth thing: INJURIES. Simon's coming home. Usually that would be a good thing, but it's not. Turns out he got hurt and his shoulder's really bad or something. I think he got a year rehabilitation. It's bad because there's absolutely nothing for him to do here, and he's never really worked for anything before, so I doubt he'll want to go back to the Navy. We'll have to take out loans for a college because I know mom and dad won't let him live here forever. I don't hate my brother, really. He just doesn't care enough to actually try at things. He's probably just going to sit around being useless when he gets back. (I am in a really bad mood, can you tell?)
Fifth thing: DOCTORS. My doctors didn't sign my physical papers and now I have to go all the way to Butler to get a lady who didn't even fill my physical out right to sign the stupid paper so i can get one step closer to actually driving a car. I don't know whose fault it is, the trainee that did it or the actual doctor that did everything twice. Either way I don't like either of them.
Sorry that was a keyboard smash to try and relieve some stress. It didn't help much.
I hope you're having a much better week than I am.
*huge sigh* (prepare for the rant)
The first thing that has made me hate this week: CONSTRUCTION. All of the roads that i use most have now turned into one laners, and that means it takes about ten minutes to actually get out of the construction zone only to wind up in another. It was particularly frustrating when I had to go back and forth between my house and Clarion yesterday. It didn't help when a huge truck was having trouble going up the hill by my house and they actually had to stop all traffic going by. We were so close to the house I could have walked there and mom was freaking out because we couldn't see the truck over the hill and we had no idea what was going on. People were PISSED and pissed people make annoying drivers.
Second thing: the WEATHER. It was complete and total crap Monday and Tuesday and I had to work in it because I was taking Wednesday off for an appointment. If I'm sick the first week of school I know why. Grandma was annoying me the whole time too. I took arguing with myself to a whole new level on whether or not I should go inside. I said screw it and got sprayed with on and off rain. I am an idiot.
Third thing: I'm a FAILURE. Yesterday was terrible. I found out I'm a B**ch/A**hole/scumbag and I actually cried a little. I don't want to talk about it. It just sucked so much.
Fourth thing: INJURIES. Simon's coming home. Usually that would be a good thing, but it's not. Turns out he got hurt and his shoulder's really bad or something. I think he got a year rehabilitation. It's bad because there's absolutely nothing for him to do here, and he's never really worked for anything before, so I doubt he'll want to go back to the Navy. We'll have to take out loans for a college because I know mom and dad won't let him live here forever. I don't hate my brother, really. He just doesn't care enough to actually try at things. He's probably just going to sit around being useless when he gets back. (I am in a really bad mood, can you tell?)
Fifth thing: DOCTORS. My doctors didn't sign my physical papers and now I have to go all the way to Butler to get a lady who didn't even fill my physical out right to sign the stupid paper so i can get one step closer to actually driving a car. I don't know whose fault it is, the trainee that did it or the actual doctor that did everything twice. Either way I don't like either of them.
Sorry that was a keyboard smash to try and relieve some stress. It didn't help much.
I hope you're having a much better week than I am.
Monday, August 23, 2010
A Different Version
Hush little baby don't say a word,
Mama's gonna buy you a mocking bird.
And if that mocking bird don't sing,
Mama's gonna buy you a diamond ring.
And if that diamond ring don't shine,
Mama's gonna buy herself a bottle of wine.
And when that wine does her some good,
Mama's gonna buy you a riding hood.
And if that riding hood won't fit,
Mama's gonna have to re-sew it.
And if that riding hood does tear,
Mama's gonna get you a juicy pear.
And if that juicy pear ain't sweet,
Mama's gonna get you some other treat.
And if by then you still won't sleep,
Mama's gonna get you a bed of sheep.
And if you still won't close you eyes,
Mama won't tell you any lies.
She'll lean in close and whisper to you,
"Mama's gonna love you whatever you do."
...because I honestly don't know the original version past the Diamond Ring turning brass. :D
Mama's gonna buy you a mocking bird.
And if that mocking bird don't sing,
Mama's gonna buy you a diamond ring.
And if that diamond ring don't shine,
Mama's gonna buy herself a bottle of wine.
And when that wine does her some good,
Mama's gonna buy you a riding hood.
And if that riding hood won't fit,
Mama's gonna have to re-sew it.
And if that riding hood does tear,
Mama's gonna get you a juicy pear.
And if that juicy pear ain't sweet,
Mama's gonna get you some other treat.
And if by then you still won't sleep,
Mama's gonna get you a bed of sheep.
And if you still won't close you eyes,
Mama won't tell you any lies.
She'll lean in close and whisper to you,
"Mama's gonna love you whatever you do."
...because I honestly don't know the original version past the Diamond Ring turning brass. :D
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